
September 26, 2010 10:21am CST
What are the unforgetable experiences you had in your life?
6 responses
@mickizzy (130)
27 Sep 10
the birth of my 3 children
• India
27 Sep 10
Everything in life's journey works as an experience for me. I learned a lot from my most tragic experiences and i cannot forget them either. I have also enjoyed a lot from the good experiences in life.
@carolbee (16230)
• United States
26 Sep 10
Would have to say my wedding day. We are still married and have been for 41 years so life has been good. We are three grown children later and five grandkids. It's been a good experience and interesting.
@marty3888 (2355)
• Acme, Michigan
26 Sep 10
I've had a lot of unforgetables very late in life. I was 45 when I moved out and got my own place but when I did it was my own house. So the first time I put the keys in my own doe knob to get in to my own house. obviously, the first time I made love. Also, because of so many losing seasons in a row, in 2006, being at Comerica Park and instead of the scoreboard saying "welcome to Comerica Park" it said "welcome to the 2006 world series." I looked at that, shook my head and thought, I can't believe I'm here.
• India
26 Sep 10
the day i ran away from school while studying 4th std with my two best friends and the whole of tamilnadu,india was alert and i was found near the lake and,principal gave us TC that was the unforgetable experiance in my life.......................................sob
• United States
26 Sep 10
Letting go of someone you love...