Does my plan of working in other countries will greatly affect my children?

@joddie (173)
September 22, 2010 11:37am CST
I like to work in other countries for many reasons and one is to give better future for my children. I have an 18 year old son and two daughters (9 and 14 years old). Someone told me to wait for another 6 years to push through my plan so that my youngest daughter will be 15, quite old enough. My concern is that I'm not getting any younger and I may not get any job at all. Do I need to wait for another 6 years to push through my plan or I'll do it now? Enlighten me, please.
2 responses
@ashishp2c (286)
• India
22 Sep 10
why do you want to work abroad? to be wealthy? But i think your real wealth lies in the happiness of your kids. no body can replace you in the life of your kids, but you can also find good jobs in the home place. best of luck .
@joddie (173)
• Philippines
22 Sep 10
I just want to have enough savings for the "rainy seasons". To be financially stable when we will retire from our respective jobs. Hospital rates and cost of medicines keep on rising.
@thebest1 (658)
• Romania
22 Sep 10
Hello joddie! Your children will feel lonely even your younger daughter will be 15 after 6 years.It's hard to decide what to do: for a better life you want go in other country,for your children you want to's really hard! Do you try to find a job in your country?Or you'll earn a low salary there? If you think that is better for your family and for your children future to waork away from home,than do it.! For your children will be same or after 6 years they will have same fillings:lonely! I wish you good luck!
@joddie (173)
• Philippines
22 Sep 10
Hi there. We have a stable job in our country but I think this will not be enough for my growing children. I want also to have enough savings so that we will be financially stable when we get old.