Can Israel and Palestine ever get along?
@goodlooksecrets (46)
September 21, 2010 10:21pm CST
I do not know much about the history of the rift between Israel and Palestine but I do know that they have been having problems for a long time. Now, there are peace talks taking place. I hope they resolve whatever issues they have.
Does anyone know why they have been fighting all along?
3 responses
@TTCCWW (579)
• United States
22 Sep 10
Theocracy does not make a good governing body, history is full of such example's.
The very reason American forefathers wanted religion on the back burner of the governing stove.
Your question is so muti-fold it is hard to answer.
Everytime we start peace talks Israel starts a land grab, tunnel building, fences or generally stirs the troubled waters. The Plaestinians are not much better just less organized, but as soon as someone starts talking peace someone straps on a bomb and delivers it into Israel and then the Israli's go kill a few hundred Palestinians in retaliation. And, here we go again.
England and Truman decided to allow the Israeli's to occupy this area after WWII.
Intention's were good but as you can see this did not work out well.
My Take on This;
There is little incentive for Israel to have peace, America alone gives Billions of dollars to Israel every year in subsidies and military support.
We are not the only country, some suggest, that Israel could not support it's self if they had peace. If you are geting that much money every year why would you work to stop that and how much fear would there be that they could live in a peaceful way.
They also use it as a political pawn and do not know how to have an election without security being the only issue. A complaint shared by much of the Islaeli population.
Lastly. Three thousand years of fighting and the victimization mindset of both parties. If you have never known anything but hate and discontent can you really wrap your mind around another concept.
@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
23 Sep 10
Where are you getting your information. All Israel has done recently is give land away. And it is the Palestinians that are building the tunnels to get into Israel to plant bombs not the other way around. This is why Israel built walls above and below ground level.
When Israel first came back to Israel in 1917 they lived side by side with the Arabs living there with no problem. The Arabs were not called Palestinians then, they were just Arabs. Then the various Arab countries started sending their misfits to Israel much like Cuba did to Fl. and England did to Australia, and called them Palestinians. This still worked until the war of 1948. Then all of the Arabs ran and some were kicked out. Some came back because they had relatives. The rest were put in camps in the Arab countries because their "Brother" Arabs did not want them. The Jews that were kicked out of all of the Arab States were welcomed into Israel. There were at least as many of them. They were not put into refugee camps even though they had lost everything.
Israel does not need the US to support it financially. The US does sell them weapons. Israel has more patents for inventions than all of the Arab countries put together. The reason the Arab countries have to use Chinese phones is because Israel invented the micro chips that go into cell phones and computers. Arabs cannot use anything made or invented by Jews. Blatant Racism.
Israel also has a special tax where the money goes to help support the Palestinians...the US and Israel support Fatah and Hamas. In reality Israel is helping to pay for the bombs that land in her backyard.
The Jews and the Arabs have not always been at war. During the Inquisition, the Arabs of Morocco protected one of our beloved Rabbis and saved him and his family. If you read the Quran, it says that The People of the Book are to be protected. The Jews are the People of the Book. They are Monotheists also. A muslim Man is allowed to marry a Jewess.
Israel is a very important ally to the US in the Mideast. It is the only functioning Democracy. It is the only ally that will not turn on the US. It is the only country that DOES want peace.
@TTCCWW (579)
• United States
23 Sep 10
Most of my infrmation comes from Islraeli's.
I don't diss agree with many of your points but I was trying to point out what many Israeli's believe and come to this country and speak about frequently, although, my point about the money come's from my own research and the US Government.
Yes I realize that they have been returning land, a recent development forced by the younger generation that realize that the land grabs were causing much of the problem. The land being returned are those same younger generation folks.
Israel has been and still is our largest oversea's forign aid expense. That may have changed if you decide to include the two country's we are fighting a war in and how you decide to account for that money.
At the beginning of the Bush 43 Admin, American aid was 60k for every man women and child in Israel that was the same number used by the Reagan administration so it does give me pause but my Senator never got back to me on that one.. I have not checked recent numbers but I doubt it has gone down. We are not the only country that gives support to Israel. We also provive much of their military equipment support with subsidies through the Grand Military Establishment and have for decades. They have never paid market price for arms from America and most of it's other allies. Engand and Germany to name two.
I openly concede that they are an accomplished society and have much to be proud of. They have a very strong work and education ethic as a whole and are making great strides in many areas. I was not suggesting that they have failed but I am suggesting that the conversation obout that region needs to be expanded if it is ever to be resolved.
Let us also keep in mind that I was expressing my opinion about why they fight. The Jews that are there now are not the same Jews that were there a hundred years ago or a thousand years ago. I am not suggesting their victimization out of hand I am getting that assesment from the younger generation that is now becoming the ruling class (or ruling age) of the Islaeli populace.
Surviving WWII will effect the mental makeup of their society for several generations and must be part of the conversation or we end up with the Hatfields and the
Macoy's, nobody can remember why we fight, or what started it, it's just what we do.
@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
22 Sep 10
There will never be peace between the palestinians and Israel. Watch UTube and see what the palestinians teach their children. They teach them that the Jews kill and eat them and other horrible things.
There have always been Jews and Arabs living in that area. After the war, the World, not the UN decided that the Jews could rebuild their country there. The Arabs that were there at the time continued to live there and became equal voting citizens of Israel. When The war of Independence began in 1948, most of the Arabs in the area around Israel and in Israel fled. They did not want to be killed by either side. Some of these people did return to Israel,but not many. They Arab countries were supposed to absorb them into their countries...instead they put them into refugee camps. Today even their children and grandchildren have to live in these camps. This is very sad.
What they will not admit to is that the Arab Nations kicked out the Jews from their homes at that time. Confiscated their property and told them to go to Israel. Israel took them in. They of course did not put them in refugee camps to languish for years. They helped them build homes etc.
To this day Israel pays taxes to help support the Palestinians. Yes, they help pay for the bombs that are shot into their backyards everyday. They have given land to people who want to kill them. When they give them this land, people lose their homes and their businesses. This land had hospitals, schools and homes on it. What was the first thing the Palestinians did? They bulldozed everything down. Why?
@LaurenInLA (2270)
• United States
22 Sep 10
I think that this has been going on since the United Nations declared that Israel should become a sovereign nation in the Middle East. I think that the land was given to them as well but I'm not positive about that. In any event, the Palestinians felt like the land that Israel was land that belonged to them. The U.S. has been trying to broker peace agreements forever but nothing seems to work. I don't think that there will ever be peace because most of the nations in the Mid East don't recognize Israel as a sovereign nation and IMO this is all about religion.