God certainly exists
@Professor2010 (20156)
September 25, 2010 4:23am CST
Friends many say, there is no God and God is just an imaginary crutch, that when a man feels any weakness he calls to God, and that when he feels more happy he feels no need for the existence of God.
It’s a fact that materialists turn to God when they are in distress and deny His existence when they are free from distress. Just see what a selfish mentality this is.
In my opinion God positively exists
as an objective reality whether we are in distress or in happiness.
[b]How do we know this?
Here's how: God means the origin. It has been scientifically proven that everything comes from something. There is no instance in the history of the universe of something coming out of nothing. Therefore there must be an origin for the universe and therefore the existence of God is a scientific reality.[/b]Share your views on this please.
Please keep responses clean.Professor

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22 responses
@IsisGreen (554)
25 Sep 10
Hi Prof,
1. To take your argument on its own terms:
If everything came from something, what did God come from?
2. What's the problem with thinking that matter simply always existed (initially in a highly condensed state pre Big-Bang)? Why does it have to have a start point?
@pandapig8 (362)
• Philippines
26 Sep 10
how can the condensed matter exist then without having a start point?
@pandapig8 (362)
• Philippines
27 Sep 10
so how was it just there? can it not have a start point? How can you say that it can be without a start point?
@freymind (1351)
• Philippines
26 Sep 10
its better to believe in God while you are living and know he doesn't exist when you die than not believed at all and learn that he does.
for me i would rather walk the Earth doing good things in my life and to others than waste my life here doing nothing but destruction. everybody has his/her opinion on how to spend your life whether its for good or bad.
for me believing that God do exist is better since its like i already helped myself to straighten my way in life.
@IsisGreen (554)
26 Sep 10
Hi freymind,
1. The first bit is a bit like Pascal's Wager. Have you come across this before?
2. I don't think you need a belief in God in order to do good things in life. Most humans seem to have a pretty intuitive sense of what helps people and what harms them.
All the best.
@freymind (1351)
• Philippines
27 Sep 10
hey IsisGreen. Nope. Never heard of it but i checked it in Wikipedia just now and it does sound like what I've said. actually i learned that in our Christian Ministry.
One of our pastor told this to someone from our ministry who is just a guest and is an atheist and just dropped by to check our ministry. our pastor explained this to us. and the guest didn't like the explanation and just left our ministry.
anyway for me still i would like to believe that i will be a better person if i know it myself that there is God. sometimes being human as well, we tend to forget what is good and bad and give reasons on whether or not.
@bingskee (5234)
• Philippines
26 Sep 10
God exists. i know it from the breath of life that i breathe everyday. i don't believe the air we breathe just existed from a big bang theory. it is just that simple to me.
God exists. He is a spirit and many do not believe this truth. "God is a spirit, and those who worship must worship Him in Spirit and truth." - John 4:24
Some people just don't want to be bound by rules and believing in God requires following his precepts, statutes and rules. Some people would not want control, and just live life according to their whims.
@IsisGreen (554)
26 Sep 10
Well, there is something to the not wanting to be bound by rules idea. But also I think a lot of people just don't see much reason to believe in something they can't see a lot of evidence for. It's also made a lot easier to write off all belief in God because some people who believe in God believe a whole load of other nonsense which is so plainly false. Their (flawed) reasoning is, roughly:
1) Some people who believe in God think the world is 4000 years old. (True)
2) The world is in fact about 4.5 billion years old. (True)
Therefore A) They're wrong about the age of the earth. (True)
Therefore B) They're wrong about God. (This doesn't follow)
@pandapig8 (362)
• Philippines
27 Sep 10
IsisGreen. watch in youtube the video where einstein tells his teacher off when his teacher said God did not exist. I highly recommend you see it because Einstein's principle was also that of scientific origin. It's called the divine dichotomy. It's based on Einstein's law of relativity. Even Science cannot deny the fact that there is God :D
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
28 Sep 10
There are far too many things that happen during the course of our lives that would make it impossible to differ that God exists. I have never thought of God as a crutch in my life, however, my belief in God throughout my life has made it possible for me to get through both the hard times in my life and also to realize that there will be difficult times in my life. I will never accept that anyone would tell me anything different.
@pogi253 (1596)
• Philippines
25 Sep 10
God according to Wikipedia, "the external being that created and preserves the universe" But is this true? It is not, according to scientific theory, the big bang that created the universe; which has phenomenal amounts of evidence. So, if these theories are both correct then how can either be true? The way we must do this is with something that his very religion states itself, that God is the only one God in existence. It also states that God may only exist through faith.
@IsisGreen (554)
25 Sep 10
Well, it's not inconsistent to hold the view that God created the Big Bang and then everything flowed from there. However, certainly God isn't needed for this. Matter could just have been there.
But yes, if somebody is trying to argue that God made the world 4000 years ago and just put people and all other life on it ready-made, that's completely contradictory to the conclusions of all scientific observation and study.
@mercedlegurpa (955)
• Philippines
26 Sep 10
We are on the same boat; I believe God exists and we are all His creations. When I'm on distress, I call and pray to Him;same as when I'm happy and full of His graces, I thank Him.
@Buchi_bulla (8298)
• India
26 Sep 10
I strongly believe that there is a power, the Almighty existing above the earth. Everything generated from his power and is controlled by his power. We suffer for our sins and faith in God will not remove the suffering in entirety but it makes it light. Bhagawan Sathya Sai Baba once said, 'you have to carry Rs. 100/-. If you pray God and believe in him, he will make you carry a 100 rupees note, instead of 100 rupees coins', i.e. we have to carry lighter weight.
@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
26 Sep 10
A lot of research was done, question turning over and over in people minds, and at the end of the whole process they still not sure. But here we must point to the order and design of the universe and assets that there must be a "designer". Who is behind all the living things put in this planet? It is a logical thing to think everything that happens to us in our life down to the tinest, most insignificant detail is mysteriously tied to God's "plan. I believe in the existence of God, God that created the universe and filled our world with life and asset for us to enjoy while in our earthly existence. I know God is watching over us, He just doesn't want to satisfy a curiosity we have. We should communicate to God through prayers and ask him a question, instead of treating him as a question.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
25 Sep 10
Hi Professor, There are those who would disagree with you that there has to be a God. I was listening to an interview with Stephen Hawking, who is considered by many to be the Einstein of today, and he states clearly that everything in the universe can be explained without bringing God into the equation. As I understand it, he says that there may be a God, in some sense of the word, but that God is not necessary. Personally, I believe that we are spiritual beings, who at this time are having a human experience. It is likely that we have been here many times before and most of us will return but we existed before coming here. Although I was raised a Christian and see some great truths in the Bible, when it's understood correctly, it is not why I believe as I do. For as long as I can remember, I've had what I call a "Knowing" within myself that I lived before coming here. I don't consider God to be in the form of a man or any other creature but to be the sum total of all life, in other words, you and I and "all that is", make up God, yet we all retain our individuality. I realize that this is my belief and I have no desire to push my thoughts about God or life on another. If we are to be truthful, we must admit that it is all a great mystery, even while knowing that this life is not the beginning or the end. Blessings.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
25 Sep 10
hi professor oh y es I do believe in God,his power made our wonderful world and its sad we are not appreciative enough to really take
excellent care of it.Yes I agree he exists whether we are happy
or in trouble.There must be an origin for our world so God
is proved and done scientifically . good deal. 

