Do You Think Abortion Good?

September 22, 2010 8:56am CST
My view is that abortion is not good at all. The child we are killing is also a life. It has feelings and pain. The thing is it cannot say it. Every life is a creation of God and man has no right to destroy it.At present the abortion rate is increasing on a large rate. It is a bad thing. Just thing if you were killed by tour parents when you were in the womb of mother. Unless the child cause any harm to the mother i thing abortion should be avoided.Now a days we can see that are aborting a child because it is a male or female.I think the government itself should take step to prevent this.......
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23 responses
• United States
22 Sep 10
I completely support abortion 100%. A woman's body is her own and childbearing is a CHOICE, never an obligation. If I were to ever get pregnant, I would get an abortion immediately.
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• United States
22 Sep 10
You wouldn't consider adoption? What if a women was to come around and pay you for having a child, granted that you are healthy? What would you say to that? Would you still want to abort that child then?
• India
23 Sep 10
Can you just imagine how you feels when some one kills you. In abortion the way of killing is very cruel. How could you justify that.The best thing is to take precautions if you dont want a child
@IoanaBI (494)
• Romania
22 Sep 10
I never thought that a woman will say that she never wants to have a baby. Not at a certain age, but i'm sure that with time that necesity will appear.
• Canada
22 Sep 10
Baby  - fetus in utero
This is a very controversial topic for discussion. My opinion is, I agree with you that abortion is a form of killing, after all it is a human life, irregardless of how young or new. Myself, I would never have an abortion, I could not live with the guilt, I feel so strongly that it is wrong, if there is no medical reason for it. It saddens me to hear of abortions. However, there is the mother's rights to be considered. Does she have the right to stop the unwanted pregnancy? Does she have the right to say what will happen to her body? I don't know! I do not feel that I have the right to say if she should or not. I think that should be between her, her conscious and her god. With saying that, I should also say that I don't like the abortion clinics that are showing up all over the place, the government needs to close them down. They are taking advantage of women/girls who believe they have no other options. Many are like butcher shops, and the mother is given no care at all afterward. So, if the government closes them down they will also need to open clinics to ensure that these woman will get the help they need, she will be given other options (such as adoption) and she will receive the proper care and if that is what her choice is, that the abortion is done by a reputable doctor, not some guy looking to get rich.
@eden_shii (506)
• Australia
22 Sep 10
I am totally against abortion. I do value life as much as God values life. God already values the embryo in a woman's womb, according to the Bible. And anyone has no right to abort or destroy it. If a woman don't intend to take care of the baby once she gives birth, she should at least let someone else take care of it rather than going through an abortion.
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• Indonesia
22 Sep 10
today i just presentation about abortion in my religion class,,and i really" propose abortion because beside that's the mom has the effect for her mental and physic it means she kill her baby too and it's too horrible,
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@Peykat (119)
• Philippines
22 Sep 10
Abortion for what so ever reason is very very bad thing, one of the biggest sin that you can made in your life. A gift is given to you by God and then you just throwing it away. It the child is made suddenly and for you is a mistake, then don't correct it by doing another mistake. And beside like I said, they are gift from God, be thankful that you the ability to create life because other don't have this Gift.
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• Canada
22 Sep 10
Abortion is a very touchy subject for a lot of people. I am of the mind that if you willingly conceived then the people involved should take responsibility and either raise the child or investigate adoption as there are many families that want to have children who unfortunately cannot due to medical issues or any other issues. The only time that I could condone an abortion taking place is if the girl was rapped or if there is a medical issue that could cause both mother and baby to not make it through the pregnancy. It is a matter of personal preference but I know if I was pregnant it is something I couldn't consider for myself unless it was medically necessary
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23 Sep 10
Generally Abortion is not good in the eyes of the God and in Law. I am definitely against this unhuman act. The only thing that might make this acceptable is that when the physician advise it to be executed for the good reasons.
23 Sep 10
Typo on my first post it should be inhumane not unhuman hahahhaha
• Canada
23 Sep 10
I agree that it isn't good in the eyes of god but in the case of health for the mother whether it is mental or physical it may be the only option to keep someone alive. I realize that it can be considered inhumane but is it humane for a woman to try to carry something that could kill her?
@lhenpaule (495)
• Philippines
23 Sep 10
by the word itself "abortion", it seems would always have a negative connotation, because it is associated with illegal taking of one's life. Eventhough there would be a very strong reason to do use that practice, the end would not always justify the means.
• Singapore
23 Sep 10
Abortion is a sin and should not be committed. It was said that if you abort your child, its spirit will turn into vengeance and come back to find the mother. So before you want to abort, think thrice.
@madteaparty (2748)
• Japan
23 Sep 10
I don't agree with you at all. Life is given by humans to humans, so only we have the right to decide if we're going to create a new life or not. A fetus still isn't completely developed as a human being, so if a person isn't prepared to give birth because it can be a risk to her health, or can't be financially prepared to give that step, is better not to create a new life that can destroy another one, or that can have an unhappy life.
