Do you think that dogs and their owners look alike?

Dogs and owners look alike - If they participated in a look alike contest, they would be between the finalists
@inu1711 (5285)
September 24, 2010 3:49pm CST
I've asked myself so many times if this is for real or this is only in my imagination! But the more dog/owners couples I see, the more I think this is a truth. There are a lot of relevant examples on the internet and I've just found out that there were different researches done to find out the answer to this question. The researchers found that people were able to correctly match pictures of dog owners with their pets more often than not, but only when the dogs were pure breeds. Similarities in facial expressions played a big role in the choices. Here is a picture I took in a dog show, last weekend. I think all the four couples look alike, and if they participated in a dog-owner look alike contest, they would all be between the finalists. What is your oppinion about this matter? Do you think you and your dog look alike?
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4 responses
@chayapathys (2111)
• India
25 Sep 10
Thank you professor. Sorry I don't have adog....
@inu1711 (5285)
• Romania
25 Sep 10
some finalists of the Look alike contest  - This is a couple of finalists from the "look alike" photo contest from Petfinder, a Discovery Company. Check up for details here:
It's ok, my student. You still have time to get one. But be sure you'll get one that look alike you, maybe you'll win some look alike contest like the one I mentioned above. What do you think about this resemblence? Aren't they cute?
@inu1711 (5285)
• Romania
27 Sep 10
Oh chayapathys, you know it's never too late to be a student. Though, I was joking about this, because you were the one who started with "thank you professor". Am I allowed to give you a piece of advice? Don't tell anybody about your phisical age, you are as young as you feel inside, no matter what is written in your birth certificate. May God give you time for everything you wish for!
• India
27 Sep 10
Thank you very much.I wish I were you student.....I am 76plus.Still I would like to be your student. Your postings are very enlightening.There is much I have to learn if God gives me time.....
@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
24 Sep 10
I don't know inu, because though both Penny and Ciara are black and white, they look different. So I wonder about multiple dog owners, who would they look like? Plus, though my girls are sisters, my daughters boss has three poodles and now this dog that looks to be a shepherd mix, talk about a
• United States
25 Sep 10
wow, why did Frankenstein come to mind when I read your reply??? Scary!!
@inu1711 (5285)
• Romania
25 Sep 10
I have never thought about that. I'm quite confused. For a case like yours, it's simple, because even if they may look different in your eyes, an ignorant eye can easily confuse Penny and Ciara. But for a case like your daughter's boss... Now, that you asked that, I add another question: what if a person has one or more dogs AND a cat?
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@geojb90 (470)
• Galati, Romania
24 Sep 10
A few months ago there were some commercials on Discovery Channel and one of them was about a contest with dogs who look like their owners. However I never got the chance to see to much of it.
@inu1711 (5285)
• Romania
25 Sep 10
Look alike contest - This is the winner couple from the "look alike" photo contest from Petfinder, a Discovery Company.
Check up for details here:
Oh, it would be an interesting show to see. Did you remember any details about this contest? It has already taken place or it will start soon? I performed a search for Discovery Channel and 'look alike', and I've found a Photo Contest that already has had a winner couple. Here they are:
@geojb90 (470)
• Galati, Romania
26 Sep 10
I don't know I maybe mistaking. I don't remember exactly if it was on Discovery Channel or Animal Planet. Either way contests like these are being held annually and they attract many viewers.
@IoanaBI (494)
• Romania
24 Sep 10
Yes, i noticed the same thing, and what got me questioned is: do i look like my fish? i trully hope not, but like pet like owner right? :D
@inu1711 (5285)
• Romania
25 Sep 10
Well, it depends ... what kind of fish do you have? Is your fish a Zebra or a Scalar? You know, "asa ca turcul e si pistolul" (translated "like pet like owner") is another important matter. Even if some owners and pets don't look alike, they surely have in commun many traits.