my life is no good at all

United States
September 24, 2010 4:06pm CST
my life is nothing but truble because I dnt have no life I lost my father june and then I moved in july and now I dnt have nothing to do I dnt have no friends and my family is no help at all this is my life crazy
4 responses
@bird123 (10641)
• United States
25 Sep 10
Life can be hard. I lost my dad as well. We do have a choice on what we value. We can see doom and gloom. Hold the hurt in Or we can see the good things in life. Friends are easy to find. Walk down the road when you see a yard full of leaves, volunteer to help rake them. People will love it and you have made a friend. Most everyone in the world needs help of some kind. If you are loving, kind and helpful, you will attract more friends than you could ever think possible. Let's not value the trouble. Let's value what comes when we overcome our challenges. You are more capable than you know. It is up to you. See with new eyes. Hmmm??? Who can I help today.
@kimkim888 (145)
• Philippines
24 Sep 10
ur not the only one... we all have crazy life.. I resigned from my stable job hoping I can work abroad but I'm having trouble with my visa..... I'm lost ... I gave up my work to seek for the better one and now I cant go back the life that I have... I'm still hoping and believe if a door close there is always a window open.
@emarie (5442)
• United States
24 Sep 10
I'm sorry for everything that's happened. In a way I do know how you feel a little bit, but you'll need to look at things positively and then you can get your life moving. Life always throws you problems and how you get past it makes you stronger. Just think of the life ahead and the life you can lead. In these days, that's all some people can do it hope for the better and live life the only way they can.
@jinjer168 (1596)
• Philippines
24 Sep 10
Hello! what i can say is you should never lose hope. Life's just really like that sometimes. We couldn't avoid it but keep in mind that there's no problem that stays, all of them will go away in due time so just be strong and focused towards another good day. My mother and father also passed away years ago. That makes my life so lonely but i just prayed a lot and though it hurts sometimes thinking that they left us already, the burden's much lighter and easier to bear. Go on with your life, think positive always and pray a lot. It will help you survive, you can do it for sure, good luck!