help me! i need to relax!

September 23, 2010 11:01pm CST
Im having migraines! Problems are everywhere. I just want to relax even if just for seconds.
2 responses
24 Sep 10
Have you tried having a drink? Sometimes our bodies are crying out for water. Maybe try having a herbal tea. Try splashing warm water on your face or placing a cool flannel on your forehead. Having a bath using your favourite bubble bath may help to relax you. I use Lavendar oil to help me to relax. You could gently massage your scalp. You could try deep breathing, closing your eyes and imagining, that you are doing something you enjoy. I try not to use pain killers because I believe you need to find out the cause of the pain. You mentioned problems everywhere... it helps to write your problems down. Try to find solutions for the problems and if you can't, is there someone you could go to, to help you? At least if you have a plan you know what you have to do to overcome the barriers. You could try and get some sleep in the meantime.
• Philippines
24 Sep 10
i am alone and helpless at the moment :(
• China
24 Sep 10
Modern medicine for migraine etiology and pathogenesis is still unknown, more focused on their understanding of genetic factors, vascular factors, and neurotransmitter class hemodynamic factors and neural factors, elaborated on the spirit.