the most exciting sport and fun beside basketball

@yomy1984 (177)
United States
September 21, 2010 4:06pm CST
there are lots of sport more exciting and fun i think but basketball is what i like the most. I don't know why. Do you know why your favorite sport is more fun and exciting?
4 responses
• Indonesia
22 Sep 10
i think basketball is the one and no other, love to watch nba, love to play it every week, when i was younger i used to play basketball everyday, i even have a group of friend only based on basketball, and stay connected with my old friend through basketball alaso.
@yomy1984 (177)
• United States
25 Sep 10
me too..i like to watch basketball even local..more exciting and fun.
• Philippines
21 Sep 10
Soccer. I was dumbfounded by the game when I first played it. Soccer is physically challenging but definitely lots of fun. It involves a lot of team cooperation, running, and body aggression, that which you do not notice at all since the game is just about doing your part for your friends and runnning after the ball all the time.
@yomy1984 (177)
• United States
25 Sep 10
yeah soccer is good too..more running, strong bones...and fighting spirit..
• Philippines
21 Sep 10
I think the next sport i'd like after basketball is fight club, where you beat up people every night just to have fun. I like that sport.
@yomy1984 (177)
• United States
25 Sep 10
if i am going to join the fight club, i should learn martial arts first, that would make me feel fair.
@Chengran (60)
• China
1 Oct 10
You know table tennis is a popular sports in China,and I like play it beside basketball.Play table tennis, you can be more smart and you will be exerciting from this sport.