How often do you use the Yellow Pages?

United States
September 21, 2010 9:52pm CST
I was just wondering. With the easy phone contact address we get from our cellphones and telephone service providers, do people still use the yellow pages? I think the last time I saw Yellow Pages was when I was 18 :
2 responses
22 Sep 10
i use yellow pages a lest 4 or 5 times a month.
• United States
22 Sep 10
I recently realized that my aunt uses the Yellow Pages too!! I remember seeing Yellow Pages in her house one time. Oh my. I guess Yellow Pages is still alive. Thanks for the response deep! Go Yellow Pages!
• United States
22 Sep 10
Not often.. in fact when we get yellow pages we just trash them. Waste of paper, and who uses them? We have the internet now.. easier and faster!!