Just how valid is the Bible?
By FyreFox
@FyreFox (51)
United States
September 25, 2010 11:51pm CST
The christian bible is known by millions as the highest authority on Earth. However, since its very creation it has been repeatedly translated, reworded and edited. By the very nature of language, the translated word will never come out meaning exactly the same thing, therefore much of the script may become ambiguous in nature. Also, many bibles have often been reworded or watered down to benefit the reader- which also takes away from the original meaning, intentionally or not. It has been well noted and recorded for centuries, especially in English history, that rulers and kings have often edited and censored the bible for their own purposes. King Henry was perhaps the most well-known culprit of this. I do find it to be very interesting, however, that the most widely recommended and trusted version of the bible today is the New King James Version. This also happens to be the most openly corrupted version, as the very name means that King James himself had it altered to his own liking.
So why is it that so many people out there turn to the bible as their religious authority. Just how valid is it really?
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16 responses
@wiwa05 (230)
• Philippines
26 Sep 10
One should never question the validity of the Bible because it's a HOLY BOOK. It contains the Holy Words which wrote by different disciples that were commanded by God. The Bible is the key of our salvation and so other UNBELIEVERS should be saved too. Having FAITH in Jesus, and God should never be a question. That's why it's called faith coz you believe in something you've never seen before. Maybe other people might think that God does not exist coz no one had ever seen him at present (aside from the prophets in the past), but God REALLY EXIST. You may think He's too far to feel Him but it's not! He's always there with us, watching, guiding, helping us on our problems, and giving us strengths we have nothing left to face problems. Trust in Him guys, cause He desrves your RESPECT, and SERVICE for creating you and for giving you such wonderful things! ^_^
God bless! ;)
@wiwa05 (230)
• Philippines
26 Sep 10
I'm sorry coz whatever you say I still don't believe on the make-up stories of whoever authors are making the books where you got your research. Those authors COULDN'T even prove how our universe was CREATED, and WHO CREATED IT! If you can prove to me who made the universe then maybe I'll believe in what your saying. But as long as NOBODY has ever proved who made EVERYTHING, I know God MADE them all including YOU. I respect your beliefs but I just hope you'll realize one day that God is REAL! I'll pray for you. God bless! ^_^
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@FyreFox (51)
• United States
26 Sep 10
I was not questioning the holiness of the book- but we KNOW that man has changed and deleted things from the bible. Its been documented all throughout history. For example, King Henry made himself the head of the English church and went into the bible to eliminate anything that would make him wrong in doing so. He then distributed this bible to the masses. Also, the King James Version is a bible that James has altered to his liking. How holy is this book now?
I would never question the existence of God- in any form. But the divine word and a book that has been corrupted by man are two very different things.

@rdramirezC (240)
• Philippines
27 Sep 10
For me bible is a very important tool in my spiritual life..
Obviously, its valid..
it's the peoples very way to talk to GOD ..
in fact it affects the persons life in many ways that i myself believe it cause many good changes in a humans life...

@rdramirezC (240)
• Philippines
30 Sep 10
It is said in revelations that who ever adds / subtract the word will be punish...
the changes of course happens because a lot of people don't want to be corrected-each time they sinned they are convicted by their conscience...
the word isn't to be force nor to be debate ...It's given free...nothing is wrong and less from a humans life if he/she go for it because it isn't contradicting to any laws of man kind....

@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
26 Sep 10
I would say that maybe 50% of the Bible is valid, but the other 10% is skeptical facts, and the rest is possibly made up. I say this because this book was compiled of thousands of years, and manuscripts get lost, words get lost in translations, stories change, and some things get taken out of the Bible. The Bible, to me, is just book like any other book. Read it, but don't take it literally. Most of it is strictly metaphorical. Yes, the Bible has been altered over the years. There is a big difference between the Torah, the Gnostic Bible, the Orthodox Bible, the Catholic Bible, and the King James Bible. All of these Bible are unique and different, and every religion that follows these Bibles is also unique and different and every single on of the people who follow the teachings in these Bibles believe the information to be correct, but it is all subject to interpretation. Really look at and read every single one of those Bibles and do the research for yourself. Which of content in these Bibles do you agree with? Is the information in these Bibles consistent? Which of the content in these Bibles do you disagree with? Where do you see things begin to change in each Bible or what information seems fuzzy? These Bibles where all written in their own unique way.
@crysontherocks77 (1273)
• United States
26 Sep 10
Every time science has set out to prove that the events in the bible didn't happen. They end up proving that the events did really happen. They have evidence of noah's ark and the holy grail really existing. They evidence through out the middle east of Jesus visiting the different cities and paul as well. I'm a christain, but when science sets out to prove it didn't happen and they find prove it did happen. i would be inclined to believe that it's real. The only reason it gets translated into so many different wordings is because man tries to change it from what God wanted the people to hear and no matter how many different versions are out there, most go back on the King James version saying it's the most reliable in translation.

