allergic but do you still eat it

@doormouse (4599)
September 18, 2010 4:45pm CST
i'm mildly allergic to nuts and spicey food,when i eat these things my symptoms aren't bad,with spicey things my tongue and throat get hot and they sting,and i feel a nauseas,when i eat more than a handfull of nuts my stomach bloats out and i get cramps for hours afterwards,,i haven't always been like this,it's only been since i developed M.E and Fibromyalgia,i used to eat hot curries and chillies all the time,i loved them,i still do love them but i just can't eat the hot ones,so i stick to mild dishes,but i still react to it it's just not as bad,i know i shouldn't really eat them but they taste so good,,i've just eaten a few hot and spicy crisps,and i feel really sick now and my throat is burning,but i really fancied a packet,and the few i managed to eat were lovely
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22 responses
@formidexo (1351)
• Canada
19 Sep 10
I can appreciate how you feel as I am on a restricted diet due to digestive problems that led to esophagus problems and have to deal with chronic heartburn whether I eat or refrain. There are so many food that I can't eat anymore and how I miss them. Yesterday I was visiting my father and they were eating baked lasagna with peperoni and it looked so good and smelled so good but all I could do was watch them enjoy themselves and I had to eat different foods. But I feel good I resisted as I know what those foods will do to me. Ah, the good old days!
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@doormouse (4599)
19 Sep 10
well done for resisting,would youj still get ill even if you just licked the food,coz if not then you could still enjoy the food without actually swallowing it
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• United States
18 Sep 10
I am highly allergic to any type of seafood and since it was discovered I keep far far away. Luckily for me I was already in the hospital when I was injected with cat scan dye which it's ingredients are from fish oil and I went into shock. I could no longer breath, my neck swelled and I was paralyzed all over. This quite an experience so I keep all fishy including live one away from me.
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@doormouse (4599)
18 Sep 10
that's the best place to find out your allergic to something i suppose,thankfully they were there,if they hadn't have been who knows what might of happened
• United States
19 Sep 10
Many people think they can tempt me into trying and eating sea food and I completely refuse as it was quite an experience and I do not to put myself at risk for a supposed yummy dish.
@AmbiePam (96282)
• United States
19 Sep 10
My dad used to eat shrimp and other seafood just fine. Then one night when he was out of state at a conference, he had shrimp when he went out to dinner with some colleagues. Within 30 minutes his face and throat were swelling. They had to take him to the ER. Turns out he was alllergic to fish. He asked how that was possible to be able to eat it all the time, then when he was 50 to suddenly be allergic. They didn't know. A couple years later he ate a salad at someone's house and his throat starting closing up again. He couldn't figure out what caused it until someone told him the hostess had put in tiny bits of shrimp in the salad. So it wasn't a fluke. He really is allergic to the stuff.
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@doormouse (4599)
19 Sep 10
your poor dad,it's weird how allergies can come on at any stage of life isn't it
@ElicBxn (63782)
• United States
20 Sep 10
I have to eat food I'm allergic to, because if I don't, I wouldn't have anything to eat at all I don't however, eat certain foods: corn, peppers, peaches, bananas, mangoes (they smell like peaches) because they will either cause a severe reaction, or I've been put off because they have caused bad reactions in the past.
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@ElicBxn (63782)
• United States
20 Sep 10
I am allergic to a lot, my friends call me "The Alien"
@doormouse (4599)
20 Sep 10
you're allergic to quite a lot aren't you,if your reaction isn't severe then carry on with what you are doing
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@Tresaqwe (376)
• United States
18 Sep 10
I am not allergic to anything, but I think if I was I would not eat it because it could hurt me or make me uncomfortable and I don't like being uncomfortable. Soda seems to give me really bad heart burn and although I love the taste of it I am going to stop drinking it because it is not worth the burning feeling I get in my chest when I drink it. So I don't think I would eat something that I am allergic to.
