What are your favorite topics to blog about?

September 19, 2010 8:57am CST
I blog on how to make money, relationships, numerology and self improvement. These are my most interesting topics to blog about. How about you? what are your favorite topics for blogging or discussing on Mylot?
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21 responses
@mensab (4200)
• Philippines
19 Sep 10
my blogs are related to my advocacies and interests. so, my blogs are about social issues such as peace and conflict, environmental issues, and political matters. i would like to contribute to the discussion, not just a reader and watcher of events unfolding. so far, i am still building my blogs. but i am amazed that i have readers all over the world. but not that many yet.
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• India
19 Sep 10
Hi, mensab, nice to note you blog on social and political matters. Good you have readers all over the world. Hope you are using effective key words and get organic traffic. Good luck.
@johnpillai (2082)
• Germany
20 Sep 10
From my childhood I am intrested in children. So I select my jobs also connected with children. Now i am a professional care giver. Time to time I attend semeniars. so I write what ever I learn. so my blog is all about children.
• India
22 Sep 10
You must be a great mom to your kids johnpillai. Needless to say that your children are lucky to have you as their mom. How is the response for your blogs friend?
@Jotomy (6322)
• India
22 Sep 10
Hi johnpillai, this feeling (am i good mother or not) itself shows how much you cares your children and family. I know every mother will think about their family to make happy and to raise the children in a systematic way. Do you know German language?
• Germany
22 Sep 10
1.I feel always guilty, whether i am a good mother?, My children are admired in school and in neighbourhood for their happiest heart and for their charming charectors. They are intelligent also. But these are not enough. Their eating habit and punctuality are very bad. My moto is bringing them up in a 'HAPPY FAMILY'. Though several time I studied about children, I simply follow my father's method. Without my knowledge I copy my father. I had a wonderful childhood in my father's arms. You can give me 55 marks for my motherhood. 2. My blog is only 4 months old. It has poor visitors. As i need money instantly I consentrate on Triond. As i live in Germany, All of my friends are German people. They don't read English. That is a big disadvantage for my blog.I know Blogs will not help for our instant needs. Now a days I don't write for my blog. Just attach my Triond articles on it. If i get at least 2 weeks leave from my husband and children I can write more.
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@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
20 Sep 10
I don’t update my blog anymore due to lack of time but when I was writing for it regularly the topics I preferred were self and spiritual development, the paranormal and current affairs. On MyLot there are no real preferences. I find that here there is a myriad of topics that are of interest to me here.
• India
22 Sep 10
how was the response for your spiritual development blogs paula? It takes a lot of time to keep blogging. Once you leave blogging your traffic will suddenly decrease to almost nil.
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@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
22 Sep 10
I know! My articles were well liked but I became tired of the hard work involved in trying to get good traffic to the site so I stopped working on it. I would rather write for MyLot to be honest...It is so much more enjoyable and there is no need to worry about traffic statistics!
@ifa225 (14464)
• Indonesia
21 Sep 10
for blogging or a discussion i used to talk about daily life. I just write based on my experience. it is easy to write based on my experience than my fantasy. i am not really good making a fantasy
• India
22 Sep 10
how is the response for blogs on daily life? Just keep blogging and have fun. good luck..
• India
22 Sep 10
@ifa225 (14464)
• Indonesia
22 Sep 10
the response could be just like talking or having a conversation with friends, it is fun. thank you
@Jotomy (6322)
• India
19 Sep 10
Hi anna, first of all i don't know what is blog, by reading your blogs i came to that is about some particular topic. Well if i want to write or start a blog, i prefer to write about the psychology of the people, philosophy, Environment protection, Know about others and learn good from others, My most favorite topic is about GOD, who is god, why he made this world and the people and what is the purpose of being human being here in this world, why people are crazy about money, misusing relationships and the causes, what is the real meaning of friendship, what is the real relationship between husband and wife, why children are neglecting their loving parents at the old age and keeping them in old age shelters, and another topic is about Love - there are different types of love towards different people ie, towards parents, siblings, friends, wife and husband, children etc., but sofar nobody is telling the correct definition of Love. All these i want to write but it will take lot of time, because i am not prefect in English Language. I want to but i didn't. Hope in future i may write. Have a nice day/night anna.
