I have Lost my Faith and Dried out....

September 26, 2010 1:52am CST
Hello Lotters, It's something I am not happy to share but what the heck. There are times when God is testing us but i don't wanna question that. but sometimes i know you all agree that it can be tiring. I didn't think about it either until yesterdays breakfast with mom. It's only often that i tell her about my problems, usually not serious ones. but this time, i vent out my frustrations in life. then, she answered me, that "you have certainly lost Faith" then, i asked back why. she said that I am lucky, that am not having problems worse than other people most specially like my brothers who needs to work to feed family. I didn't know until she told me. but I was afraid to be hypocrite, maybe i am being one already. I believe i have lost the will to talk to the Lord. i don't know where am i gonna get the strength as i have been talking every day. then, at one point i stopped.just stopped. with me noticing.
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10 responses
@eileenleyva (27560)
• Philippines
26 Sep 10
Knight, God does not give us trials if we can't handle these. What exactly did you tell your mom? But she is correct in saying your siblings might have problems more trying than the ones you have and yet they go about living their lives. Live your life, too. Seek where you could be more productive and progressive. Turn your head 180 degrees and you will see an entirely new perspective. When that happens, go back to you mother and say you are sorry. You made her feel bad.
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• Philippines
26 Sep 10
Hello there, Yes, you're right. I think i should start doing things... i believe there's going more than just apologizing. I know, some how i feel am the one who can pull OFF the financial troubles that were having. but i am confused where to start. thank you so much, maybe...no, i will start praying tomorrow. well, regards to her problems, i know i am the only who can help her.
@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
26 Sep 10
We all go through this, the frustrations of life and wondering if G♥d remember that our shoulders are not that big. Yes, there will always be someone with worse problems than us, but that doesn't mean we are not allowed to vent our feelings. I don't think you lost the faith, I think you are overwhelmed. What you need is a friend who will listen and minister to you. I can't remember if you go to church, but if you do, is there anyone you know who is a good listener and you trust? Someone you have become close to?
• United States
27 Sep 10
I'll pray that G♥d brings someone in your life, someone who will listen and can minister to you in your time of need. Everyone needs someone like that, we are not meant to go through life alone or holding in our frustrations. (though some people may disagree, I don't think it is healthy)
• Philippines
26 Sep 10
Hello Carmel, There was a person that i was closed to, but never talked about it with her often. I wish i had a friend who would visit me and asked how am i doing, but no one did, for a very LONG time. I am sadden by this that there's no one to see how am i doing, but am still happy, that i got a family.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
26 Sep 10
hi letran God does not want you to be as perfect as you seem to want you to be as he knows you are a human being.I think you ,may have just misplaced it not lost it at all.When you feel its right you will once again be able to talk to Him. Sometimes we all get down and wonder if we should trust in him after all thats happened but we soon find we can again confide and just tell him hey I am a human being, I am not perfect so I just do the best I can. He will not turn you away.
• Philippines
12 Aug 11
Hello hatley, I don't want to i mean being perfect or perfectionist really puts a lot of pressure unless you to perfect somethign that you desire. last night instead of sleeping early i decided to put on a second coating to my Central Processing unit becaue it was really a good color. i agree that we do the best we can to make sure that we achieve our goals. thank you and have a nice day.
@eurekafemme (5874)
• Philippines
26 Sep 10
Hi, Knight.:) Well, I don't wanna be a hypocrite either... With everything I've been through, I could have lost my faith so easily, too....I could be slashing words against Him and asking Him endless questions already... Bit I did not, I never blamed Him for what is going on in my life. nor I took the pain, bitterness, misery against him... But, I must admit that I stopped talking to Him... It isn't because I don't believe in him anymore but I am just not confident to talk to Him... It seems that I have done a lot of awful things and yet He is always there helping and protecting me.... I never lost my faith in Him but I lost my faith in myself....
@maliwl (34)
• Philippines
26 Sep 10
Whatever bad things you have done in the past God will still love you for who you are.Never be ashamed to talk to your creator , its like talking to your bestfriend in prayer.You must know that whatever happiness or burden you are carrying know,he knows it very well and he will never abandon you.So please find the faith that you lost,its never to late God will always be there to listen to your heart.This will give peace to your soul.
• Philippines
26 Sep 10
Hello Eureka, 's almost the same with me. all those years that i have actually been saved from disasters, then now i feel like am not doing my part. but recently, I've been trying out my best to succeed. Is it possible when you loose faith in yourself? that must be my problem. i get tuned with other things that i lost the will to pray or to even go to church.
