LOVE AND FORGIVENESS - a Lesson givcen by the cat

@srjac0902 (1169)
September 24, 2010 2:53pm CST
Many years back, in a family the milk had been split on the floor. Many blamed the cat. And someone asked me to catch the cat, show the milk and beat it. I was forced to do it. But the cat reacted, instead of scratching me or biting me it began to lick me with affection. I dropped the cat. I cannot forget this episode. When animals know to forgive what we do?
4 responses
@jen028 (65)
• Philippines
25 Sep 10
Animals know how to forgive.. much more a man must have to forgive in the bible says you forgive your brethren 6x6x6 If you don't forgive God will not forgive you also.
@momof3kids (1894)
• Singapore
25 Sep 10
Hmm I know a similar story. Sorry if its off topic.. Long time ago in a country, it was not good to have girls. So in this family, the father decided to take his 3 year old daughter to bury her alive (dun ask me how anybody can do this). As the father digged the hole in the hot sun, the daughter came to him and wiped his sweat with her sleeves. Guess who didnt get buried after that.
@bird123 (10643)
• United States
25 Sep 10
A lesson given by a cat. Great lesson indeed!! Nice discussion. Maybe we can all become as smart as that cat.
@IoanaBI (494)
• Romania
24 Sep 10
Touchy moment. I like when this kind of things happen and make me think that if an animal can do this, imagine of how much greatness is capable a man