Am I pregnant again??

United States
September 21, 2010 8:23am CST
Guys beware, there's going to be some lady talk in this discussion.. you've been warned! So, lately I've been so tired and lazy, and feeling hungry all the time. I've also been moody and really irritable. I've been really mad at myself too because I'm eating all the time, but haven't been to the gym at all this week and I think I'm gaining weight again. Actually yesterday I put on a pair of pants that I'd just worn the day before... while they were really loose over the weekend yesterday they fit just right.. which actually scared me, these pants are supposed to be 2 sizes too big (I just haven't gotten around to shopping for jeans that fit). So this morning as I'm trying to force myself out of bed, I start thinking about all these things. Then I start wondering when was my last period.. and I really can't remember. I did have my tubes removed a bit over a year ago.. so I can't possibly be pregnant.. but of course I've thought that before. I shouldn't have gotten pregnant after my husband's vasectomy, but that's how we got Mathieu. Then I shouldn't have gotten pregnant with an IUD, but that's how I ended up with an ectopic which is why my tubes are removed. So with my luck, I really wouldn't be surprised if I somehow managed to get pregnant without tubes (or maybe they grew back?). Then of course silly me has been telling everyone lately how I kind of miss having a little baby around. My kids are growing up. Four of them are in school now, and my youngest will be turning 3 in a few months. Everytime I see a little baby I melt. Of course that doesn't mean I want a baby.. because babies grow up into more kids that I can't afford!! I just want a baby to play with for a little while. But the last time I felt this way.. that's when I found out I was pregnant with Mathieu. So, all of this was running through my head this morning, trying to figure out if I could be pregnant.. thinking of what I'll say to the doc who did my operation (thinking I'd better get free pre-natal care from that doc!!). Surprised that I wasn't totally freaked out by the idea (but I probably would have been if it was confirmed). Thankfully, when I went to the bathroom, I found out I'm not pregnant.. and all the symptoms I've been feeling were just the typical PMS stuff. What a relief! Did I scare you? LOL How would you feel if you thought you might be pregnant? Have you ever gotten pregnant when you shouldn't have been able to?
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11 responses
• Canada
21 Sep 10
We had gone through the same thing a couple weeks ago. My husband and I would have been happy either way but the very thought of bringing a new life into the world that we are living in with all the greed and so many terrible things happening actually scared the living daylights out of me. I know we would be good parents but I was more worried about the environment that the potential child would be exposed to with kids being so technologically dependent, sense of entitlement and the way that everything is supposed to come to them. I hope that when we do have kids that we can raise them to be humble and have a life outside of technology and be able to disconnect and relate to people face to face instead of being holed up in a dark room talking to people online..
• United States
21 Sep 10
There's something sort of ironic about the fact that you don't want your kids to be raised on technology.. yet here you are using a computer to chat with people online.
• United States
21 Sep 10
I knew what you meant.. just being funny.. and I agree. My kids don't spend much time on the TV, computer, or video games. I just don't like them much.. for the kids.. though I will sit here at the computer all day until my TV shows come on :D
• Canada
21 Sep 10
Yes but I am talking about the people who have a non stop always at a computer and not socializing with people outside of technology. There is actually a vast amount of activities that I do that don't have anything to do with technology. Though I do get what you are saying lol
@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
21 Sep 10
Wow, that can be scary at niece just found out she is pregnant. Which she ended up pregnant while taking birth control. And her boyfriend wasn't ready to become another father at age 31 so he booted her out right after he found out..he has children from a previous marriage and relationship. My system is so messed up that a few times I thought I had been pregnant I was totally freaked at first..then accepting..then disappointed when I found out I wasn't...
@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
22 Sep 10
My sister is not yet 40, but will be next March 31st..and this grandchild will be her third..and my niece turned 19 at the end of June..I myself don't feel she is ready for another child. She doesn't even have a stable place even before she found out she was pregnant. Evidently when she was sick and on antibiotics it made her birth control less effective.
• United States
21 Sep 10
One of my friends recently told me she's about to become a grandma. She's 40, her youngest child is 2, her oldest is 19.. and she's going to be a grandma! It's crazy.
@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
13 Oct 10
Thanks for the best response,
@tammytwo (4298)
• United States
28 Oct 10
I haven't gotten pregnant when I shouldn't have been able to but I do know people who have. I had a family member who got pregnant many years after having her tubes tied. The doctor didn't think she was pregnant so before he got the results back from the pregnancy test he did a procedure that ended up ending the pregnancy (not at the request of the pregnant mother). He didn't bother to tell her until after she had gotten excited about the idea of being pregnant. Needless to say it didn't go over well. I know another family that had a fourth child after the man had a vasectomy following the birth of a third child.
@GardenGerty (162781)
• United States
21 Sep 10
I possibly was pregnant and had a miscarriage during my first marriage, when hubby first got back from overseas, and I had been a little inconsistent on the pill. No, you did not scare me, because you said your tubes were removed. I figured you were holding water for some reason, and you were. Next week you will get back to normal. I am tired and have all these symptoms from time to time, but I cannot get pregnant, so that does not enter my mind. You need to go borrow someone else's baby and then send it home when you are tired.