• India
22 Sep 10
Hi dear sisters, Please visit my blogs and you will get some idea about blogging. It's not easy to make money from blogging. Ypu need to work very hard, work smart to start making money from blogging. You need to learn so many techniques, say Search Engine Optimization techniques too. I think one in a million succeeds in blogging. If you can wait and work hard, then I will be there to help you if I can. good luck.
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@Jotomy (6322)
• India
22 Sep 10
Hi viji, Hi anna i will try to write but i am not getting much confidence about writing blogs and i came to know there is much hard work but earning through it also hard. Thanks for you both.
@chayapathys (2111)
• India
19 Sep 10
I do not have a blog.In fact I do not know how to create a blog. I am elderly and new to computers and internet,Help me if you can. I was working in mechanicalturk where also the payments are petty.I want to make some money online but I do know how.Now I am in Mylot and my earning is 2.90 in roughly one and half months.AT this rate I do not know when I will reach payout. I am interested in discussions and I am eager to know about other sites where discussions take place.
• India
22 Sep 10
You can also have a look at my blogs, you may have an idea about blogging and how tough it is. You will find many blogs on how to make money in internet for free. Good luck.
• India
22 Sep 10
Thank you for your suggestion, I am elderly.I cannot strain much.My children also advise not to do hard work online or physically.In fact I have comfortable life I don't need much money now.
• India
22 Sep 10
I cannot do hard work for my age.I want to spend my time and incidentally earn a little cash. I am comfortable in life. Thank you. God bless you.
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
21 Sep 10
vijay anths As for most of my life I worked in the helping professions I tend to look fortopice to discuss that will hit a chord with most p eople having families and often family problems as we all have loaded ones and hopefully children and mates.It is so wonderful for me to talk to parents from all over the world and compare our cultures and how we relate to mates and children.We can learn from each other and its to me a happy experience. I do not blog but the idea is intriguing me.
• India
22 Sep 10
Hi hatley, you are a good writer, so you can blog on those topics. But I want to warn you that you can't make money easily from blogging. It takes a lot of time and hard work to make some money at least.You may visit my blogs to get soem idea about blogging, thanks.
@GemmaR (8517)
19 Sep 10
I like to blog about my student life and give other students tips about everything to do with student life. One of the best things that I blog about is saving money tips, and I know that a lot of the people that I write for really appreciate it. Also, I write about revision tips and study advice so that people know that they can go to my blog and be pretty much guaranteed to find something that I have written to suit them.
• India
22 Sep 10
Hi, Gemmar nice to know you are blogging about several topics. I hope you will do well and make good money as well. Good luck.
@CJscott (4187)
• Portage La Prairie, Manitoba
20 Sep 10
My favorite topics to blog about, are MLM, and Personal Development. I will talk about most things, from time to time, but it all comes back to that. And for the record under MLM is included, Relationships, Business, Home Business, Taxes, Understand People, Helping People, Retiring, Getting Rich, Making Ends Meet, Talking to people, etc.(rarely is it about selling) Sincerely and With Appreciation.
• India
22 Sep 10
Hi, CJscott you seem to blog on many topics. I think you may get good response for your home business blogs.
@shia88 (4571)
• Malaysia
20 Sep 10
Hi, For my blog, I prefer to blog on something more personal in my life,about my son's growth and something interesting happened in my life that I would like to share with my buddies. As for discussion for mylot, I prefer to write out something that will attract people attention and hope to get lot responses from my topic of discussion.
• India
22 Sep 10
Hi, shia, you seem to focus your blogging on personal matters. good luck friend.
