Have you tried travelling alone? If not, would you like to try it?

September 20, 2010 10:06am CST
One of my best memories was when I travelled alone in a foreign country. My friends were not able to get a visa and so I travelled alone because I was thinking that it is about time that I should travel alone and have some adventure. Of course, I felt a bit scared because I went to a non-English speaking country and I can barely speak their languange. But when I toured the places and manage to communicate with the people in that country, I realized that having fun is still possible even if I am all alone. I almost got lost when I when from one place to another and I even have to sign whatever I want to say to a certain person there because I can't speak English. I had a great time during that travel. How about you? Have you tried travelling alone? Or, would you like to try it?
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23 responses
@ehsanji (503)
• Pakistan
20 Sep 10
I remember one time I had to travel alone. I got a call from my office, and then the officer told me that there was a package that was to be taken to the other province. I started traveling alone, and the journey took me like 10 hours. I was in my car, and it was pretty boring in the beginning, but later I started to like it. In the middle it started snowing, and the clouds came down on the hills as I was passing them. It was so cool! I loved it and it was more than romantic. This is the journey I can't forget and since then I try to travel alone.
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• Australia
21 Sep 10
That's such a nice experience. I wish I will experience that too. But what was really good about it was that you travel by your car. It is a riskier if you travel by bus or any public transportation. But you really had a nice experience. Hope I'll get to experience it too. :D
@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
20 Sep 10
When I was 18 years old I went on my first trip alone around Europe by train. I stayed in youth hostels and had a wonderful time. I traveled to Tunisia when I was 19 years old on my own. It was lovely to go traveling around the world when I was 20 years old. I did most of my trip alone. The last trip that I did alone was to Bulgaria and Romania when I was 34 years old. Then I had my disabled son and I haven't been able to travel alone since then. Then since last year I have had my baby daughter as well. It was easier to travel alone in my younger days than it is to travel with my disabled son. My son is not able to walk and needs catheter care. I need help to get to our seats on the plane. This summer we visited Vancouver and that city is excellent for a wheelchair user.
• Australia
20 Sep 10
That's really awesome. That's one of my dreams-being able to travel in Europe. Even if you can no longer travel alone but I think you had satisfied your youth. :D It is just sad that your son won't be able to experience what you had experience in your younger years.
• Australia
22 Sep 10
I really admire her. This is the first time I've read her post and I am really amazed by her experience. :D
• Philippines
4 Apr 12
I admire you for being able to travel alone. I won't be able to do it and I don't want to. Not just because I won't be able to survive on myself but also because I need someone to talk to. I need to bring at least one friend and I'll be alright.
• Australia
5 Apr 12
You're right. It is just good to be able to be with someone who shares the same interest and you can have someone to talk to. :-)
• Philippines
21 Sep 10
hello eden_shii! i have experienced traveling alone and it was kind of exhilirating and a little fearsome. i kind of miss talking with a company but on the other hand, i relish the moment of being alone, taking in all my eyes could see just by myself. anyway, i had my thrilling moments, especially when i got lost along the way and some opportunistic driver drove me around and demand a large sum of payment from me. I just looked at him and told him that i thought he was finding the shortest and best road for me and i had trusted him since i was told that drivers in that area are to be trusted 100%. I told him that if i had known that he did not know the best route to my destination, he could have told me so i could have told him the way i was accustomed to use so that we could not have burned so much gasoline. I also told him we could both have been spared the hassle, him losing so much gasoline and me, not being reprimanded by my uncle who was waiting for me hours before, the General of the Special Operations Group for Mindanao who was set to fly that day but who was waiting for me, for some instructions. needless to say, he let me paid less that what he actually charged me initially and wished me to have a good time in the house of my uncle and not to report our misunderstanding to my uncle. I assured him i would not bother such a very busy man since the driver was kind enough to drive me safely to my uncle's house. i never believed i could push through that story but i did and whenever i remember the fearful face of that driver, it never fail to elicit such a hearty laugh from me. that was one of the reason why my first travel- alone- got so memorable in the first place.
• Australia
23 Sep 10
deriellevc73, that is a good experience. I think our "firsts" are mostly memorable and that is where we learn a lot of things and make the second time a better one. I am glad that you made it safely to your destination and you were able to go back home safely as well. :D
@JayJay45 (157)
• United States
21 Sep 10
I almost always travel alone. I prefer it. I feel more free to do and see what I want to do and see without worrying about whether the other person or people are having fun or want to see the same things. If I travel with anyone it is usually because the travel is theme based and everyone is going for the same reason or to see the same thing. I think traveling alone in a foreign country helps you make friends and learn more about the culture and language than you do when traveling with others who are the same as you.