• United States
21 Sep 10
I thought I had a miscarriage when I first met hubby.. I was a few weeks late and had all the symptoms, then one night we went swimming in a freezing cold lake and I immediately got horrible cramps. I never cramp for a period.. then I started bleeding, so I figured I miscarried. I saw a doctor but they said I hadn't been pregnant. I honestly did not believe them because at that time I never got any PMS symptoms and never cramped. My periods have always been very easy going.. and that was not a typical period. Guess it doesn't matter though. I don't know anyone with a baby.. and that is sad. I'll never be an auntie or a Godmother.. I'll never have someone else's baby to snuggle until I'm a grandma.. and I promise you I can wait for a long long time for that to happen!
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
21 Sep 10
I have....the only time I got pregnant was when I was on birth control!!! When I was off it I never got pregnant....well right before I started menopause I thought I was as I skipped a couple of months...I panicked.....thought I'd move away as I am not married! was frightening! Now I realize that it was just a scare and that part is over for me.....and I have loved everyday of it since! LOL
• United States
21 Sep 10
My mom also thought she was pregnant when she first started menopause. A couple days later, while she was still wondering if she was pregnant, I found out that I was for the first time. She was actually mad at me for being pregnant at the same time she was.. but it turned out she wasn't.
• United States
21 Sep 10
**crossing fingers** you are not. I can only guess it could be PMS but you said you don't get those symptoms. But it doesn't mean you can't ever start getting pms? And if you are stressed out that doesn't help and can mimic all sorts of conditions. Have you cut out caffine or started drinking caffine that can put people into a mood too. I know it used to keep me up, now days it can make my boobs hurt especially if I"m PMS'n and I have no other reason for them to feel that way. Drinking more everything else has helped and lighter periods makes a difference as well. I dunno what else to say girl. Keep us posted on how things pan out.
• United States
21 Sep 10
It was just PMS. I haven't been doing anything different lately, but I guess it just happens sometimes. Might just be the change of season making me so tired, you know most days are gray and chilly. Kids are in school so I don't feel guilty for sitting around being lazy all the time because I only have the little one here to entertain and he's happy just playing with his toys by himself. Could be a lot of different things. Hope it passes soon so I can stop being mad at myself, lol.
• United States
21 Sep 10
I guess I should of finished reading your post huh? Yeah that's the one thing I don't like it has been raining and gray out here too. I don't care of it. The kids need to get out, I need to spend some time in the sun... not tanning but I need the vit D & it always raises ones spirits. Don't beat yourself up for it just recognize what it is and work with it and get back on the wagon as best as you can. I know I worry about all the rich meals we eat in winter as I feel like all I do is gain and gain lately. So depressing, but I have to keep myself occupied... it better be earning something online or attempting to keep this tornado of a house decent.
• United States
21 Sep 10
I could probably use some sun too. I got a bit over the weekend, but I was already stressed out to begin with. I think there's just too much going on right now. But I still feel guilty for being so lazy. I did bring the little boys over to FIL's yesterday to let them play for a bit, and I really should get them out again today since the sun is shining. But that doesn't make me feel any better about any of it. I guess that's all just part of the time of month, hopefully I'll snap out of it next week.
@stacyv81 (5903)
• United States
25 Sep 10
Seeing as you are thinking about missing a little baby. Maybe you are subconciously creating those symptoms? Everytime I thought I was pregnant I But I had a friend who constantly wanted to be pregnant, ( you know the type) and would walk around "Feeling" the symptoms just to find the test negative.. Maybe that is just what it was, or you watched too many I didnt know I Was pregnant episodes on tv and it messed with your head.... lol! (kidding) I am glad everything worked out for you!
@ersmommy1 (12588)
• United States
28 Sep 10
I'd have mixed feelings for sure. Having just turned forty..shouldn't want another baby. My son will be 2 in December. And I totally understand the "I melt" side of things. One of my friends is a few years younger than me. She just had a son last week. Brings up memories. I did tell my hubby a few weeks after Aiden was born I could do another baby. I got a resounding "NO!" After 2 c-sections, I suppose he was scared. I don't think I'd be unhappy though.
@junrapmian (2169)
• Philippines
13 Oct 10
Yeah, you did scare me, not because you are pregnant again but because I was worried that you could have some illnesses in your reproductive system. I would suggest that you go and see your OB-gyne to check on you. I am also guilty of not seeing my OB, you see, I have tubes ligated some 20 years ago and never did I see a doctor about it. My reason is that I have not felt any untoward or unusual feeling about myself within the past years. Anyway, I promise my self that I'll be seeing one in these coming days, I should think that I have to do it since I am no longer young and I have been experiencing pre-menopausal symptoms. With regards to your missing taking care of babies, maybe, once in a while you visit those day-care centers around and volunteer your self as caregiver, that will do I think if you do not have babies in your neighborhood.
• United States
22 Sep 10
Whoa for a minute there I thought we myLotters where going to be acquainted with some miracle pregnant member.. then I quickly though well maybe the stress of thinking your were pregnant gave you false signs.. But glad to know that it was not so, fortunately I have only been pregnant twice and both planned but these days I fret something awful as I do not use birth control and am very active with my boyfriend and the last thing I need right now is to be pregnant as my baby is a college graduate. I suppose I better march into my gyne's office soon as the last thing I need EVER is to be pregnant with a baby.
@johney264 (544)
• China
21 Sep 10
you did scare me! it should not be happen, you already have been ectopic, it will never come bake but you pregnant again, this is a very uncommon and serious problem. if its real you'll say to the doctor who did your operation, not that easy the doctor even go to die but can't be pardoned. fortunately its a wrong impression. I turn to calm.