Should we save enough for a year + hiccups?

@SomeCowgirl (32190)
United States
September 22, 2010 8:47am CST
We all know the economy is uncertain and people can lose their jobs at any time. A lot of people are already struggling as is. My question is, what do you think in general / average would be the best amount to save for your family? Should you save enough for one year + hiccups in case you need the money, or should it be just six months + hiccups? Should it be enough for two years maybe, or a year and a half + hiccups? How much money would you feel comfortable with having saved just in case something happens and one or both of you lose your job? I am not working, my husband is though. I am trying to find a job, but well I am truthfully being lazy about it. I have plans to find a job, and what to do if I can't find one on my own. A discussion I just responded to made me really think. My husband has a good job, no real worries about him getting fired. People there have said he's a hard worker, and I know he is. However, just in case he did lose his job, or if he had broken his leg and had to stay out of work for awhile... we don't have money to pay our bills. I mean we go paycheck to paycheck with a little left over, but not very much. So I am thinking seriously now about not only saving for our own place, but saving for the just in case's too. I mean we never know when I will get a job, though I know I need to try harder to find one. We never know if he will lose his job, or if he will break his leg, or even if this winter will prove to be grueling and keep him out of work like it did last year. Do you have money saved up enough for a few years?
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19 responses
@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
22 Sep 10
We always save. Every month we put aside X amount from my husband pay check. Since he military, we are secure in his pay. However we have 2 savings accounts, one for emergencies and a second for items we want (like saving up for a trip or to move or Christmas presents). When it get s closer to his enlistment being up, we will start a 3rd saving account to provide a cushion for when he gets out of the military. You do get unemployment for a few months if you need it, but why would you want to collect that and who can live off of the measly amount you receive? When we both worked regular jobs we both carried that insurance that pays if you are injured and can't work (AFLAC is an example of this) so IF something happened, we woudl be covered for a few months and then we also had our savings to rely on as well.
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@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
22 Sep 10
I have Amazon and Paypal as well. I work mTurk on occasion and use that to pay for some of the diapers and wipes for the baby. I usually transfer the money out of my paypal account to buy things like flea medicine or "wants" during the year. Around Christmas I take advantage of all the freebie and discounts for Christmas items. For our extended family I try to only spend money out of my paypal account (we have 16 people to buy for if we buy for everyone). Last year I did really good, we cashed in points form our debit card, Disney Movie Rewards and MyPoints to pay for gifts and gift cards. With discounts and freebies, I ended up spending $20 out of pocket for extended family gifts. Trying to continue that trend this year.
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@GardenGerty (162464)
• United States
22 Sep 10
Having two savings accounts is a great idea. I also have money sitting in PayPal and Amazon that will take care of some incidentals. I will use it to pay for a new antivirus for my computer, and I ordered a new pedometer today. I will be getting the flea treatment for my cats out of there as well. I have had some emergencies in the past four years that my PayPal has covered and I have been glad it was there.
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@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
22 Sep 10
To Both Of You : My husband and I had thought of opening up another savings account at the bank that are in Wal*Marts, I think we would've gotten $50 for every person we brought in, but we decided against it. We have one checking and one savings account and both are joint. With our savings, any time one of us swipes our debit card one dollar from checking goes to saving until about $300.00. I am on sites like Mturk, MyPoints and Gather but don't use any of them enough to get anything. I don't use MTurk at all anymore, and the same can really be said for MyPoints. I do try to use Gather but if you were to see how many emails await me for gather alone you'd cringe. sedel1027, you have a really good plan going for you and I am glad you were able to only spend $20.00 for the extended family out of pocket. My husband and I don't shop but for his parents, his grandparents and ourselves. My family just doesn't celebrate Christmas anymore. My dad's side does and we did get my dad something for Christmas last year, and most likely will this year as well. I could've collected Unemployment from work when I was laid off in February but I didn't. I suppose it's mostly because of laziness, and not being sure how to do it. I know a few people who have and have had unemployment, one of them I am not sure of her situation she seems to be able to get by with what she has, but she also has a child, and I am not sure if the amount you get is affected by that or not. I thought it was always to do with what your last job's pay was, and so I am just not sure. When my husband signed up for insurance he signed up for BCBS, I had insurance at the time so no need for me to do so. I will probably sign up under him with the BCBS at some point, but right now we don't really have the money to do so.
