Can Deep freeze affect my cashgohper?

September 20, 2010 11:04pm CST
Good Day to all! I thought of something that bothered my mind. What if I have activated my deep freeze? will it affect my installed cash gopher? For example 1: I installed deep freeze on my pc and i registered and intalled cashgopher. The question is, will it affect my cashgohpher? i think it can affect because installed cashgopher will be lost after restart my pc. ryt? For example 2: I deactivated my deepfreeze and installed the cashgopher on my pc. and after installing, i restart my pc. i know the cashgopher will not be lost. But then, i activated the deepfreeze and restart the pc again. Now, here's the question. Will it affect my cashgopher? will my earnings be affected? For example 3: I activated my Deepfreeze and mt pc is at idle state. But, I restart my pc. will it affect my earnings? If you have suggestions, feel free to help my confusion. thanks everybody. good day! and goodluck!
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