@pandapig8 (362)
• Philippines
26 Sep 10
Absolutely! God is most definitely real. I've been through that phase before where I only turned to God in time of need but I've passed it now. I just realized that We always complain about God not doing his part, question is... are we doing our part of the bargain? I also realized that if we trust in God then he will not let us down or leave us. Can I also just add... why do we do this? Can I give an analogy? If your parents make you happy, do you believe in them? If they don't, do you deny they even exist? Of course not! Although I think that this is not just a problem of people who need something. There are people who just generally don't believe in the Lord because they've closed their hearts to Him. Someone cannot enter a locked house bt let me tell you, God will not enter that house but he will conquer it in ways that only you could understand and you'd then say. He is as real as it gets. Thank you for this discussion. It's very refreshing to see that many are out there promoting God's Love!
@drbuster92 (91)
• India
26 Sep 10
I believe in God, but I dont know if he exists or not...
You Know, we need proof for everything.. :D
@girlaloosh01 (154)
• Philippines
25 Sep 10
We've just studied about that in out Theology & Philosophy class. :) I do believe that God exists. Just like abstract things [eg. Love, Peace, Hope...] we don't see God, but we can feel him if we will just believe. For me, we will not definitely exist without God's will. There are still many people who are in doubt when it comes to God's existence, but there's nothing to be doubtful of. I just think that in every obstacle that I go through, I am still alive because of God's guidance & help.
@derek_a (10873)
25 Sep 10
From my meditation and contemplation over the years, I look at the statement that God is Everything, and of course Everything (or God) exists, but within everything else.
I see that when people use prayer, they are looking within themselves and that is where the answer comes from, if their karma permits. I don't feel that God exists as a separate force, but as the Integrated Force of Life the permeates everything in existence. The human mind, in its effort to make sense of this, disintegrates the All and Everything into separate parts. For instance, like you separate from I and this object separate from that object, the mind is separate from the body and the soul from the mind and body etc.
I feel that there is a "no-thing", not in the negative sense as in nothing, but a void of pure Creativity (potential) that the Zen Buddhists talk of. This no-thing or void, is accessible to an awareness that is beyond the intellect, but can penetrate consciousness when a person is in a deep state of meditation. At this point the person can experience at-one-ness, that we are all part of, but have lost sight of.
I feel therefore, that where we can intellectualize the meaning of God, through meditation we have an opportunity to stop intellectualizing and being experiencing that which we are all part of. True "I-am" consciousness I feel is a living, experiential force, not a religion or philosphy.
This is my experience and does not necessarily mean that it's fact. The mind is not capable of establishing this because it is beyond its capability.
Thank you for the opportunity you have given me to share this my friend..

@kquiming (2997)
• Philippines
25 Sep 10
i believe in God and I have my own reasons for believing so...and so far I haven't doubt His existence. I think it's harder to believe in the existence of a good God when we're experiencing difficulties in life but once you have come into terms that God really exists whether there is pain or pleasure, He does exist for real. More than just in a person's imagination.
@tigeraunt (6326)
• Philippines
25 Sep 10
der professor,
i do certainly believe that there is a God. i get the satisfaction that He listens to me whenever i am sad and i dont have no one to cling to. not everything in this world can be explained.

• Philippines
25 Sep 10
That's right. And existence came from him. Even the word "ha", that we usually utter when we breathe is connected to God.
@aarpees (149)
25 Sep 10
I agree with you, God certainly exists. And I know that by faith, I do not need any scientific proof to back it up, I have my faith with me, and I know, even if I havent seen him, that he exists. Remember that faith is not to have a perfect knowledge of things, if ye have Faith, ye hope for things which are not seen, which are true.:)
@yanyanyow (326)
• Philippines
25 Sep 10
all my life, i have believed in God. yes, there is and he planned everything for us. he is our creator and we should not deny him. it really breaks my heart when i see people turning to God only when they have problems and forgets to say thank you after they have passed the obstacles in life.