Do you Believe In lifetime Punishment in Hell?
@mj_gomez24720 (13)
6 responses

@bird123 (10658)
• United States
18 Sep 10
For God to be able to create universes, He must be very very smart. So THINK!!!!! Would hell really be the smart thing to do???? Wouldn't education be a much better choice??? God is very capable of handling a few wayward kids. Only a monster fries their children. Monsters are never smart. Mankind always wants to punish and destroy. To understand God you must THINK SMART!!! Remember Brains will always win in the end.
@spiderlizard22 (3444)
• United States
20 Sep 10
No. No crime is worthy of infinite punishment. It is one thing to punish for a long time but another to punish forever. Does anyone realize how long forever is? Forever is never ending. It never ends. Think of being in a jail cell and never getting out.
@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
18 Sep 10
Where is Hell and what is Hell? Is it the Poem Dante's Inferno which is what most sermons are patterned after thanks to the Holy Roman Catholic Church. It was very convenient of Dante to write the Love poem to Beatrice lamenting his love for her and the fact that the Church would not give him a divorce so that he could marry her. In his poem he put the church's hierarchy in various levels of Hell to punish them for their sins of the day. I had to translate it when I was in High School. It is an awesome poem, but that is not reality.
The current Pope recently "Spoke From the Chair" and announced that Hell was a "physical place". What happens at some point in the future when the earth implodes like all planets eventually do. Where would Hell go? To Hell?
"Heaven and Hell" as we call them are not physical places. If anything they are states of being. When we die and meet our Creator, we come face to face with Reality for the first time ever. How we face that reality decides our eternity. Do we face up to our lifetime of transgressions and ask forgiveness or do we harden our hearts and turn our backs? If we choose to humble ourselves and face up and ask forgiveness we will spend eternity in the presence of our Creator...Whatever that really means only those who have gone before know. If we chose arrogance and a hard heart we lose that presence, which would be Hell in my book.
I do not think that that will be the last chance though. I think that when mankind's time on earth there will be a final day of reckoning and those who turned away will get another chance. HaShem is a loving G'd.
@bisonpowers (26)
19 Sep 10
Yea that is pretty scary!
On a serious note I find it hard to believe that a 'grand creator' hasn't got better things to do with their time than torture its own creation. I think humans can be pretty arrogant to believe we are important at all enough to be judged! After-all would you spend you time judging and punishing a tadpole for eternity?
And supposed the creator is not using its own time because it has infinite ability and time is no barrier - would it not be more of a punishment if you were just done away with completely, soul and all - seems like hell is awfully convenient for organised religion but not to handy for the creator.
Is the creator not a compassionate entity because sorry but I have no respect for an entity that enforces the supposed law through suffering and fear! Sounds more like something Hitler would do?
I would like to believe their is a creator out there, but I would also like to believe that human concepts like evil and good are to insignificant for it to bother with.