• Grand Junction, Colorado
22 Sep 10
As others have said yes saving is ALWAYS a good idea. Sadly many can't afford to do so, in part because of the economy. Many have taken pay cuts, shorter hours, etc.. and are just trying to make ends meet. Some say things are turning around, however I don't see that, at least not in my part of the world. One thing you could check into, some employers offer it, is AFLAC (not sure of the spelling), there are different plans, that cover hospital bills, monthly bills and some that even pay you a portion of your income while your down. My boyfriend had it through one of his employers and it was a very cheap monthly payment that came directly out of his check each month. I wish you both the best. Hope you find a job soon.
• Grand Junction, Colorado
22 Sep 10
LOL, yes the duck. I'm not familiar with the BCBS, but it's good that you have something. I don't keep up with the economy talk, but listen a few times a month. Depending on who you listen too some say it's turning around others say it will be years before we see any changes. I just know here that things aren't turning around. In talking to people the have taken cuts in pay, taken second jobs (a few) others have had hours taken away. I also see a lot more people standing on street corners or going through parking lots asking for money. It's a lot more than what it was 4 years ago when I moved here.
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@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
22 Sep 10
You mean the duck or whatever it is that says AFLAC... Yeah that's true I've seen the commercials, my husband had BCBS though. It works for him, and though the added benefit of paying the monthly bills would be nice if he did need to be out of work, at this time we won't change it. Yeah I don't know how things are turning around either, though I'm not up on the latest of what is going on with the economy so I can't really say much as is.
@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
22 Sep 10
BCBS is Blue Cross Blue Shield, I am not sure how many states they offer the insurance in, but I am in NC, and I assume the surrounding states have it as well. I think with all things, the economy is helping those more fortunate before it goes to those who are not as fortunate, and with all things as well, the government grants people need, and government assistance people need isn't as easy to get with the qualification level maybe being stingy in some areas, while it's not in others.
@celticeagle (172441)
• Boise, Idaho
24 Sep 10
I am on Social Security because of my illness and I can never save any money. To really be safe you would have to have alot of money. Depends on what your monthly outlay is. Extra money it seems for the winter months because of heating and all. I hope you make out okay. Can be tough to save and have to discipline one's self to do it.
@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
27 Sep 10
It is already tough to save with my husband being the only one working. Lucky enough we don't have all that many bills right now so to save up for a year's worth of our bills wouldn't be as much as others. However, we are wanting to get our own place which means more bills and less money to save with. I wish we all could get ahead so we could save more, but that's not likely to happen anytime soon.
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@celticeagle (172441)
• Boise, Idaho
28 Sep 10
It sounds like you have some very good ideals to work from. Keep focused and you will do fine. I don't think I will ever be able to save much. I am on SSD and it is tough.
• United States
23 Sep 10
When I was making good money, I had savings that allowed for us to live comfortably for a decent amount of time if we had financial difficulties. In fact, that is exactly what has allowed us to stay afloat and keep our bills paid over the last few years. At this particular moment in time, on the other hand, any savings that I can manage to scrape up seems to be gone in no time on one or another of those "hiccups" or expenses that are not regular monthly bills but have to be paid yearly, such as insurance payments. I would love to be able to have the money in savings to be able to pay even a couple of months worth of bills in case of an emergency. If I had a years worth of savings, then I would think that I was rich.
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@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
23 Sep 10
I am glad you have that to fall back on, which makes me want to save even more just in case we need it to fall back on. My husband is the only one working, I know I need to get a job but I don't think I will truly look until I overcome my fear of being rejected and / or get some job training so there's something good to put on my resume.
