problem wid help plzzzzzzzzz!!!

September 18, 2010 9:27am CST
guys i have been trying to register to this site ..but am unable to .. actually..i have the same email as my paypal email adresss.... so wen i signed up in that site it asked me for my email add.. i gave it then it asked for my paypal email addres ..this was the same address as my email id then wen i clikd register said that i got to verify my email addresses in order to login.. i chkd my gmail inbox.. i had two mails .. 1.. sayin verify ur email address and 2. sayin verify your paypal email address. i clikd on the first one . and got a code to verify.. this id got verifies .. and when i clikdo n the 2nd one .. copied the code and tried to paste said that email already verifies .. i knw cuz this was the same email that i used to verify my email add.. so now guys until i verify both the ids . m unable to login.. so now wat to do .. how did u register to this site ( if u r a member ) did u use different email ids for paypal and for ur email id..
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