Why Are You So Depressed When You Have So Much Going For You?

September 22, 2010 9:24pm CST
I always wonder why some people cannot appreciate all the good things they have in life. I have friends who are always depressed, always negative, never satisfied and they are attractive, financially stable, healthy, world travellers, have so much to live for. There are so many people in the world who have very little or have had many hardships but are grateful for everything they have. Why can't we be grateful when there are people who are sick, physically challenged, abused, poor, etc and probably have more reasons to be depressed than we do. In addition to that, I do not believe that doctors prescribing dangerous pills for depression is the answer either. I have known people who have become suicidal and withdrawn due to prescription drugs.
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10 responses
@ankster (273)
• India
23 Sep 10
I agree with your thoughts.One should change his or her level of thinking rather than roaming around doctors to cure their undue mental tensions.I believe we cannot always be happy because human nature is blend of both positive and negative thinkings.Sometimes Thank God for his blessings but sometimes we curse him.I think we must work hard to gain our desired wishes.But yes destiny sometimes comes in between and compells us to think negative.Iam very happy and contented with my hubby we are enjoying the bliss of togetherness but when I see my brother in laws progressing in USA I feel my hubby should also get the desired success.My hubby is highly qualified and hardworking and is doing extremly good in India but When I see my brother in laws spread in all corners of USA and getting success I get trapped into negative emotions although we are well to do in India but I think I will have to broaden my vision.Iam happy with my brother in laws success but my hubby also deserves same level of money and success and God has done injustice to both of us.My mom in law and dad in law are also responsible for my thinking as they are loving to me but somewhere or the other they show that my hubby is not as successful as my brother in laws.I believe they should keep maturity.which will help me in gaining confidence in this matter rest Iam very happy.
• Canada
23 Sep 10
Yeah I can understand how outside influences can alter your thoughts and emotional wellbeing. You and your husband have alot going for you and I congratulate you both on the personal successes and achievements you have attained for yourselves. Yes we often compare our lives to other people and what they have achieved but don't realize that it is only on the surface that we see their success, we don't know if they are healthy, happy with their home life, struggling with other issues, we only see what they want us to see. Keep working on your self confidence and being happy with the wonderful gifts you already have. Soon you will realize that you will be able to conquer all the negative activity around you.
@ankster (273)
• India
24 Sep 10
Thanks a lot for your sweet and kind words.I Wish everyone should be happy//
@amg5009 (62)
• United States
23 Sep 10
I have studies Human Development in college and this question came up a lot in class discussions. A lot of people are depressed when others feel that they have so much going for them because they are either one,in too deep with too many things going on at once for them, which leaves them constantly stressed and feeling like they can not achieve all their goals, two, hold themselves in such high regards that if one little thing fails it is like the end of the world for them because they always have to be perfect and that little mishap that we see it as is like their world crumbling apart, or three, are just greedy and feel that everything should be about them and when it is not they blame themselves because other people may just be down right better at something than them or other people have their own lives and are not able to cater to their every want. So that makes them feel worthless, when it is really their greediness that is taking a toll on them. When it comes to medication, I do not feel like it is appropriate to give a patient medication. I feel that therapy is all someone needs. A lot of times depressed people just need someone to listen and when a doctor is prescribing medication, they are obviously not listening. Not to mention that the USA treats every little problem with medications, where as other cultures use natural remedies and counseling.
• Canada
24 Sep 10
That is so true. And you are so right about the doctors, they just want to give you the magic pill that is going to make all your problems go away when they really having taken the time to find out what the real underlying problems are. Natural remedies and counselling I am sure would be more effective.
@Galena (9110)
23 Sep 10
because it's an illness. you aren't immune from developing an illness just because you have a good life. it doesn't matter if your life is absolutely perfect, if you have an inbalance in the chemicals your brain produces, you can be thoroughly miserable. it's about having an illness, not about being ungrateful for the good things in life.
• Canada
23 Sep 10
I agree with you about the ones with a real illness but those who can function on a daily basis in my opinion are not suffering from a major illness. If they can still party, work, hang out with friends, travel, shop and still feel that life sucks then why are they trying to participate in things that should bring them fulfillment. Yes they might be suffering from an imbalance of some sort but I am sure they are still capable of learning to change their mind set. I have been down and out before and doctors are quick to hand me a pill. There must be specific signs and symptoms that confirm that a person is clinically depressed verses a person who is just never satisfied or has not looked at life from another perspective.
@lumenmom (1986)
• United States
24 Sep 10
The biggest issue is what you focus on. Many good things can happen to you, but let one bad thing happen and that's all you think about, forgetting all the good that has happened. When your focus is off, it makes you feel depressed and victimized. That's why it is very helpful to be around people who can lift your spirits and remind you that the glass is half full instead of half empty. I think we are all guilty of that from time to time but it is crucial to get your focus back to the blessing and positive things of life in order to feel better and keep things in proper perspective.
@pinoycity (575)
• Philippines
24 Sep 10
It is the effect of a materialistic world. In this world, the norm is to have all the material riches of this world. The thinking is : if you have all those riches you will be happy. But this is not the case. You may have all of the things you WANT but you will still feel empty, because you do not have the things you NEED.
• Spain
23 Sep 10
There are so much people in the world that live in a country with a good level of life, but they can't see the good thing about it, nearly all of that people think about getting a "much better" house with cool furniture and have a good job, but they don't think about people that live in some countrys in Africa, Oceania, South America or Asia that don't even have a house. People need to think more about poor people.
• Canada
23 Sep 10
Very true. In my travels, I have found children who were just grateful to have school supplies, a drink of juice, a ball to play with. It was really quite sad when I look at how comfortable my life is and how even our pets have more luxuries than some of the people around the world have.
@lhenpaule (495)
• Philippines
23 Sep 10
Sometimes, depression rooted from a traumatic experience, which happened long before or in childhood which often repeated in the present once a similar situation happens or triggers. In case like this, psychiatric help is necessary to process the effected person to help him/her to cure the deep-seated depression and be motivated to have a positive outlook in life.
@doormouse (4599)
23 Sep 10
you can't help getting depressed,it's not a choice people make,i've been depressed for years,i had a bad relationship and some problems in my past but that's it,nothing that would cause depression for this long,,it's all down to chemicals in the brain,which you have no control over,,so the answer to your question is,even if people have everything they could possibly want that will not stop them getting depressed,as it's a missing chemical that can cause it
@sender621 (14890)
• United States
23 Sep 10
Depression can affect people in so many different ways. They may not truly know what they have even though it is right in front of them. Knowing what you have in life ansd accepting it can help to lift depression from your life.
• United States
23 Sep 10
i am completly agree with you my freind because we have to look around and try to evaluate according to below from us, but no as human normal thinking we used to see always the better one and thats make us so much depress coz we think he has everything and we not, even if we have car, we need the sports one not the normal, did we ever think about people who are just walking around coz dont have money fore even public transport....there are lots of example..