• Australia
23 Sep 10
That is what I believe too. But sometimes it is also good to share our experience with the people we love ;-)
@msdivkar (23359)
• India
21 Sep 10
Hi eden_sii, Your question took me thirty years back and refreshed my memories of the incident, if I try to narrate in full will require two pages full. Young man in late twenties, I was travelling abroad alone, not for fun as you did, but on a job assignment. As you must have sensed I am from India and I was travelling to an African country with only six dollars in my pocket, that was the only amount an Indian traveller abroad was allowed to carry at that time by Govt.of India due to scarcity of foreign exchange. I was supposed to be received at the airport by company staff but on reaching the destination I realised that there is no one to receive me. I came to know later that due to poor telecommunication service, they did not receive the telegram I sent them. I reached the destination airport at about 8 in the evening and my work place was about 400 kms.. There was no option for me but to spend the night there at that time I realised that $6 I was carrying was not only insufficient to hire a decent lodge but not even a decent dinner. By the grace of the God I came across an Indian Doctor working in the place and who had come to the airport to receive his wife. We spent that night in airport itself because it was too dangerous to move out. The place was famous for armed robbers and all sort of illegal activities. The good Samaritan then arranged for my travel and other expenses to my work place.
• Australia
22 Sep 10
That's a good experience. I mean, I know it is a bit sad because you had gone through some hardships during that travel. But being able to meet that "Good Samaritan", I think it has taught you some important lesson as much as it did on me as I was reading your experience. God will never leave us. I had the same experience because as I was in the train station, there was one Korean who help me. She can speak English and she even told me what I need to do to roam around the city.
@smacksman (6053)
21 Sep 10
When I was 21 I left the UK and went alone to Africa to see the world. I had no job when I arrived and knew not a soul in the country. But it doesn't take long to make friends and to find work if you are prepared to work hard. I have always found that if you smile and make a bit of an effort to speak a foreign language then people will smile back and be helpful. I travelled alone for years and loved it but there were many times that I wished I had someone to share in amazing moments. For me, those memories are just as vivid 40 years on. Go and travel. It is the best education you can get!
• Australia
21 Sep 10
That's a good lesson, smacksman. :D
@shaggin (74036)
• United States
21 Sep 10
There are pros and cons to traveling alone. Traveling alone gives you the freedom to do whatever you want and not be bothered by other people when you want to just have quiet and relax. Traveling with other people though gives you someone to keep you company when you want someone to talk to and share your experiences with. Traveling with my kids gives me things to share with them special places for us to see together. If I went alone I probably wouldnt enjoy it as much. Traveling with a new love is always exciting to!
• Australia
21 Sep 10
That's right. Being with our family is the best way to spend our time in a strange place.
@SimpleBB (1329)
• Philippines
21 Sep 10
I'm really scared to travel alone. During my working days, I used to ask to attend workshops in some places. Even it would be paid by the company, due to my fear, I was notable to do so. So travelling alone is my dream. Now that I'm willing to give myself a chance to experience it, I couldn't for I'm not capable now that I'm jobless. So it's really my big regret, for not taking the opportunity to travel. But I'm still hoping I could try to do so. Thanks and happy mylotting.
• Australia
21 Sep 10
I was like you few years back. I was offered a job wherein I get to travel a lot alone. That scares me too. But then, when I also experienced travelling alone, I realized that it was not that bad. It's just that, it is really risky.
• India
21 Sep 10
i love travelling alone as i have freedom to do whatever i want to do.So i prefer travelling alone
• Australia
22 Sep 10
prakashspy, I am glad that you enjoy travelling alone. Have you tried travelling with your friends or family?
@pogi253 (1596)
• Philippines
21 Sep 10
I have never traveled alone. I am a social person and I have more fun when I can share my adventures with my friends.
• Australia
22 Sep 10
Travelling with friends or family is good too. ;-)
@SinRealm (558)
• Philippines
21 Sep 10
I traveled alone in Australia, it was one hell of an adventure. People were nice too, compared to the ones here. The only problem I had was, loneliness, I wanted to share my experience with someone. I couldn't laugh out loud by myself because that would be weird.
• Australia
22 Sep 10
That was the same experience as I had. I even felt that I got crazy because sometimes I have to laugh inside my rented room in a hostel.
@aarpees (149)
21 Sep 10
yes I have tried once, alone when I was 11 years old. I went to Korea for a vacation, it was a supposed gift of my parents to me but funny that they let me travel alone in plane, and then a family friend will pick me up there. It was a 10 day trip, I went skiing, and the usual things you do during winters. It was fun, but I still think that it's weird that I travelled alone as a Minor.
• Australia
22 Sep 10
aarpees, that's really amazing. But I think that is also scary since you were just a kid then. By the way, if you don't mind me asking are you Korean? :D
• Pakistan
21 Sep 10
Yes i had traveled alone lot of times but believe me its not was not good experience at all
• Australia
21 Sep 10
What happened? Why was it not a good experience?
