which VALUES are the children of this generation missing?

@nikramos (698)
September 24, 2010 8:09pm CST
personalities are constantly evolving and while some stuck to their tested values and morals, some chose not to go with the society's standards. With what i see, children teens and younger people of these days are lacking some of these important value. one of which is respect for elders. they have gone very rigid in grasping the concept of freedom of speech and having our own opinions (that people shouldn't care about) to the extent of not recognizing their roles as children to their parents. others, on the other hand, no longer value hard work and education and would rather rely on luck and worse, be passively waiting. for you, which of these values are the people of today lacking? is it on family, friendship, relationship, work, or education?
14 responses
@patgalca (18439)
• Orangeville, Ontario
25 Sep 10
I may get blasted for saying this but it is my opinion that I believe children today are lacking proper parents. There are so many broken homes, two working parent families, parents who were too young to become parents and/or never grew up. I have two teenage daughters. I have drawn a very deep line in the sand which they have been well aware of since they were little. One of my daughters crossed the line and I followed up with other parents. All these parents claimed not to like the way kids behave these days but no one, NOT ONE, was prepared to do anything about it. A couple of weeks ago I was talking to the mother of a teenage boy, a classmate of my 14 year old daughter. On Halloween a gang wanted to stay overnight at this woman's home... 3 boys and 3 girls. The mother told me that I was the only mother who called to speak to her about the sleeping arrangements and parental supervision. I think some parents are just too lazy, or too wrapped up in their own lives that they let their kids do whatever. I watch the parents and children, friends of my children. I see the results of broken homes and poor parenting. My kids could have turned out not so great if I went back to work after my second daughter was born but illness forced me to stay home. You won't ever hear me complaining about having fibromyalgia. It is a blessing that forced me to stay home and raise my children the old-fashioned way. I also believe the role of the Catholic schools and church in our lives has played a part in my children's upbringing. Don't get me wrong, we haven't been without our difficult times. But we got through them. That's what God expects of us. We work our way through to the other side. Life isn't easy, but when you take on the responsibility of being a parent then BE A PARENT. God gifted me with my children and I am taking care of His gifts the best I can.
@nikramos (698)
• Philippines
25 Sep 10
Hi Patgalca! you just made me appreciate my parents more :) years back, i remember my parents were like you specially my dad. i was always mad at him for wanting to talk to my friends or their parents before he allows me to attend activities. i felt i was always embarrassed when he does that. it has been like that until i graduated college. but look at me now. unlike how others grew up to be (no judgment, just sharing my thoughts and experiences), i found myself a good job because i wasn't out of school because of teen pregnancy or because i've grown a drunkard or an irresponsible party-goer.i've been in Catholic schools and universities all my studying years and it made a big impact on me too. all due credit to my parents' upbringing. BUT there were also negative effects on me,well more on my sister not much for me.i will have her as an example. her social growth was compromised because all she had to do was go to school then go home after,every day. although she has a lot of talents, she hasn't grabbed too much opportunity to develop them because she wasn't allowed to. to my strict parents, engaging in activities as such would expose my sister indirectly to a lot of things and MIGHT not be good for her. as i see her, she lacks confidence and perseverance because she knows my parents are always here to back her up.she just needs to follow them, all the time with everything. as for me, i'm somewhat thankful for being the stubborn kid that i was. i learned a lot of things from the mistakes i had. have i not explored outside the box they confined us in, i wouldn't be able to be the woman i've grown now. well i'm still in the process of learning. and i greatly appreciate an insight from a mom like you :) i guess respect should come from both parties dealing with each other. i remember my mom telling me that even at her age, she is amazed at how much she is still learning from my ways and my opinions. :)
@patgalca (18439)
• Orangeville, Ontario
25 Sep 10
I guess we really should look at the other side of the coin. My parents raised five children. Five very different children. I believe they raised us all the same (though hard for me to tell being the youngest and far apart in age) so what be the cause then? Differently personalities? I remember my mother lamenting once about the teenager my sister was (the middle child). I told her it wasn't her fault. She raised all of us the same way. And to bring that full circle, my sister had an issue about being the middle child. She has 3 children and she was so afraid that her middle child would feel the same way that she turned the tables and favours the middle child over her other two children. It's not just what I see, either, because her youngest daughter has talked to me about it. We can't blame everything on our parents. We have to take responsibility for our own actions. If our parents are responsible for some flaw in our personalities then it is up to us to stand up and choose to put it behind us and be the best we can be.
@jennbart (1325)
• Philippines
25 Sep 10
They lack respect. My 6 years old nephew is so rude he tells my mom " END OF CONVERSATION!" when his ways are not being followed, or he does not like to be talked to anymore. Sometimes I just want to slap his face coz he also does that to me. I do not follow him I tell tell to knock his being bratty off if he is acting up. I wont tolerate his being bratty. I have already shouted at him for being such a brat. He would even hit me at times, and I would hold on to his hands and look at his eyes straight on and tell him I will leave him at a mall when we are at a mall and I will tell him I mean business. Then he will stop. If my sister wont discipline him, I WILL PUT HIM IN HIS PROPER PLACE!
