Windows 7 or Windows Vista

@RossBoyy (161)
United States
September 19, 2010 3:29pm CST
What do you think is the best one? Post below and your reasons why :)
6 responses
@exo1515 (54)
• Philippines
19 Sep 10
Dude, What is ur Current OS?.. If XP sp3 Switch To Windows 7 need to do Clean Install.. if From Vista Up grade right away!! windows 7 is the Best Dude... It Like Super Upgrade of XP.... Much Faster than Vista And xp.. and The New IE9 its Beta though.. IE9 So much faster.. it Uses the GPU or Video cards for the Videos And Pictures.. And its for Win7 not for XP...... GO NOW and SWITCH!!! or UPGRADE!!! And BUY or DOWNLOAD Free using TOrents.. WINDOWS 7!!!
@RossBoyy (161)
• United States
19 Sep 10
My current is now Windows Vista, I wanted to upgrade but without paying, Do you have any idea which torrent to use? Send me a message!
• Philippines
19 Sep 10
For ur vista?? what is the Edition? and is your OS Pre-loaded or Preinstalled by your system Manifacturer???.... Search For Win7 and Demoniod...
@RossBoyy (161)
• United States
19 Sep 10
Home Premium I think is the version I have. And it came with system manifacturer. I will have to search that up. I would love to be able to upgrade now.
@ermi46 (68)
• Hungary
19 Sep 10
Win 7 is much better. First of all the speed is the main reason. Vista is the slowest operation system, yet. And if u have programs, which run only on xp, u can do it on win 7 because it has a win xp emulator too. End of all every new program can run on win 7.
@RossBoyy (161)
• United States
19 Sep 10
I am considering to upgrading very soon. I too have realised that Vista seems to run slow no matter what I try to do and speed it up.
@kai9999 (1700)
• India
21 Sep 10
windows 7 is the better than the vista. here are the reasons: security features have been upgraded than vista uses less resources (ram and other...) all features of vista and addition are integrated for more information you can check in microsoft site, comparison of products.
@darkbox (67)
20 Sep 10
None , just kidding ill go for win7 they said much improve version of Vista but i think there is no difference when it comes to usability. :D
• United States
20 Sep 10
I don't like Windows Vista.. it isn't really capable with a lot of things. I have Windows 7 and love it!
@malmoc (17)
• Denmark
19 Sep 10
Windows 7 is the only correct. Vista has a Very bad interface compared to 7 and it is just worse.
@RossBoyy (161)
• United States
19 Sep 10
I was curious about upgrading to windows 7, So I guess you think It would be worth it?