I am a new dad with my first baby.

September 18, 2010 12:25pm CST
My question is that what month does the baby change her cylce of sleep and wake so that we can sleep both well and play in the morning. Its his 2nd month right now and still she is awake early am and asleep through out the day. So how long will it be? She starts around 2am until early morning around 6 will cry and I have to carry her to stop crying, whew she just wanted to be held at those times. And please if you have some advice about parenting it would be a great help for me.
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17 responses
• Canada
19 Sep 10
Hi Pangyam, Congratulations on becoming anew Dad! Every child is different. I had four children and they were all different when it came to sleeping patterns. Babies usually sleep through the night about six months old, but this depends on many things, one being individuality. I suggest that you look at the baby's feeding pattern, at two months they should be drinking 120-180 ml or 4-6 oz per feeding and roughly about 700 ml - 1 L or 23 to 35 oz per day. I always found with my children that they did not sleep through the night until they we close to reaching this goal. Also make sure baby is burped well after all feedings especially the last on before bed. When baby starts sleeping through the night she will be awake more during the day but will still need naps. Some children also just need more cuddling then others and if you find that your little one doesn't seem to be hungry and isn't wet she just may need more cuddling. Saying all that, I'd like to add that it is rare for a two month old to sleep through the night and although it seems hard this stage will be over before you know it. Enjoy it while it lasts. Hope this helps. :)
• Philippines
19 Sep 10
i'm enjoying these moments with my baby, thanks for the suggestions. right now she drinks about 3 oz every 2 1/2 hours. i usually notice when she's not burped well she can't sleep well. i won't notice that these sleeping pattern will change eventually, this baby experience will be fast in no time. and it will be only be memories, that's why want to enjoy and experience while it lasts. thanks for all that responded. :)
@yurijhel (57)
• Hong Kong
19 Sep 10
It is like that. The sleeping pattern changes as the baby grows. Take time and enjoy that moment although it tiring because you gonna miss that very moment of your life. Take time to look at your baby in his/her early stage of life. Congrats.
• Philippines
19 Sep 10
thank you yurijhel.
@kaka135 (14934)
• Malaysia
18 Sep 10
Congratulations! I suppose every baby is different. My baby used to sleep very late at night even though when he was just a newborn baby. He slept about 12am, and he still woke up quite early. I've been reading books or articles about letting baby sleep well, but I still failed to let him sleep early. But, when he was about 6 months old, he started to sleep a bit earlier, perhaps 10 something at night. Also, my son just stopped drinking milk in the middle of the night when he was more than 1 year old. I have friends that their babies could sleep through the whole night since they were new born babies. So, I suppose this really depends individually. But I believe when the baby grows older, he or she can sleep better. Perhaps you can try some techniques to make your baby sleep better at night, try to massage her before she sleeps, I read that it really helps. Enjoy being a father! ^_^
• Philippines
19 Sep 10
thanks kaka, i'll try your suggestion of massaging her before she sleeps. wow so you can sleep with your baby at night very well without waking up in the middle of the night.
@doormouse (4599)
19 Sep 10
congrats on the baby,but no one will be able to tell you when her sleep pattern will change,as every baby is so different,i have 3 kids,my oldest only started sleeping through the night when he was 3 years old,my second slept through at 2 months old,and my youngest still does'nt sleep through the night and he's nearly 9 years old,,not all kids do this so don't worry,if you have any concerns or need advice then you can speak to a health care proffesional,we have health visitors here,but not sure what they are called where you live
• Philippines
19 Sep 10
funny i'm a nurse, but i did not continue working as a nurse so i don't have experince on pedia. its a hand on experience for me. yup i don't just rely on myself even though i'm a registered nurse in our country, because i want my baby to be taken well of, we usually consult with our pediatrician doctor, its usually the same here, you can consult on health care professionals.
18 Sep 10
Hello pangyam. May I first say cangratulations on becoming a father! I have two daughters of my own and from my experience I have to say that no child is the same as the next. My first daughter was sleeping through the night at six weeks old and had just one nap during the day. My second daughter is two years old and hardly ever goes all night without her cying for my company. It is exhausting, but eventually you will find a routine. My advice to you is to try and enjoy those moments in the middle of the night. When everyone else is sleeping it's just you and your baby, your baby needs you so appreciate the extra time she needs you. That's the way I deal with my daughters sleeping problem. The moments I have with her in the night are the sweetest and most precious memories I will have of her as a young child. Your baby isn't doing this to make you tired, so just be calm with her now and appreciate everything about her now. Kids grow up so quickly so take these moments in the night as meaning something special.
• Philippines
19 Sep 10
thank you beautyfactor, so everybody agrees, it really depends on each baby about their sleeping pattern. it's exhausting getting up and carrying her in my arms but when i see her smiling my exhaustion disappears. i'll make all of these times precious in my memories because you are right kids do grow up fast. its quite funny because in the middle of the night just the two of us, i do things like singing to her even if i'm out of tune and talking to her, its ok, nobody hears my funny singing just the two of us, if only she can talk she would say daddy stop singing. :)
• Philippines
19 Sep 10
Hi! I experience that way in my nephews...but one thing i can advice you is that...it is normal and it will change as times goes on. Only I know is that they are different! My nephew is sleep every morning and woke up every night! So it is a matter of time and patience / love just to care your baby!
• Philippines
19 Sep 10
thanks princejhaizee for your reply.