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@doormouse (4599)
18 Sep 10
not even if the side effects were minimal,i love fizzy drinks,well actually just coke,i'd only give it up if it was life threatening,that's how i also feel about nuts and spicy food
@jugsjugs (12967)
18 Sep 10
The only things that i can not eat is dried fruit,like currants and saltanas.The reason that i can not eat dried fruit is that it makes me come out blotchy and makes me itch.I do not like dried fruit anyway,so that do not bother me one bit.Other than that nothing else.
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@doormouse (4599)
18 Sep 10
i'm not too keen on dried fruit either,good job you don't like them then isn't it,be a bit of a pain if you did like them
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
19 Sep 10
I love spicy fod to and drink some milk wit it to cool mouth and tummy off
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
19 Sep 10
So sorry I feel for ya
@doormouse (4599)
19 Sep 10
i've tried to only eat a small amount in the hope my body won't notice,i only wanted the taste of it,i was wrong,my body did notice,so no more spicy food for me,unless i can be bothered to put up with the cramps and bloating,which at the moment i can't
@eshaan (6188)
• India
20 Sep 10
you find out the proper reason for your tongue and throat getting hot...i too had similar problem...when i consulted ENT specialist...i feared that i have some serious ulcers etc in my mouth...but i was anemic and it was such a simple reason why i couldn't eat spicy things and sauces with more chillies...i took iron supplement regularly...and now I enjoy my food as ever....about nuts...i feel that after a particular age you can't digest too many of them...the young people can digest them easily...but women after having children etc have this problem...thi sis what I personally think...maybe the doctor can you give u the more accurate reason and also the solution
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@doormouse (4599)
20 Sep 10
thanks for the great info,it's very informative,i never knew that about anemia
• United States
19 Sep 10
yea,i do with clams. i have a shellfish allergy and clams are the least reactive. i get some stomach discomfort,but they're too good to give's worth it!
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@doormouse (4599)
19 Sep 10
good job i'm only allergic to the food variety of nuts,otherwise my man would be most disapointed,lol,as long as your reaction isn't severe then carry on,just be carefull
@cream97 (29085)
• United States
19 Sep 10
Hi. doormouse. My grandmother told me and my sister that we were allergic to tomatoes and oranges. But I still do eat them. I just don't eat them as much though. Sometimes it is very hard to put down what we really love.
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@doormouse (4599)
20 Sep 10
that's why i still eat spicy food sometimes and the nuts,coz they taste so nice
@prinzcy (32303)
• Malaysia
7 Oct 10
I am lucky that I am not allergic where a certain food could cause severe consequences. But my body does react to certain food like nuts, seafood and such. Usually it would only cause pimple or itchy. But that doesn't stop me from eating them. For seafood I already ask the pharmacy for medicine.
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@doormouse (4599)
7 Oct 10
if your reaction is not severe then i don't see why you should stop eating these foods,a minor itch or pimple is nothing,it's when you start to swell that you have to be worried
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
21 Sep 10
As far as food goes, I don't think that there are any foods that I am allergic to. However, I am mildly allergic to chlorine, but that has never kept me out of a swimming pool. When I am in a pool with chlorine, I will get red all over my body and I will get itchy. This is typically remedied with some Benedryl and a shower as soon as I get out of the water. It really stinks to have to go through this, but I couldn't imagine my life without being able to get into a swimming pool from time to time.
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@doormouse (4599)
21 Sep 10
chlorine agravates my skin aswell,it makes me really itch
@bounce58 (17385)
• Canada
21 Sep 10
I am one of the few ones who have no allergies, or at least none that I know off. So, I've never known of holding off on a particular kind of food. And I guess that's my problem. I eat things that I shouldn't be eating anymore. I'm trying to be healthy, it's just a bit hard. I hope your ok with your symptons now.
