By rdhick00
@rdhick00 (75)
United States
November 17, 2006 1:41pm CST
The more I read the discussions outlined in this place the more I find out that a lot of people have some very ugly things to say about the United States and Americans.
I would like to start this discussion off with we don’t care what you think about our country. We are the most powerful nation on EARTH! We have the smartest most technological fighting force on EARTH! We have the strongest economy on EARTH!
Next let me say that if you are in this country and you don’t like it, LEAVE!
Now on with the discussion!
American’s are peace loving people. We enjoy time with our family and we mostly enjoy the freedom of living in a country that allows us to express ourselves without fear of being killed by the government. We are allowed to practice whatever religion we want, even if it is the devil. We have the right to grow up to be what we want to be, not what the government wants us to be.
I see people on here bashing the United States and our government. If you really did some research you would probably find out that the United States probably helped your country out at one time or another. Maybe it was liberating you from an occupying force in the 40s during WWII or maybe it was financial aid after your country was hit by the Tsunami. There are thousands of places that we have been that we have done some good!
If you don’t like our government, TOUGH! Unless you voted for the government you do not have a right to say anything. Unless you can change what is going on in the world, keep your comments to yourself! It just kills me how everyone has an opinion about something and they never follow up their negative comments with what can be done to fix them. I was always taught that if you are going to say something negative, offer a solution to the problem. Otherwise, keep your mouth shut!
God knows I have been around the world several times and I have visited a lot of countries. Never once did I bad mouth how people live or there views on things because it is not my place to say. I simply enjoyed what the country had to offer and left it at that.
I saw somewhere on here that someone posted a question of “Would you like to live in the U.S.”. A lot of people said no and the reason was because President Bush was in office. Well you know what, GOOD!!!! Don’t come to the U.S. We don’t want close minded people like you anyway! Stay where you are, live your life the way you want and stop talking a bunch of smack about our country! I have not seen one American talking bad about another country. So don’t do it to us.
This may make a lot of people mad but you know what, you asked for it and frankly I don’t care what you think about our country because we are the worlds SUPERPOWER and we will continue to help those people and countries that a less fortunate. As the worlds SUPERPOWER we owe it to all of mankind to help where we can. I have served this world’s problems for 16 years so I have a right to say these things. I have probably been to your country for some sort of humanitarian effort in the past and I was glad to help! After all, I AM AMERICAN!!
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