are you a good listener?

September 24, 2010 1:35am CST
are you a good listener? what makes describe you as a best listener? I know it is very hard to be a good listener... what is the most important part to be one...
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17 responses
• Philippines
27 Sep 10
i am especially when it is a friend who need advice when it is full of complain it irritate me.
• Philippines
27 Sep 10
what about the virtues and the essential details of being such a good listener...? Or what about, what do you like also for a friend who is a good listener?
@jltrent (37)
• United States
4 Oct 10
I myself have been told by many of my friends that I am a good listener. I don't judge people. I listen to them when they speak. Because sometimes people just need to be heard or even vent about day to day events. people can be patent about there lives. And by listening to them you can see and feel there love. And how much people can care in this word.
@kun2349 (23381)
• Singapore
25 Sep 10
I can say i'm a good listener. WHen my friends has got problem, they tend to turn to me being their listener. Til date, i have got about 4 female frenz, calling me, crying over the phone, telling me their problems. I'm someone who just listens and wun comment at all, til they finish everything. I will console them, but also point out their mistakes. I dun care if they like it or not, that's what i am. Maybe that's why they turn to me?? haha It's ok to be a listener over the phone, rather than face to face. Because when they are crying, it seems like i'm bullying her, and i will be attracting stares to myself.. lol =D
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
26 Sep 10
I am a good listener. The reason that I feel this way is because of the fact that when one of my friends is having problems, I can listen to them until they've gotten everything off of their shoulders. Only then will I start to talk to them and offer them advice. That said, I also have the ability of not sharing things that friends have told me in confidence. I think that is a very important part of being a good listener.
@tomitomi (5429)
• Singapore
25 Sep 10
To begin with I sometimes do not listen that well. That is why I need to reflect what I've heard. I need to pen them down. And I would reason them out. Some things do escape my mind perhaps. But what I think is reasonable enough for me to carry along in life I would try to do so.
@ggbaroyf (17)
• Philippines
2 Oct 10
some times i am a good listener but some times i am not especially when i am not in good mood......
@derek_a (10873)
24 Sep 10
I like to think that I am a good listener because I am a therapist and it really wouldn't be good for my mind to be drifting on to other things, even my own problems. They really have to take a back seat. I meditate every day and am constantly developing the art of focusing which again, is very important in my work. This is s skill that can be developed if a person is ready and willing to do so. _Derek
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
24 Sep 10
hi dweebs yes I have become a good listener once my son had pointed out that I had my mind on other things when he was talking to me. I felt shocked to realize that he was right, my mind was more on the balancing of my check book, than on what he said.From then on I made it a practice not to be thinking of what I was going to say, or anything else I might have been mulling over, and really listen to him speak. The most important part of be a good listener is detaching yourself from all other thoughts and really hear the person talking to you.Really its actually rude to notlisten to the person speaking to you. I think too many of us are so busy thinking of what we are going to reply with to actually just digest what was said to us.The proof lies in the other person asking,"Did you hear what I said?" and if you could not repeat what the person said, you are not listening at all.
@celticeagle (172386)
• Boise, Idaho
25 Sep 10
Most of the time i think I am. When I am excited about a topic I don't think I do listen as intently because I am busy trying to remember my response. I even wrote a article about this very subject. Here is the link incase you would like to read it:
@savypat (20216)
• United States
24 Sep 10
Shut your mouth and pay attention. Most important part of being a good listener
• United States
24 Sep 10
Listening - Keys to successful friendships
I have learned to become a better listener in life. One of the things I have noticed is that not very many people today can actually acquire this. See today people are so overloaded with so many burdens in life and well they unknowingly become very selfish in simply wanting to get things off their chest then forget that they too must listen. I believe I acquired a great listening skill as not only does it help me help others but I am very observant while I am listening. Which I think is a very valuable key.
• United Arab Emirates
24 Sep 10
Yes i am a good listener. I have a good heart to listen to people. I am easy to make friends. I am positive and love to pass this on to people. I love to keep a positive attitude always.
• Philippines
24 Sep 10
It depends on the people who I talk to. Most of the time, I don't care about what other people are saying to me. I'm kind of hard-headed. Although, sometimes I do listen to people who are worth listening to.
24 Sep 10
People always told me I was a good listener, I don't know if it has anything to do with being quiet. But I guess a few explanation is that I do not butt into the conversation, I nod along and reassure that I'm fully engage and interested, I do not make any judgments and lastly I offer my advice.
@10tacl3 (227)
• Romania
24 Sep 10
i`m a good listener too...and i think the most important thing is to realy want and feel that you can help that person , because if you don't feel that way you won't listen to him and won't understand what his problems are. The second thing would be to be patient and let him finish his "storie" . The third would be to not judge him from the beginning, your not helping nobody if you look for somebody to point the finger at. And the forth , if you have an example from your life experience that is simillar to his, tell him that, don't invent stories or tell him what he wants to hear just to make him feel good, that's not helping at all.
• United States
24 Sep 10
Yes, I am a good listener. My friends go to me when they need to vent because they trust me plus they feel that I give good advice. It is nice knowing I am trustworthy, and my friends feel comfortable sharing to me plus I like helping.
@IoanaBI (494)
• Romania
24 Sep 10
Yes i am:) i'm not satisfied with this position because sometimes i want to speack too, but i wait for the right moment to come to make my words speack out loud :)