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• United States
24 Sep 10
I can understand the fear of being rejected or not being sure whether or not you are qualified to do a job, especially since some of the job descriptions can sound quite daunting. When you actually have to do the job, though, sometimes you find it is really simple, but the employers just make it sound a lot more complicated than it really is. I had a similar experience when writing a resume. My old boss looked over my resume and reworded it, and I looked at him and said "I can't do all that" and he told me I already was doing all of it, but the words that he used to describe things just sounded a lot better and more complicated.
@bounce58 (17385)
• Canada
27 Sep 10
Savings for a year? What's that? I too would like to have some extra money, a year's-worth of extra in finances just to cope up for any 'hiccups' that might come our way. But my reality is I can't. And that has been my biggest and constant fear. I cross my fingers everyday that I don't encounter any untoward incident that would stretch my budget any further.
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@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
27 Sep 10
My husband and I could not deal with the stress if we were to come across any big hiccups in the financial road. We stress enough as is, which is why I do want to save enough for a year + hiccups so that we won't have to worry down the road. The economy is uncertain, and jobs can go like that (snaps fingers) so it's much better to be safe then sorry. I hope you can manage to get ahead so you can save.
@thesids (22180)
• Bhubaneswar, India
22 Sep 10
This discussion has brought out my fears again! Sorry to say this but I fear this unemployment thing. I am suffering and am finding it difficult to make an earning for meeting even my medical expenses. My wife has a job and the net income is barely enough for living the life we are leading at the moment. Savings are a distant dream as of now. We know that we are heading towards a miserable life - just in case anything happens to my wife's job. I hope that somethings that I am into at the moment work out and we are able to earn some more for the unforeseen future. Regards, Sids.
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@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
22 Sep 10
I am sorry you are having such troubles, and I know how it feels to be worried about saving enough. I hope the online ventures pay off for you but remember to never pay anyone to make money it's always a scam. I hope your wife's job stays secure, and the medical bills are paid off and on time. My husband and I had to pay off a medical bill of mine and it amounted to about $1,300 after everything I would say. Good Luck to you.
@thesids (22180)
• Bhubaneswar, India
23 Sep 10
Thanks for your sweet wishes, suggestions and the blessings. I think we need them badly. Regards, Sids.
@GardenGerty (162464)
• United States
22 Sep 10
This is a good discussion. Standard rule of thumb has always been to have three months bills set aside. In this economy, six months would be better. Do I have it? No.I started saving in January. A financial fitness program our church uses suggested the first goal should be a $1000 emergency fund. I never quite made it there before the "hiccups" happened. In two months time we had to get a new water line, have work done on one of our circuit boxes and then get a new hot water heater. We ended up going a little in debt on the hot water heater but it is paid for now. My hubby lost his job. We trained for new part time jobs together, economy hit them.No jobs. Hubby has been back working for about six weeks now. He took early Social Security when he was 62, so we have that, but it does not pay all of the bills, so at least one of us needs to work at least part time. My son had to move back in with us, he pays us a bit. Because I had had some other jobs since I quit the one in January, I can now draw unemployment, and I am. I could put my hands on $750 today, but a large part of that is going to go to get me a new laptop, so I can earn even more online. I do not earn enough yet to interfere with my unemployment, and we hope to save a good part of the rest of my unemployment.Meanwhile, we still have some medical bills and the house needs another hot water heater for the upstairs, and we need a new thermostat upstairs before winter.
