The differences between lie and oath...

@yeyelee (370)
September 24, 2010 8:33am CST
When a person says "love you a ten thousand years",what do you think about his/her word? An oath or a lie? Suppose in a male-female relationship,the two parties love each other deeply,there is no doubt that they would take it as an oath.But if it's unrequited love,the rusult would be that the love giver thinks his/her word an oath,while the love rejecter regards it as a lie on the contrary.Differernt angles,different viewpoints. I like this sentence very much:the differences between lie and oath are,for one the listener means business,for another the speaker means business.So what's your opinions,feel free to share with me.
2 responses
• Portugal
24 Sep 10
aw thats so romantic ^^ i just wish someday a guy says that to me^^ i believe that if the boy always cares for the girl and always worry how she is. even if she calls him in 1 am and he wakes up and talk with her till she feels fine again^^ also if the boy does everything for the girl^^ if show her to his friends to show how proud he is of her^^ also if he does romantic surprises to her^^ if says i love you to her everyday and doesnt flirt with other girls^^ and sure if is girl saying that too^^ if we care for person always if we say that line is bcs we really feel that^^ thats the way to know if someone is true or not^^ if care always^^
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@yeyelee (370)
• China
25 Sep 10
The most sad things must be all your oaths were taken as lies,and your lies were regarded real.I say "i love you" to her,now she never believes it.
• Portugal
30 Sep 10
aw but jie didnt you break up with your gf like you said? so why you say to her i love you? :( didnt we agree before that she didnt deserve your love? please jie what she did no girl does to her bf unless she doesnt love him. you should just be away from that girl and find one that really can love you^^ that one is not the one for you trust me. forget about her or you will be hurt again. it doesnt matter if she doesnt believe it. she continues to be stupid only. she should thank you for being so sweet to her. actually im sick you say about that girl bcs she deserves nothing why you still talk about her? why you think about her? please stop torturing yourself and forget her^^ you deserve better than that^^ trust me :)
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@yeyelee (370)
• China
1 Oct 10
Thank you.Don't worry.I have said to her that i don't wanna pursue her anymore,but we're still friends.And the word "i love you" was just about long before when i was so painful.All things had past.Believe me,i would make great efforts to deal with our ralation.
• Vietnam
25 Sep 10
lie is good and bad and it's also true with oath. But lie doesn't mean oath. You can lie in real life without thinking but if you lie in the oath you will be in trouble
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@yeyelee (370)
• China
25 Sep 10
Agreed.And I wanna know whether the bad oath could still be called "oath" or not.Happy mylotting.