@nikramos (698)
• Philippines
25 Sep 10
i had mixed reactions while reading your comment. made me raise my eyebrow when he says "end of conversation" and even hit you at times. is that really a 6-year-old kid??? then i was laughing when you tell him you'll leave him in the mall with a straight look and you are not kidding. anyway, it sounds a bit harsh to me but i think such kid would have the same treatment like you had with him from me. however i don't know which is right: tolerate the kid or talk to him nicely for the sake of him not making a scene (crying, throwing really bad tantrums or hitting you), thinking he would stop but worse he doesn't OR be a bit harsh and like you said put him in his proper place so he will stop? both can have effects in years on the kid as he grows. i'm not yet a parent and now im thinking, this can be really hard...
@jennbart (1325)
• Philippines
25 Sep 10
You cannot just cannot tolerate it and grin and bear it. I know he is just a kid but he has to know where his limitations are. Sometimes, kids needs an ultimatum. You can't let his misbehaving pass all the time just because he is 6. I do not believe in such.We should even teach him now, while they are kids. When will we teach them? when they turn 16? when they will not follow you anymore? oh, about 30? When they will just raise their brows on you and shrug their shoulders and say YEAH! WHATEVER!! My older sis just lets him be, which I really dislike. They should tame their own kid or they will be the talk of the town. People will say " they do not discipline their own kid." a kid's behavior reflects the kind of parenting his parents are giving him. If he misbehaves and answers back especially in public places, people will have a hint that the kid's parents are no good!
@Fishmomma (11376)
• United States
25 Sep 10
I think many young people don't know the value of a dollar and working hard to earn them. Many seen to believe their parents should just give them whatever they want and it shouldn't matter the cost. Yesterday I heard a young person tell somebody that their parents didn't give them enough for their birthday.
@patgalca (18439)
• Orangeville, Ontario
25 Sep 10
My daughters' friends all have laptops and computers and video games, televisions in their bedrooms, etc. etc. etc. Though my kids have complained that "everybody does", they have also called their friends spoiled and selfish. Granted we haven't had much money because I was unable to go back to work 14 years ago, but even if I had the money I would not put a television in my kids' bedroom. I have heard parents say they want to give their kids the stuff they didn't have as kids. Bad move.
@nikramos (698)
• Philippines
25 Sep 10
wow, that's really not nice. if i'm the parent i would feel hurt hearing mu child say that. it's as if nothing was done to make her day special. another value missed: APPRECIATION even for the littlest things done for us, and CONTENT of what we have. we should find joy in simple things too
@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
25 Sep 10
i find that alot dont want to work, they want everything handed to them. they are lazy. i also find that respect for elders seems to be gone by the wayside. also, simple things like saying please and thank you too.
@TrvlArrngr (4045)
• United States
25 Sep 10
They lack respect. Without respect we are barbarians. They also feel entitled and do not want to work for their goals. They are exposed to too much at a young age.
@nikramos (698)
• Philippines
25 Sep 10
i think they (or we) are much preoccupied with a lot of things that they (we) think they know a lot. well admittedly i can be like that at times but whenever it happens, i have to stop and think that not all my opinions are in sync with the others so i have to hear what they, especially my elders have to say. and after all my rant has been expressed, i find myself feeling bad because i knew all along they were right and i was just too stubborn to listen. worse, i forgot about respecting them. i just got a point less of a good child.
@kjones505 (271)
• United States
25 Sep 10
They lack respect and pride. This makes them weak and easily susceptible to fall for anything.
@ebuscat (5935)
• Philippines
25 Sep 10
For me lack o love to each and everyone and respect o the authority.
@oldchem1 (8132)
25 Sep 10
If young people are lacking respect then the only people to blame are their parents. I have five children and they have all been brought up to respect other people - especially older people. I think it is wrong that all young people get tarred with the same brush, in the area where I live it is rare to find young people who are not respectful. I have a 14 year old son and he and all his friends are courteous and helpful. So are far as I can see if there is a problem it has to be with their parents
@jennyze (7027)
• Indonesia
25 Sep 10
Yes, the young generation is lack respect and good manners, I think. They think they can do everything themselves with this high tech things they can find anything and do not need teacher, parents or others to tell them so. Thus respect is our of the way as well as good manners.
• Philippines
25 Sep 10
Children nowadays are not well disciplined, they are also not hardworking and patient. They are now dependent in today's technology and don't know how to study hard.
• United States
25 Sep 10
We live in the age of 'entitlement' - and many of the young people grow up on television and the 'boob tube' is telling them they deserve the best things in life without earning them. Think about it...sing a song, show some tail, and you're an icon! No hard work, no school, just entertainment...they sing about it, they rap about it, but it's poisoned this up and coming generation... There's the obvious value they're missing...the Fear of God...hopefully I, along with other children of God can continually be the example Christ wants us to be and lead them to Him...
• China
25 Sep 10
Maybe we don't respect some elders because those peoples' behaivor make us disapopint.
@aarpees (149)
25 Sep 10
I think what's lacking in today's character of generation is the respect to older people. CHildren now think that they can control the older generation, and there is no need for them to respect these people. They can talk to their parents like just their friends, and they sometimes go beyond limits to the point that they do say bad words to their parents. I think it's also because of their environment and the way they were raised.
25 Sep 10
I think the values that are missing in this generation is Respect for their Elder.