@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
22 Sep 10
My husband and I have been fortunate enough that things have not come up for us that we could not take care of. Before we married I did have debt, and I believe I talked about it here. We were given money by his family to pay it off so that it would not mar his credit once we married. Now that we are married we do not put anything on our secured line of credit unless we can pay it off, and while we do need help when it comes to saving and not heeding to our impulses, we are lucky enough to not have to worry too much about bills now. We have a credit card bill, his health insurance bill, car insurance every six months, and of course gas. We also have the storage fee to pay, but those are the only bills we do have. Neither of us are prepared to have our own home because we've seen from others that things add up quickly. We have the want, as I've explicitly expressed here on mylot, but I am beginning to realize that we do not have the means. I am more of a creative mind, a romantic mind, while my husband is logical. I need his logical mind, and the minds of those here online to tell me of what they have been troubled with so I can hopefully learn before we make the mistakes. I am blessed every day that my husband works, and yet I don't show him enough that I am happy he does work. I find my mind wanders, and truthfully enough I've found that it's lead me to worry, stress and even paranoia. I know I can cure this if I have other things to do, other means to make money like a job for myself. I wish I could hide behind the economy and the lack of jobs out there but there are plenty of jobs for the kind of work I am qualified to do, I just am scared to go back out there, and knowing that my job history is poor, I am also afraid that the interviews will all be failures. I am sorry you've had your "hiccups" having to get a new water line and work done on the circuit boxes as well as new water heater, and then more thigns are still needing to be done. I do remember your discussion about you and your husband's training for a job and if I remember correctly it was a government job. I hate that the economy took that away from you. I am glad you could draw unemployment, something I probably should have done but is probably too late for me to do. My last job ended in February when the relative I was sitting with had to go to a home. I was told that I could draw unemployment, not by my bosses but through the grape vine. If you have a staples near you I would suggest going there or an HH Gregg for a laptop. My husband and I were in staples the other day and we saw a laptop, I believe it was $450.00 and it had Windows 7. Of course you might be able to find one through dell or another company that is cheaper, and E-Machines, a place I know does desktops might also do custom Laptops which might be beneficial for you. Here I am blabbing and I know I've probably unburdened some worries when I really shouldn't have, but if you've read this I appreciate you doing so and wish you and your husband the best. Thanks for responding and sharing.
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
23 Sep 10
HEk no we live form paycheck to pay check mine comes once a month and son in laws 2 times a month an there is n way to save a dime
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@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
23 Sep 10
I would be stressed beyond words if we couldn't save atleast a few dollars...
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
22 Sep 10
Without raiding my retirement savings? I have enough money saved up for maybe two months...
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@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
22 Sep 10
More then we have saved up right now.
@meapas (2436)
• India
22 Sep 10
Save as much as you can after meeting your basic needs. Don't ever spend a single cent on unwanted things. Your own savings will be your best friend.
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@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
22 Sep 10
You are right of course, but it's easier said then done to just stop spending when you're so used to it. Still, my husband and I are trying.
@Memnon (2170)
23 Sep 10
I think that most of us live between pay days. We would struggle if anything went wrong with either of our jobs.
@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
23 Sep 10
Lucky enough for us if I were to get a job we would be alright, until we moved out then we'd most likely be living paycheck to paycheck, or almost paycheck to paycheck.
@harry89 (2330)
• India
22 Sep 10
you should save as much you can & afford to save
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@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
22 Sep 10
You are right we should not save beyond our means, just like we should not spend beyond our means.
• Philippines
23 Sep 10
Saving is good. If you need money for a very important reason, you know you have something to pick, especially when someone from the family get sick. You will not worry where to get money right away because you have savings.
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@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
23 Sep 10
Exactly, savings is good for the hiccups in life!
• Philippines
23 Sep 10
We all know that we need to save for our future.Whenever emergency comes we have savings to spare.With the prices of our daily commodities that are getting higher and after paying all our bill nothing more was left to save. Its the best thing that we must save , To be able to save we must not buy some unnecessary things which we do not need Especially women love to go shopping just to satisfy the wants.I may say,one could only save more if he gets high pay in his/her work but if one employees salary is in the average scale then what would be his savings for his family. With low income family bracket I would not think that he could still have some savings. But with high income of salary one may have enough savings and yet we cannot say the exact amount to save because we have unlimited wants.
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@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
23 Sep 10
Wants will always be human nature, it's how we handle those wants that will decide how we do with our savings. If you can start plans to save for the future and for the wants, then that is a good thing. Of course paychecks are usually already used up before you even get them with bills and such that need to be paid, and groceries that also need to be bought.