@youless (112838)
• Guangzhou, China
19 Sep 10
I can understand your difficulties to be a new dad. It is always not easy to take care of your baby. My son also made troubles when he was a baby. We were often awake because he cried at night. At that time we often took him outside. It seemed that he wouldn't cry when he was outside, this is so amazing. This situation lasted about half a year. After your baby is 6 months old, I think everything will become easier. I love China
• Philippines
18 Sep 10
Congratulations! Try to use dim lights or lamps during bedtime, just enough light. Make the room relaxing as possible, no noise. During day time, play with her, talk to her. Try setting the room depending on the time of the day. If it's daytime, a little noise around the house, like television/radio is on. Hope it helps.
• Philippines
19 Sep 10
i'll try to use the dim lights at night usually my lights are always on because of the task of every 2 1/2 hours of feeding milk and burping, i usually play classical music for her when she's sleeping, it seems it helps her to fall asleep also and in some research it helps on her brain development also i wanted her to be inclined in music. by the way my baby is a girl she's my profile picture.
@bingskee (5234)
• Philippines
19 Sep 10
hello to you new dad! first and foremost, congratulations! you will be in a challenging journey. it usually lasts until the third month but babies are not the same. some babies have this habit until later. always consult your pedia when something seems not right. babies are fragile.
@shia88 (4570)
• Malaysia
20 Sep 10
Hi, First I would like to congratulate you being a new daddy. Be patience...I do feel change in my life dramatically when I first being a mother for my son. I have sleepless night for the first few months, have to learn on changing diapers,how to hug a baby, bath him,etc. It seem your baby is awake at night and prefer to sleep in day time. It is a hard time for you and your wife as both of you need rest at night. Take a shift in taking care of your baby. Let's set a schedule maybe you take care of your baby from 12-3am and then from 3-6am is taking over by your wife. Of course, during day time, you may consider employ a nanny to help you guys up. Try not to always carry your baby in your arm,it will be a habit and you will having hard time to put her down in the bed at night. You can play with your baby while lying him on the bed, or get a musical toy to accompany him ,which can attract his attention. Get some baby musical vcds and play it at night before sleep. Hope your hard night will go away soon. Enjoy your fatherhood!!
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
27 Sep 10
First off, congratulations on being a first time Dad. It seems like it was just yesterday that my husband and I were first time parents ourselves. That said, with my daughter when she was very small and would wake during the night, I would try to feed her in the dark and not turn on lights and such because that kept her from waking up too much. After she ate I would put her back to bed. By doing it that way it was only a couple of months before she was sleeping through the night (6-7 hours straight) and was spending more time during the day awake.
• United Arab Emirates
18 Sep 10
wow....congratulations. I am so happy for you. i am just waiting to see those days when i will become a dad. I am in the UAE and will go for a holiday in december. I am planning for a family soon.
• Philippines
18 Sep 10
thanks edwardjoy, just starting my parenthood life and its really great, good to hear also that you are planning for a family soon. you will soon experience what i've experienced, can't describe the feeling when your first baby comes out.. where are you going for a holiday this december edjoy?
• China
19 Sep 10
so glad to hear that. just have a good and happy family for you . but i have not already one child. and no gf too. come on . i hope you could have a second boy or girl child for you life.
• Netherlands
19 Sep 10
Congratulations because your a new father now... Please take care of your baby because baby is so fragile from 0-1 year old... Just do your best to become a good dad.. :)
• Philippines
19 Sep 10
Well, congratulations on your new baby! :) When my baby was still months old, he used to have different sleeping patterns. For example this week, he will be up from 5am till 10am and on the next two weeks, he would be up from 8 pm till 12 am. So I guess, from time to time, while the baby is growing, his sleeping pattern changes. But when my baby reached 5 months, that was when he started to have a fixed sleeping pattern, which was night time. Yes, a baby wants to be near his/her parents all the time. They say, it's the smell of his/her parents that he's looking for. I thought that as weird and strange before but it really was true with my baby. When my baby was still a month old, he used to cry a lot when I was not on his side and when I would pick him up and put him on my side, his crying would stop. I can't help but laugh when I remember that. Being a parent really is a great gift. It's kinda hard but enjoyable and fun, especially when your baby starts to learn to smile at you. It's really a wonderful feeling, especially for a mom. But you, you're a great dad because it's you who carry her to stop her from crying. It's you who take care of her during the wee hours of the morning. Well, I have few advice: Always check her diaper if it's wet. Sometimes a baby cries because of that. Sometimes, a baby couldn't sleep because of the noise or discomfort. Try to put on some music like lullabies, but keep it in a low volume. I used to do that to my baby and it was effective. Keep track of his feeding time, he/she also wakes up because he/she might feel hungry. Be sure to always make her burp after every feed because a baby also cries when he/she was not able to burp and he/she suffers from stomach ache. Be sure to put manzanilla on her stomach always. That would help lessen the air in her stomach that causes her pain. I never forget that on my baby. Make sure when she sleeps, her pillow is not too low and not too high. Always make sure that she's comfortable with what she's wearing. Don't use Downy or fabric conditioner on her clothes. She's still too young for that. She might feel itchy. Well, I guess those are the things I've never forgotten because I used to keep them in mind always when my baby was still months old. Goodluck and happy parenting!:)
@garneta (185)
• Philippines
19 Sep 10
They say the sleeping cucle of the baby will change when he or she's 3 months old. Congratulation to you new dad,its a nice feeling having a baby right? I also gave birth last june to a cute baby boy. Just like your baby he's asleep on day time and awake at night, thats why i and my partner alternate in taking care of him,i will sleep for two hours then he will look after the baby and will do the same. Being a parent is not an easy task but when you held your baby in your arms you felt an unexplainable feeling. Enjoy while she's still a baby because time flies fast and she'll grow up faster.
• Venezuela
19 Sep 10
My baby has 4 months old, and she wake up 2:00 a.m. or 4:00 a.m., but i give her the milk and thats it! sleeping again! always she wake up for food.