@crysontherocks77 (1273)
• United States
28 Sep 10
according to what I've been told, and that's just from people around me growing up over the years. Is that the King James version was the closest one translated to the real version that was in the jewish language. I don't care for the new translation versions because they try to put words or verses in the bible that are not there or try to make it say things that were never said.
As far as the validity of the King James version, it wouldn't surprise me any to believe that he probably wouldn't be going around showing off a version of the bible if it weren't correct. I mean because many who would be reading it later would call him wrong in his translation. I don't know much about King James so I can't really comment on what his behavior or values were. Many were unable to read hebrew and the jewish language and so for the few that did I guess it gave way for further interpretation. It's just like the morman's that they say there bible is the version that Christ came to the western world before he came to the jews or after he came to the jews. ( I'm sorry if I'm wrong in my wording or these are not facts). I've also been told that they believe that there written times between the old and new testiment. Again, I'm not really clear as if this is true or not. I haven't done a lot of research on it.
Anyways, My point is there hasn't been any proof as to whether Jesus was actually over hear or what he did while he was here. God left clues all over where Jesus was with the Jews and Gentiles so i would think that he would leave things behind to show he was there just like he did with them. Thus, proving the validity of the bible regardless of who translated.
I understand that your discussion is about the validity issue. It's valid to say that the things in the Bible have happened and history, astrology, archeology and other sciences have proved that these major events did occur. Most of the questions on which version to believe verses which version not to believe would have to be based on your own understanding of God has told you and your observations of the things that happened around you. Sometimes just going on one version of the bible may not broaden your understanding of what God wants for your life. I've had pastors who use books, songs, and dictations, and they also use thesauruses and dictionaries to further explain what the words of the bible mean. Each time you read it, you should get a little bit different meaning out of it.
For example: When a person who was just saved reads: I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me. They may not understand what that means. they may see it as it being Christ will physically give them strength. Whereas a person who has been in faith for many years might be believe that it is more than just physical strength that it is also mental stregnth and stregnth for the soul.

@SinRealm (558)
• Philippines
26 Sep 10
I just see the bible as a book, and in books, you try to get the moral lessons from it. So that's how the bible is for me. Its man-made and anything man-made can be corrupted. There's a part of the bible wherein it says that god made humans in his image. I find it unfair for the aliens. The universe is big, there has got to be more than the bible which focuses on just earth.
@bettemachete (194)
• United States
26 Sep 10
I know this sounds rude, but just to be honest, I think the bible is totally unreliable in a lot of ways because of its translation.
If people really knew how much the originals differed from what we have now, they would be startled and hopefully concerned. Many translations carelessly translated certain words that cause a deliberate difference in meaning. You have to see the documentaries to appreciate the scale and how vital it is.
But that is just my opinion. I think we need the original cultural and original language in the script, translated better.
@mikeyr6000le (2123)
• United States
28 Sep 10
It's not that valid I feel. Like you said it's been translated and edited to fit the way someone thinks of feels. If it really was the word of an all mighty person it would not be able to be edited and it would translate to every language and say the same thing.
@headhunter525 (3548)
• India
19 Oct 10
Can you name those rulers and kings who have censored the Bible and reworded its meaning for their own personal gain? Most commentators now won't consider New King James Version to be the most accurate translation. Revised Standard Version which is accepted by both all Christians is considered more accurate than NKJV.
@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
26 Sep 10
Fairy Tales by the Bros Grimm are every bit as valid as the Bible. The bible has been written and rewritten by all and everyone, who had something to gain. The Great Scam ( Christianity) had the most to gain, and for that reason edited the the theory of Reincarnation from the bible during an Ecumenical Council meeting of the Catholic Church in Constantinople sometime around 553 A.D., called the Council of Nicea. The Council members voted to strike those teachings from the Bible in order to solidify Church control.
@awapak (1275)
• Pakistan
27 Sep 10
In fact we should search for what is the latest from God Almighty.God Almighty clearly tells us in the holy Quran that all the old holy books including Bible were corrupted by the people who came after their Prophets.So there was a need for a new book which should have supersede all these altered books and be divinely protected till the last Day......This unique Book is already with us with the name of the Holy Quran,which will be supported by Jesus(pbuh)after his second coming.Unfortunately some of his so-called followers have recently set this holy Book on fire.But this holy Book has to live and no one can finish it.
Most of the people may not be knowing that there are millions of Muslims who have memorized it by heart even if Arabic may not be their mother language....It is a big miracle of Islam b/c you will not find even a single person in world history who has memorized any other holy Book like it.
@sender621 (14890)
• United States
26 Sep 10

@pogi253 (1596)
• Philippines
26 Sep 10
Many people claim they don't read the bible because it's too confusing and way too hard to understand. The reason many people can't understand it is because they are not in a relationship with God and so it is not personal to them. There are ways to study the Bible that will help people get a deeper understanding of the Bible. the Bible is God's love letter to those who accept them into their hearts. If you don't believe what you are reading you will think things like heaven and hell are just fairy tales.
@lacieice (2060)
• United States
26 Sep 10
I have a problem with the Bible. It may be the word of God, but is it accurate? It was written by men, and who knows if their perception was accurate? It was translated from ancient writings, but who can say if those translations are, again, accurate? In fact, who can say the ancient writings themselves were anywhere near accurate?
Each person has a personal viewpoint, or perspective, or understanding of what they see and hear and read. How can we believe in any degree of accuracy?
We're told it is the word of God, but is it? Or is it the words of men who thought they understood but maybe didn't?
As Fyrefox stated, many men changed it to suit their own agendas, so how can it even begin to be accurate?
@athanevilsauce (45)
• Philippines
27 Sep 10
Bible codes do prove that the Bible is still valid, there were this group of scientists that dont believe in God or the Bible that happen to discover the bible code and it revealed a date of an event that was to unfold, and it revealed that World war 2 was going to happen in that date and it did, on the exact date that the bible code said it would be.
@romzz05 (571)
• Philippines
27 Sep 10
That's the question of many. Religion is base on faith so I guess belief in the bible whether altered or not is also base on faith. If the bible was never altered people will still question its validity. Its our nature.
For me bible is a historical book with a touch of mystic. I dont know if I believe it 100% but I learned things from it.
@visualtissue (39)
• Philippines
27 Sep 10
i think it got rusty and lost it's credibility, with all this translation and the issue about plagiarism of horus's story.