• Portugal
22 Sep 10
I Have a Lot Of Blogs & There I Talk About Many Topics...For Example;History,Archeology,Biographies,Mysteries,Make Money On Net,Food Recipes,Photography,Crafts...All The Things I Love,So I Want To Show To The People Too!!!
• India
22 Sep 10
wow you seem to blog on several hot topics. I am also blogging on how to make money on internet.
@tomitomi (5429)
• Singapore
20 Sep 10
Mine is just a photo journal. Lots and lots of pictures....my experiences, my life.
• India
22 Sep 10
Hi tomoitomi, photo journal means your blogs will be interesting I guess. Keep blogging and good luck friend.
• United States
19 Sep 10
I specifically blog about making extra money. But I find taht the top of self help is an area I think I will venture out into as well.
• India
22 Sep 10
Hi, hardworkinggurl, I am also creating lot of blogs on how to make money on internet all free tips and free programs only.
• United States
22 Sep 10
Cool I will be checking often Thanks.
@puccagirl (7294)
• Israel
19 Sep 10
Fashion and accessories. I really like these topics, and I have one blog about fashion and one about accessories, and great readers for them, so it is the most fun for me. I do have other blogs as well, but I don't enjoy them as much...
• India
22 Sep 10
hi, puccagirl I think Fashion and accessories is a good topic to blog about. Ihope you will get good traffic to these blogs from all over the world. good luck friend.
@34momma (13882)
• United States
19 Sep 10
i like to blog about every day living. i like to talk about how to get through the day. how to stay positive and keep it going every day. when i am not blogging about every day life then i am blogging about how to create an income online, which is one of my most favorite things to talk about.
• India
22 Sep 10
wow, all are good topics to blog about 34momma. I also blog about how to make money on internet, free details and free programs only.good luck.
• United States
19 Sep 10
I want to start a blog on how to save money and how to cook on a budget. I also want to create a blog on weddings. There are so many topics I can write about when it comes to weddings because I had planned my own wedding three years ago and two years from now my husband and I are planning on renewing our vows. We have not decided where yet, but we know we want to do this.
• India
22 Sep 10
Hi, randylovesdar, you seem to have great ideas on blogging. I am sure these topics would get you fine traffic top your blogs. good luck friend.
@RobtheRock (2433)
• United States
19 Sep 10
I do not blog. But I like to participate in the discussions on politics, science, computers, and any other topics I see that interest me.
• India
22 Sep 10
hi, RobtheRock. Keep participating in Mylot discussions.
@Catana (735)
• United States
19 Sep 10
I discuss a lot of subjects on Mylot, as long as they're interesting to me. I prefer topics where I can share information and help people out, but I butt in with my opinion now and then. I avoid the subjects where people are likely to get in a big argument and start insulting each other. But I blog mostly about writing. I post my fiction, talk about my progress on whatever I'm writing at the moment, and share information about writing, ebooks, and publishing. I used to have a blog about giftedness, but I finally closed that down when I got burned out on it.
• India
22 Sep 10
Hi, catana, I think you have chosen great topics to blog about. I am sure these topics will help you to get excellent traffic to your blogs. good luck/
• Indonesia
19 Sep 10
i'd like to disscuss and share about photography and my favourite artist and if someone ask to me about "relationship problem or how to solve it" i will help em because sometimes some people get blind because of love...and i dont want it happen to my friends or every people
• India
22 Sep 10
hi,zmluckyseven both are hot topics and I am sure you will get good response for your blogs. Keep blogging and good luck friend.
@dimmig (21)
• Bulgaria
19 Sep 10
I also like these topics, but my interests are mainly in music and languages. Just that is what I'm the best :-) I'm still new to blogging
• India
19 Sep 10
Hi, dimmig, it is very important that you should have knowledge in your niche. So you are going in the right track only, just keep blogging, good luck.