Do you know any websites which provide "FREE DSLR CAMERAS" Internationally ?

Mumbai, India
September 19, 2010 12:34pm CST
I have come across a few websites which offer Free Stuffs Such as laptops, Dslr cameras, Ipods. Etc for trying their offers, but All the sites which I saw offered stuff only to countries like U.S. U.K. etc. There exists no such sites which offer costly freebies to Asian countries, why so ? Has anybody recieved a DSLR or other such costly stuff from such sites totally free of cost ?
1 response
@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
24 Sep 10
Be very careful with these offers. If you read these offers closely you find that after you complete the requirement they may substitute something of similar value or type. You may spend more on the offers than you would on a good DSLR and end up with a cheep plastic DSLR with poor lens quality. I have always found that buying the camera from an established seller. You can get some excellent deals on older models (still a new camera) when they introduce the new models. I have also purchased factory refurbished Canon Rebel DSLR and saved about $200 over the new Rebel model plus I got a bag, and many extras including an extended warranty. Camera is now my back up camera after 3 years and over 100,000 photos and it is going strong.
• Mumbai, India
24 Sep 10
hello Bobmnu :) Thank you for your valuable suggetions, yeah I have noticed that these sites require us to complete their offers which are almost equal to the price of the camera :D, I wondered whether anybody has got a free DSLR camera over the internet hence was lured into starting this discussion. thanks for your valuable advice once again and have a great time mylotting :)
• Mumbai, India
24 Sep 10
BTW Which Camera do you own Bob ? 100,000 photos and still your camera shutter is working fine ? Good lord nice man :) I heard most of the Dslr camera's shutter needs to be replaced or worns out after 100,000 shutter count. Offcourse it depends on the model, but most of them have 100,000 photos shutter life.
@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
25 Sep 10
It is a canon rebel xi. My main camera now is a canon 50D