Homemade food

September 22, 2010 12:17pm CST
I simply love homemade food, my mom and grandma are awesome cooks! (I bet we all think that about our mother and grandmothers though! :P) My favourite dish is one my grandma makes once a week: macaroni with homemade tomato and meat sauce (I'm not calling it bolognese sauce because I think some of the ingredients are a bit different). I just love it! She also makes a very tasty paella (a typical rice dish from here, you can read about it on Wikipedia, if you're curious: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paella), even though I eat it without most of the seafood, since I don't like it that much :P What about you? What's your favourite homemade dish, and what does it have? Who's in charge of cooking in your household?
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5 responses
@rastogisw (445)
• India
22 Sep 10
Well I also love homemade food but I love outside food also as I am the person in home who has to cook ..haha..though whenever I go to my mothers or inlaws house I love their hand made food ..like my mother made simple and tasty Potato peas vegetables, chats , paranthes , pysum and my mother in laws made Mong Daal mungodi vegetables .
2 people like this
• Spain
22 Sep 10
Haha yeah, I guess that if you're the one always doing the cooking, it's much nicer when you go out and don't have to do it :) I've never heard of Mong Daal mungodi vegetables... what does this dish have? (besides vegetables, hehe)
• India
23 Sep 10
Well as I am from India and we usually eat lots of pulses in our meal if vegetarian and this is also the same thing ...kind of pulse which is neatly grinned and fried in oil then put in the gravy....which I dont think there people could like this easily .
1 person likes this
• Spain
27 Sep 10
Ohh I see, thank you for your post :)
@cream97 (29087)
• United States
28 Sep 10
Hi. Cargoleta. My favorite homemade dish is lasagna. I love when it is baked with different kinds of cheese on it. It has ground turkey or beef, tomato sauce, noodles, cheese, bell peppers, and onion. It also has many flavorable sauces that are very delicious.
2 people like this
• Spain
29 Sep 10
That sounds very nice indeed! Thank you for your post :)
@writersedge (22563)
• United States
23 Sep 10
Boiled cabbage dinner on a really,really cold day. My Mom made it well. Mine is more like dishwater. Corn bread and anything. I just love cornbread.
@writersedge (22563)
• United States
23 Sep 10
That is a good question. South America and North America, we have corn bread. If you have corn meal or corn flour, you could get a recipe and make some. It's not hard. When I was a kid, I loved it. It was the only recipe that I couldn't mess up. I'm French Canadian decent, so we do Gateau de Jeannot which translates as Johnny Cake which is a slightly sweet corn bread. If you want to PM me, I'll give you an easy recipe that worked even when I was a kid. Corn meal is better than corn flour to me, but I like heavy grains, you may not. Take care.
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• Spain
23 Sep 10
I've never tried cornbread... I don't even know if we have it here in Spain, actually, I'll have to check that out. It sounds tasty, though :)
• Spain
27 Sep 10
Ouch, I didn't realise you had replied again, sorry! I'll check out if we have corn flour next time I go grocery shopping, then... it'd be interesting to make something with it :)
@prinzcy (32305)
• Malaysia
6 Oct 10
I love hot and spicy tom yam. It's easier to cook as well. My mom and I, we usually take turn to cook. The kitchen is big but I don't like to cook with others. The same goes for my mom. We have our ways to cook so we don't like others to complain. When it's my turn, it will be something sweet like dessert or western food. If it's my mom, it will be local cuisine like rendang and local curry. She use coconut milk a lot.
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• Spain
7 Oct 10
I really like spicy food, curry is delicious! Thank you for your reply :)
@puccagirl (7294)
• Israel
22 Sep 10
I mostly cook at home, and I am definitely a better cook than my fiancee, but my Mom is really much better than me, but since I don't live with her anymore, she does not count in this discussion, hehe! I make a mean lasagna and also moussaka, as well as pizza. I love paella though, but I do not know how to cook it at all!
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• Spain
22 Sep 10
Paella can be a little tricky to make indeed, but if done right it's really tasty. Unfortunately the paella they serve in most restaurants here (at least those aimed at tourists) doesn't taste that nice, the rice is all dry and not very good. In my opinion, there's nothing like a homemade one :)