@ANIME123 (2466)
• United States
20 Sep 10
No I don't think that I would ever like to travel alone because I would be scared and probably bored the whole time it's always fun to have at least one person come along because then if both people get lost it' kind of funny and theres now two people that will try and find their way back instead of one when it is kind of embarrassing and scary for the most part. So I don't think that I could ever do it alone I congratulate you on your courage though because you traveled to a foreign country all by your self and that's something that many can not accomplish even my mom she never likes to travel alone because she is going to Mexico well she is already there, but she just had to bring some one with her so she brought her baby daughter and her mom too. She made sure that she had the same flight as my grandma because she just has to have someone there to talk to or she will go crazy no question about that.
• Australia
21 Sep 10
Yeah. It will be boring if you have no one to talk to. Sometimes, I feel like not talking at all. But when I travelled alone, I learned to appreciate other people and I learn to reach out and make friends. Guess it's because I had no choice. :D
@misheli (551)
• Philippines
20 Sep 10
I have not tried travelling alone and I don't think I can do that. I'm scared to travel alone specially if I will travel by plane. I envy you for having that guts to travel alone.
• Australia
20 Sep 10
:D I don't suggest to anyone to travel alone. As I've said, it is really risky. But for someone who wants some sort of adventure, it is really fun. But one should make a thorough research and always be prepared. Anyway, if you are scared travelling alone, just enjoy travelling with your friends and family. What matters most is that you can relax and have a great fun :D
• China
21 Sep 10
I have not traveled alone,I did not even traveled.I very much want to travel to a strange place,try to take risks,enjoy the pleasure of travel.There is a song(Black Black heart),is an ideal travel listen to music.Alone in a strange place to travel is my dream!
• Australia
21 Sep 10
johnyang1992, if ever you will travel, first try travelling with your friends or family. Then once you are getting used to travelling, then you can try travelling alone. But don't forget to take precautionary measures. Hope you can share with us your experience once you get to travel. ;-)
@plop5th (32)
20 Sep 10
I travelled alone once and found myself very uncomfortable. I spent 4 hours on a train sat next to a drunken man who smelt very suspicious. Needless to say as a young female, he found me very interesting and wouldn't leave me alone. I would have moved seats but I had paid for the seat I was in and there were no other seats on the train. I tried to read my book but he just didn't get it. Luckily the train broke down half way which meant we had to switch trains so I could get away from the foul man. Needless to say, I won't be attempting it again. Anyway, I would have much prefered being there with my family or friends.
• Australia
20 Sep 10
That's another risk of being alone in a trip. So, gathering information about the place and only going to the safe place is a good option. I do understand what you feel because I am also a young lady. But when I travelled to that foreign land, I made a lot of research about the country and only went to safe areas. I kept a mobile phone with the travel hotline ready. Good thing this travel hotline can connect to the operator which can serve as a translator, human map and almost anything at all. And since I watch a lot of movies, I've learned that being a female will put me to a risk in a travel especially if I'm alone. So, just what I've seen in one of the dramas I've seen, I wore a cap a think jacket so that some will think that I am a young man. When my sister saw my photo even thought I was a young man. :D I guess it also helped.
• Canada
20 Sep 10
That's great! I personally would love to try it, it is for sure one of the things that are on my bucket list. I believe it's really good for someone's character to feel out of their element a little, or a lot if you go somewhere that speaks a different language. I have a friend that travelled all over Europe for a month by herself, staying in hostels and not knowing anyone. Most people were really worried, especially as it was a girl, but she came back with a different outlook on life - I will for sure try this one day as well
• Australia
21 Sep 10
I agree. You will surely discover yourself and there is a possibility that you will have a different outlook in life. When I travelled alone, I also realized that it is always good to make friends to anyone, be more patient and enjoy the simple things in life. It was risky but it was worth it. If you'd like to travel alone, take precautionary measures. ;-)
21 Sep 10
ohh,,this is one of the things i am wanting to do..to travel alone! I haven't tried yet to travel to any part away from metro manila alone. Now i'm wondering how would it be if i travel alone abroad for work or for some reason i get the chance to. Would it be exciting and interesting?..oh that i am thinking is for sure!!! But how could i ever do that if i don't have even a cents on my pocket?..hahaha!!! it's ok..there's something i could do when i get into a place away from home and my family..i would have work hard and try to approach other people for them to help me have some money!It would be fun and exciting to travel alone without any cents on your pocket..hehe!!!
• Australia
21 Sep 10
Yeah. If you are going to travel alone, important preparations must be made. This includes not just gathering information about the place, culture and safety of a certain place. You also have to know the prices of food, accommodation and transportaion fees so that you can budget your money.