@minx267 (15527)
• Hartford, Connecticut
22 Sep 10
LOL.. we all SHOULD have that much saved up for an emergency.. But I bet not that many do.. I no I am living paycheck to paycheck. or worse.. lol. Just like you are.. I don't even have any left over to put away and save... My roommate has been out of a job for over a year.. NO collecting but he did just start getting food stamps because I told him I could no longer afford to feed him. And my other roommate and co owner of the house was just forced into retirement and is now only getting like $1000 a month.. who can live on that?
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@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
22 Sep 10
I am also willing to bet not that many people have money saved up for a rainy day. I am glad your roommate got food stamps, but I do wonder if it's really even enough because I know they base it on income and how many people are in the house, not sure if he could claim the housemates or not. My mom has food stamps and has had them off and on for most of my life. I hate your other roommate and co owner was forced into retirement, no noone can hardly live on just $1000 a month, not with bills and things like that.
@shira0524 (482)
• United States
22 Sep 10
Saving is always a good thing to do, if you can actually save. I lost my job a couple years ago and faced this very same thing. For the most part I was okay since I had some money saved which covered the difference that my unemployment didn't, but I still ended up making a lot of changes in my life to be able to live cheaper, and I still ended up having to get a little help from my parents. I'm just glad they were able to help me. Now I'm living somewhere that isn't a particularly bad place, but I really don't like it, either. But it enables me to save a lot, now that I am working once more. My plan, first and foremost, is to give some money back to my parents since they helped me, but after that I'll probably just... save. Whether it's for a better place to live in a few years or just for another emergency, I am building my bank account up once more, just in case. And if things go well I'll always have that money to use for something else, so this is why I say you can never, ever go wrong by saving.
• Philippines
22 Sep 10
I'm saving up just about how long i can save for. I don't actually plan on how long the money is planned to be spent on. I just save whatever for emergency.
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@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
22 Sep 10
I bet that is less stressful because the more we think about what we have to save, the worse we feel about what we're not able to save.
• United States
22 Sep 10
I know the economy has hit us as well. My husband hours went from full time to part time and we barely have enough for bills and the mortgage. The only thing that is saving us from not going into debt is the fact that we are both going to school (he is an undrgrad and I am in grad school). We have financial aid money left over and for the most part we save it. I will also be launching my online store the end of the month and hopefully I will make money that way. It has been hard for us living just on his part time salary as well as what little I make on here. I amnowhee near payout on here, but I am hoping to catch up some how. I do a few surveys and am hoping to make money on those as well. Once my husband gets better hours and my store takes off we are planning on saving for at least six months. We do have a savings account and have a little put in there, but we are hoping to put in more.
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@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
22 Sep 10
I hope your store takes off. If you would like me to put the link to it in my profile just pm me and I will do so so that you can have some more exposure. My husband and I do have the way to save money I've talked about a lot on here, and I totally forgot about it when making this discussion, but I think both of us would rather not touch it and just save it for our apartment, and from time to time when a friend of us has us buy things off of him so that he can pay his bills, or get gas money. I am glad you've got some financial aid money still left over that you are saving up, from what I understood of financial aid they only really give you enough for tuition and books, but maybe I'm mistaken. Good Luck to you and your husband, and may we all save for a rainy day!
@Echocool (29)
• China
22 Sep 10
I don't have job now, I also think this is so important for a family, how to save enough money for future, I hope that I can learn somthing here for later I can use.
@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
22 Sep 10
Mylot is a wonderful place with vast knowledge on a lot of subjects. We have many interests here to do with frugality and penny pinching that may be of interest to you. You can also make use of the search feature to find topics on money and people who also do not have a job like me and you. I hope that you will come back to my discussion(s) in the future, and please feel free to comment amongst others here as well and ask them questions. It will not only expand your knowledge but also your wallet. I personally have found a lot of tips I will be using when my husband and I do get our own place, right here on mylot.