• United States
14 Oct 10
Not everyone believes in god, and even of those who do, many believe that god gave them free will to pursue their own happiness. If they are not ready, willing or able to bear a child at a given time in their life, it is her own choice what to do about it. And no, abortion is not always "considering only your comfort" and even if it were, there is nothing wrong with that.
• India
23 Sep 10
When you are saying life is given by human to human, you are complected ignoring God. For one who believes in God, every life is created by God and he has a special plan for each and every says - before you were born in mother's womb you were known - so on.. So if a baby was born with some disabilities still God has a plan with him. When you are aborting you are considering only your comfort. You can see that many people with disabilities contributed great things to ts word. What would you think if your parents are killing you for their comfort.
• Philippines
9 Oct 10
No its not good. That poor child also have a life of his own waiting ahead of him. And taking that away is the most selfish thing in this world. And its your own flesh and blood.
• Philippines
23 Sep 10
Peopledont have the right to kill lives especially life an innocent child. God created them and he is the only one who can take it.
• Philippines
23 Sep 10
the abortion is not good for us because if you have not ready for that. and its a bad thing.if you have not ready to become a parent.i can say to all people have not right that abortion.
• Philippines
23 Sep 10
the abortion is not good for us because if you have not ready for that. and its a bad thing.if you have not ready to become a parent.
• China
23 Sep 10
I think that abortion is terrible ?I also do not understand how it is alright for a person to not be called a murderer who gets or gives tne abortion .
@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
22 Sep 10
I believe that abortion is very bad indeed because it is killing an innocent baby. He or she might if having been allowed to be born been a really lovely person. The aborted babies are the missing people of the world. Sadly abortion is permitted in my home country up to 24 weeks pregnancy. I was offered an abortion at 36 weeks pregnancy because my son has spina bifida and hydrocephalus. I said no way and still went ahead with the home birth that I had planned. I think that a lady that has an abortion can regret what she has done. She could suffer depression to do with what she did that was aborting her baby. I think that birth control should be used. If it fails it is best if the mother keeps her baby. Should that not be possible than adoption is the next best option. I think having an abortion would be very much the wrong choice. A baby girl is just as wonderful as a baby boy. In my home country 98% of abortions are for social or economic reasons. The other 2% are because the mother's life is in danger or the baby is severely disabled. I would like abortions to stop taking place unless the mother's life is in danger.
@elmiko (6630)
• United States
23 Sep 10
i know this is a very heated topic but i think abortion in certain circumstances should be granted such as when a woman is raped or if incest was involved.
@hestylim (1209)
• Indonesia
23 Sep 10
I have the same idea that abortion is not good at all. Why should a weak soul being destroyed just because of the mistakes that adults make? I concern about the things like that. Just like what you said, abortion is done because of the gender of the baby. It is a really bad idea. People should never do it. Isn't it boy or girl just the same? Boy or girl, it is both human. I felt really bad about it..
@Jotomy (6322)
• India
22 Sep 10
Hi john, for me abortion or killing a person is one and same. The life in the womb can't be seen that is the only difference. Killing a life without knowing to anyone is more than a sin, for every sin they should be answerable to god. It is a fetal murder. And as a mother she will have some sort of a disturbance in her mind through out her life thinking that she did a mistake, that may effect physical as well as mental health. Now a days they are going for scanning before delivery and if they found it is a girl baby then they are thinking giving birth to a girl baby is waste, they have to spend lot of money on her, thinking she is a burden to them and going for abortion. If this happens for long time then there will no girl child and think about the future how mess it will be. We have no rights for rejecting the god's gift. Whoever think children are god's gift then they will not go for this. I wouldn't think it is in the hands of government, it is in the thinking nature of people. Government already passed some rules on it. Indian Government has passed the rule on the basis of woman's health (also legalized, some of the rules our government is following Canadian rules against this matter) US laws restricting abortions, Canada don't have restrictions on abortions, Romanian government has some controversy against this abortions. People (mostly women) should be educated in this ground. Thanks for a good topic. God bless you.
• Philippines
23 Sep 10
Abortion is a mortal sin. Noone has the right to kill or take sombody's life except GOD. But there are a lot of reasons why the person wants to abort the child. If it is because of your being immature and carelessness then you are unforgivable but if it is because you are a victim of rape then thats another story. But still the same, you have killed a child. A mistake will never be solved by another mistake. ^.^
• United States
23 Sep 10
Personally, I don't think there is any cause for abortion. Rape, incest, even if the mother might die during childbirth. I don't believe in abortion at all. It is a human life you are dealing with and getting an abortion is the same thing to murder. God will have that mother's life in His hands and everything will run according to His plan. And it's not the babies fault the mother was raped. There are so many alternatives. Abortion should not be an option anymore.