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@doormouse (4599)
21 Sep 10
good for you trying to eat healthy,i don't,well i say that but i do eat lettuce nearly everyday,that's as healthy as i get
• United States
28 Sep 10
Hehe. :3 I'm allergic to most citrus and fruit juice but that doesn't mean I won't eat citrus or drink fruit juice. Fruit is my second favourite type of food other than red meat and I'm not gonna stop eating and drinking it. If I eat too much then I have an allergic reaction that is not serious but rather frustrating. I get a very itchy throat and my lips puff up and with pineapple they ooze blood and split. I still eat it, though.
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@doormouse (4599)
29 Sep 10
if your lips puff up then you really should stop eating them as,as next time it could be your tongue or throat which would then be very serious
@GardenGerty (162354)
• United States
19 Sep 10
I am not aware of being allergic to any food. I would probably still eat the occasional spicy food, because I also believe that the spices are healthy. On the other hand, nut allergy can go to anaphylactic shock easily, and I would avoid them.
@doormouse (4599)
19 Sep 10
if i ever had any sign of anaphylactic shock i would stop eating these things imediatly,but i haven't as of yet,,thankfully
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
19 Sep 10
doormouse I have all my life loved chinese cooking and would go f or moo goo gai pan a nd chop suey and other dishes. no problem but one day I got so sick after my moo goo gai pan, The pharmacy where i got my meds was just a fews step away. I managed to walk into the pharmacy and up to the desk where they filled prescriptions. Then I collapsed, barely able to breathe, the paramedics came, asked me what I had ate and they knew at once monosodium glutamate, it was in the moo goo gai pan. Oh my so on the way to the Er they aLready had me hooked up to an Iv of heavy duty antiallergric medication then at the E R I was checked and given more benadryl per IV. Also I was told I must never ever eat any food with MSG in it as long as I lived so I only go to chinese restaurants that display the signe we do not use MSG.Also I check the labels on any canned food that is chinese style food. I am very caReful whaT I eat now. That day my throat and tongue had swollen so much I could hardly breathe, that was really so scary !!!
@doormouse (4599)
19 Sep 10
omg,lucky you were near a pharmacy,all that just for wanting some chinese food,if i was allergic to chinese i'd be devasted,i love it
• United Kingdom
19 Sep 10
I'm allergic to nuts myself and I tend to avoid them like the plague. If one nut manages to gain access to my system then I will definitely know about it. I start feeling very sick and then I vomit a lot until the whole episode is over and my system has recovered. I have to be very careful about eating certain foods and whenever I am puchasing groceries I make sure that I always check the ingredients very carefully on the packet. I don't like curries so much, I find them too spicy at the best of times. I think I heard somewhere that if you try a little of what you are allergic to eventually your system will tell you that it's ok to finally start eating that product. I don't think I will ever try this with nuts, they are just too dangerous for me in my view. I will just avoid them for the rest of my days. Andrew
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@doormouse (4599)
19 Sep 10
when my mum hit about 40 she started to have side effects to spicy food,i just thought she was being a whimp,but it looks like i've got the same thing but just earlier on in life
@bingskee (5234)
• Philippines
19 Sep 10
i am stubborn, too. i still eat food that i am allergic, too. it is so frustrating that you love these food and you cant indulge!
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@doormouse (4599)
19 Sep 10
i used to love dry roasted peanuts,i could eat a whole big bag of them,but now i can only have a few then i feel ill,the only curry i can eat now is korma as that isn't spicy at all
@Asif362 (20)
• India
19 Sep 10
Well, i eat everything i like within the limits.
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@doormouse (4599)
19 Sep 10
i eat everything i want aswell,just sometimes it makes me feel ill,thanks for the reply
19 Sep 10
I'm allergic with fish and sea foods but I still eat them since I love them so much. Anyways, if I get red rashes all over my face and body I just pop pills in my mouth and whalla after couple of hours I'm good.
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@doormouse (4599)
19 Sep 10
that's very brave of you as i know seafood allergies can be very bad at times,even fatal,if mine got to the point of rashes and stuff i don't think i'd eat the food that caused it ever again