@mspitot (3824)
• Philippines
26 Sep 10
There are times that I really forget to pray and I don't talk to Him. What I'm thankful about is that I don't remember an instance that I questioned Him or I got angry of Him whenever I have big problems. I'm thankful that even though I commit mistakes, He still gives me blessings in life.
• Philippines
26 Sep 10
Hello Mspitot, Sometimes i get frustrated like this morning. but never in my mind that i would blame god. i always check my past and i know it's my fault. trying to get back on my feet is something i need to trying to pull my guts off. i do commit a lot of mistakes but sometimes i feel blessed compare to others. it's hard to not to commit them either.
@mspitot (3824)
• Philippines
27 Sep 10
We are still blessed. That is why I love Him more because of that.
@catof1 (683)
• United States
9 Aug 11
Mother Theresa for a great part of her life could not feel God presense like she could younger. My father told me this and at the time I could not fathom what it would feel like since my faith was so strong. Now I know; He, our God is there, always, waiting for us like the prodical son, and though I am in turmoil and question if their is a God and if I need proof I remember the important things that prove He does exsist.
• Philippines
12 Aug 11
Hello Catof, In the Past, I had been active with the church in terms of attenting mass but it's rare that i get to understand what the sermons are all about.We dont' nee dprove to see if God really does exist, he happens to be just there all the time. thank you and have a nice day
@Graceekwenx (3160)
• Philippines
26 Sep 10
This happens to me too Letran. In fact, when i was in 6th grade, i really confided this to my Religion teacher who is a nun. It happens to her too but she told me that it would most certainly help if you pray harder and join a religious community who can help support your faith. At this age, whenever i feel my faith dwindling, i pray a novena to the Baby Jesus and i pray the rosary often. Another thing that helped me is... dont panic about you are feeling, instead... pray for the people around you (like for example, pray for your married siblings who is struggling to sustain their family, pray for their health). This would give you more than enough reason for you to keep on with your faith. If you think that you have lost your will to talk to the Lord, then try talking to the Lord about your married siblings. There are so many topics that we can chat with God, we may not always hear Him but He is always there.
• Philippines
26 Sep 10
Hello grace, Well, i don't remember good thing about our NUN. she tied me in my table at school and i remember her locking us in the waSHROOM and threatened to cut our ears (threat only). but i reacted and cried, then mom came, they settled. the only thing were i really changed was when i was highschool.
• India
26 Sep 10
hello hey times come when you loose faith. dont wory you will be alright before even you know. i like praying a lot. well it takes a load off me. i belive that not a single one of my prayer go wasted. i will get it sooner or later. he knows what is the best time to give me what i need. Good luck
• Philippines
26 Sep 10
Hello firozahmed, I hated it sometimes when things like these happen. i know it's not a good thing but we should do our best. I guess i should start praying "real seriously" this around. it's not that bad i supposed, am thankful still i have something that most others don't. or others take for granted.
• Philippines
26 Sep 10
I guess all of us has gone through that stage n which we have lost the will to talk with the lord and lost faith in Him. But strength will rise as we wait upon Him...Yes waiting upon HIm is not that easy. I have been so nervous when waiting upon Him but waiting has its rewards. Read His words until it makes sense and just talk to Him like you talk to a friend. When you linger longer waiting for Him he will come. Beause it's about How bad do you want him?
• Philippines
26 Sep 10
Hello candyfairy, I don't really wait for it. I only desire for him to give me strength to make the right decisions. although am doing it slow, i don't want to rush in. I know he always make sense. but sometimes i can also be shy talking to him. but i believe he is easy to talked to.
@maliwl (34)
• Philippines
26 Sep 10
Hoping you find the lost faith you had in HIM.Sometimes we forget to converse to God in prayer, I find myself in situations like these.But every time this happens God never ceases to remind me of the countless blessings he have bestowed upon me and even I myself am a blessing to others.Yes life can be frustrating, life can be unfair.Its easy to put the blame on HIM.But always ask yourself is that what God wants for you?Is that the will of God for you?Or is it what you want?Remember this life is only borrowed. Dont cease in loving yourself,in that way you will be able to love the people surrounding you.Loving will bring you peace and you will be closer to God.I will pray for you that you be able to fully grasp that God has better plans for you in a way you may or may not understand.Godbless my friend.
• Philippines
12 Aug 11
Hello maliwl, I never forget GOd but probably I don't go there to the church as I used to be. I believe I didn't stop praying all these years despite that my absence to the church. from time to time I have brought a bit of peace lately. maybe you're right, probably he has plans for me that am not aware of, some day i will find out the truth. have a nice day