Today's incident made me believe that HUMANITY still exists in this World!!!

September 20, 2010 11:23am CST
Hi friends. Today's incident which happened with me and my friends really moved me and proves that Humanity really exists in this World where most of the people think of themselves only and are more selfish than being Humane to others. The incident which I'm talking about is related to my friend who is hospitalized due to Dengue Fever. His blood platelets counts was decreasing drastically and he was in very critical situation.We all friends were searching for a A+ blood group person who can donate him the blood and save his life. Some of my friends even made an announcement in our College regarding this incident. And some ask their other friends and relative regarding this issue. Few posted on Twitter, Facebook and other popular websites regarding A+ blood group and keeps on searching for a person who can give his blood. And all the hard work done by them was very worth.Few of us who were A+ too give their blood to save his life.I didn't donated as I'm B+ but I was with them to provide them every possible help which I can provide. But i was moved when we were flooded with the calls from unknown persons from throughout the city who were ready to donate their blood to save the life of our friend. The people who don't even know us were willing to donate their blood. This event made me believe that even though there is a lot more terrorism,rapes, murders,blasts and all other bad things happen in this World but there is still the "Humanity" which is living inside the people wins the final Battle. Have you faced such a critical situation which too moved you morally??
1 response
@LaurenInLA (2270)
• United States
20 Sep 10
I think that I find situations like this often but few of them are as dramatic as the one that you describe. I had a similar situation when my Mother needed her first heart surgery years ago. At the time, they required that the blood be transfused from the donor at the time of surgery. I was a young child but still so stunned and so grateful that perfect strangers came to give the blood that was necessary to save my Mother's life. I was also quite moved when a few years later my Grandmother was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Although she wasn't Catholic, a Catholic home for the terminally ill provided care for her during the last few weeks of her life at no charge to the family. There is so much more good out there than bad but we never hear about it.
• India
20 Sep 10
Well said Lauren. It feels grateful when the persons whom you dont know and are perfect strangers to you come to help you with true spirit and doesn't care which religion and caste you belong. But today incident really moved me and side by side also made me realize that my friends are really awesome and great who did such a great job. Thanks for sharing your valuable comment. Happy mylotting...