Why are some people so nasty!!

Olivia's bath time - First bath at 2 days old!
@oldchem1 (8132)
September 23, 2010 12:53pm CST
My daughter has just phonmed me quite upset, Her daughter is not quite thee days old an she has just bathed her at home and tOlivia (the baby) cried a little - as new babies do! She is a good baby so far and heardly cries. But my daughter's neighbours have banged angrily on the wall because the baby cried - it was only 6.0 pm as well! How would you react to neighbours like this?
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14 responses
@cream97 (29085)
• United States
24 Sep 10
Hi. oldchem1. Now you know that I could not leave without stating my opinion of this issue here. WTH is wrong with your daughter's neighbors? The baby will cry. It is only two days old! I am having the same problem myself too. My downstairs neighbor hits the ceiling whenever he hears any noise that he does not like that has came from our apartment. And get this, he has a one month old baby himself too. So he needs to realize that his child will make noise too. If not now, sooner or later it will happen. I would contact the manager about this. I also would consider moving out too. A baby is going to cry. That is the only way that they can communicate and express themselves when they can't talk. Your daughter's neighbors are pathetic and cruel. So is my downstairs neighbor too!
@cream97 (29085)
• United States
24 Sep 10
I can understand this situation perfectly! Her neighbors should not bang loudly on the wall like that. Your daughter is doing her best as a mother to take care of her child. It is not always easy when you have a child that is crying and screaming. It can be frustrating on a mother. I have been in this situation plenty of times. And I am so sure that the last thing that your daughter and grand child needs to be hearing is a nasty bang on the wall. It is not helping anything when they bang on the wall when the baby cries. In fact it can scare your daughter's child terribly. And for heaven's sake it was only 6:00 pm. Are you sure that my neighbor from downstairs has not moved near your daughter?
@oldchem1 (8132)
24 Sep 10
Too many miserable and sad people in the world I'm afraid
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@gdesjardin (1918)
• United States
24 Sep 10
First, what a cute baby!!! As far as your daughter's neighbors are concerned...a newborn baby's cry is so tiny..how could they even hear it. But to bang on the wall like apes would, you have got to be kidding me! It is ashame when you have to live next to someone that is so hateful. It is terrible that your daughter has to put up with that. Wait til they hear the baby cry in the middle of the night.....LOL!!!
• United States
24 Sep 10
What can I say other than some people have no brains!!! I feel bad that your daughter has to put up with such craziness! I am sure they must drive her nuts, and now that she has a new baby and getting little sleep, the last thing your daughter needs to deal with is crazy neighbors! Maybe they will move out soon! Oh, and great job decorating the front of the house.
@oldchem1 (8132)
24 Sep 10
The house - They must have realised there was a baby there!!
They must have serious issues! The houses are only small but they're Victorian ones so quite thick walls too. I've added a picture of Steph's house - I decorated the front of it for when she brought Olivia home - so they knew that there was a new baby there!!
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
24 Sep 10
I would ignore these ignorant neighbors. Olivia has the right to cry. That is what babies do. If these people don't like it ....oh well. What are they going to do anyway? Even if she were crying in the night, seriously....babies do that and again, what can they do about it? Call the cops?? Pretty sure the cops won't even react. Babies cry. If they really have a problem with it then they should just move. Ya, so, I would definitely ignore them
@oldchem1 (8132)
24 Sep 10
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
23 Sep 10
I'd feel compelled to confront them as pleasantly as possible and tell them, "Look, I don't complain when you make noise. I wish you'd be as nice when my baby is crying. If you insist on banging on the wall when my baby is crying, I'll have to do the same when you are playing music all night or screaming at each other." Are there restrictions on noise level or time of day/night for loud noise around there? If so, they could be breaking the law by playing music all night and, if so, legal action could be taken. I'd try to settle it amicably, though, since they are neighbors. If the nasty neighbors refuse to do it that way, I'd have no problem with taking legal action.
• Grand Junction, Colorado
23 Sep 10
I agree with mentalward I would look for away to try and solve this amicably, it being your next door neighbor. Although it seems to rarely help with those types of people. I would also check about a noise ordinance in the area if the problems continue then I would call and report their noise and have no problem at all.
@oldchem1 (8132)
24 Sep 10
Yes my daughter is going to go round and explain. It's not as if they're elderly they're a young couple so I can't understand their problem. They are small terraced houses that are all occupied by young couples and families, I can't understand their mentality.
• United States
24 Sep 10
Oh wow this is horrible and they should be ashamed of themselves. My son was a screamer during bath times. I remember I had to shut all open vents and windows as I thought neighbor would have though I was abusing the baby while all I was going was bathing my son. These neighbors should be ashamed of themselves and I personally would never interact with them even to say hello. How dare they. Darn!!
@oldchem1 (8132)
24 Sep 10
Good job I'd come home or else I would have had strong words with them!!
• Vietnam
24 Sep 10
Baby's beautiful angels, Gods gives us these Angel and everyone should know that. I have a baby too and when my baby cried for eating in midle night, my neibough have no idea and they love my baby so much like that I love my baby. But I can understand your emotion. What a pity!!If your neibough is a man(woman) without partner, it's so really to difficult for your daughter and your cute baby.
@oldchem1 (8132)
24 Sep 10
You are right they are beautiful little angels, even if they are sometimes a little noisy!
@GardenGerty (162499)
• United States
23 Sep 10
I would find some way to annoy them back, probably. Or asked them what the exact problem was. A newborn will cry. So will a three year old. Neighbors need to be more neighborly. Sending hugs to your daughter. Hope the neighbors get all the nastiness out of their system soom.
@oldchem1 (8132)
24 Sep 10
Thanks for your kind wishes - my daughter said just wait until the baby has colic and is screaming all night!!
• Grand Junction, Colorado
23 Sep 10
Babies cry, it's a fact of life and sometimes to our utter amazement for hours and for no particular reason. Most normal people understand this, the ones that don't either have never had kids and are never around them or are just plain oblivious to others. Since you state that they play music loudly at all times of the day and night I tend to think that they are the type of people that give no thought to others. I wish your daughter luck with whatever she does.
@elmiko (6630)
• United States
24 Sep 10
i would tell them to get use to the baby crying cause its not going away.
@shira0524 (482)
• United States
23 Sep 10
I am not a "kid person", and I don't have any of my own children, but that's ridiculous. If that were me and it happened again I'd go to them and ask them what, exactly, they would like to be done to keep a baby from crying because surely if they have a great idea, lots of other people would be interested in it, too! ;)
@oldchem1 (8132)
23 Sep 10
It's OK for them to play loud music all night and shout at each other though!
• Singapore
24 Sep 10
These people are immature that's all. Look at it like this, you were once a baby too right? When you cried or threw tantrums as a baby, did other people bang on the wall like this? SIGH! Well, let sleeping dogs lie. There's not need to get upset over immature neighbours like this.
@oldchem1 (8132)
24 Sep 10
True ! People forget that they all started off as a baby!
@zoey7879 (3092)
• Quincy, Illinois
24 Sep 10
Some people are so nasty because they are so miserable with themselves and feel that the world revolves around them and only them. I'm sure that the neighbors have made noise at 6 p.m. I would have to tell them to go pound sand...
@oldchem1 (8132)
24 Sep 10
that's a saying I've not heard before , good one
@topffer (42155)
• France
23 Sep 10
I have the problem right now : my neighbor is crying in his phone near my door since an hour. I heard his car leaving at 1 am last night and I think that the locks were changed today. What would you do when your 40 years neighbor is crying near your door under the rain ? May I suggest him the address of a good hotel ?
@oldchem1 (8132)
24 Sep 10
Poor you, yes a hotel might be an idea
• United States
24 Sep 10
That's horrible, babies cry, if they don't like it they should move!
@oldchem1 (8132)
24 Sep 10
Exactly, it is an area that is full of new families too