when women competely overtake men...
By K.Rajib G.
@krajibg (11922)
Guwahati, India
September 26, 2010 9:25pm CST
Cliche like 'violence against women', 'Women empowerment', 'Gender bias a social curse' etc. are some some issues which have turned into multidisciplinary studies in colleges and universities.
There is no doubt that women today have come a long way and are replacing men in many work places which has thereby posed a threat to men supremacy so far.
But they seem no to have been able to shred away their womanly softness and docility and the natural weakness, I mean physical one.
Let alone men, women are not happy seeing women in the field, industry, farm and so many other task which were so far though to be only men's thing.
What mentality is this?
Would women be able to completely overtake men? What would be your involvement and reaction?
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15 responses
@saphrina (31551)
• South Africa
27 Sep 10
Sweetie, as i am better than any man, accept in one department, i would say any women can beat any man in anything in today's life.
As for that slip of the tongue you had.
"natural weakness'
Unfortunately violence against women are getting out of hand and it really is becoming a serious problem, worldwide.
We as women are fed-up with that and therefore we will do anything to make men see what they are up against.
At least we do it in a very subtle way.
Wait till the gloves are off.

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@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
27 Sep 10
Hi saphy,
I wish most women were like you, hatley, zandi all. The irony is that that is not the case.
Violence against women is going steady combated. Who will rise voice against the menace? Their network is so large that if you and me try to unleash crusade we could be the brutal target.
Govt, Non govt organization, cooperation from all people would only help the situation or else just shouting for a stray case would not do.
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@zhouxi (1752)
• China
27 Sep 10
i don't think this is a problem.in opposite i think this is a social progress.every one is independent ,they have their rights to choose work or not.many women do well in many areas.for example to be a teacher.there is a famous economist in our country suggest that all women should go back to home so that they needn't compete to men .men will have more opportunity,i think this is a silly suggest.

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@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
27 Sep 10
Hi zhouxi,
I wonder why the lady economist asked all women to go back home and cook meals? Was she serious or was joking?
If she was telling this there must be something latent in it or else in present age none would push women back to their household chores.
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@Angelwriter (1954)
• United States
27 Sep 10
I don't know if women can overtake men. And, I don't know that majority of us want to. It's not about overtaking them. It's about standing level with them and having the same value as human beings. Which would pose a threat to men's supremacy. Which I'm all for. I don't think men or women should be supreme over the other gender.
And are women really replacing men in jobs? Or, are they simply sharing the workplaces that used to be exclusively men?
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@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
27 Sep 10
This is not overtaking men by women in real term but a notion that what would happen when women who are much lagging behind men in average one day overtake men and prove their power that they are not the weaker and inferior.
Just like that.
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@celticeagle (172627)
• Boise, Idaho
27 Sep 10
Women do overtake men in the business field. They can and do. I think it is great. Women have the same strengths and intelligence. I think men see this and are either competitive or just let it go. It is up to them to fight for their place. Women don't need to 'shred away' their feminitity in the job place. It is 2010 not 1930!
@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
27 Sep 10
Hi celti,
This is what I wanted to project through my post - advancement of women and emancipation from the bondage where they are still in the identical condition.
Of course if women wish to walk on the shoe of men they must shred away the so called feminine weakness and other security related issues.
@maygodblessu44 (7336)
• India
27 Sep 10
Hello my friend krajibg Ji,
I wish to response with my own experiences. many times my hubby will not open car-door for me and he would tell me that i am more stronger than why at all i should be helped. Let's take out this notion from the society , next let's teach girls taht they are not delicate and to be taken care-off, let's not treat them like 'TULSI plant, instead we should treat them like plant wildly grown without any support, whose flowers and fruits with lot of thorn are offered to Lord Shiva (Dhatura. Society should treat them telling girls as 'Goddess' etc. Take care.
May God bless You and have a great time.

@maygodblessu44 (7336)
• India
27 Sep 10
Hello my krajibg friend Ji,
In fact, we should all join a compaign, where we should treat all girls as I experienced. I have been suffering mainly with Arithritis since 17 yrs now added with HTN/DM2 and UTI, it wa ssame theory that mu hubby never opened car-door or treated me so very delicate that today I am not bed sticken and doing my own work. He compelled me to do my work, I know that when my fingers and hands were buckeled, he helped me lot, but he also taught me that I can do myself and should stand my own work. So if you have daughter, start doing today. Let them feel taht they are part of strong womenllyhood.
May God bless You and have a great time.

@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
27 Sep 10
Hello MGBU Jee,
Very apt simile. You know the ways our Indian society where girls are still treated as curse and are deprived of the facilities that are available for boys.
If all treated girls the way you described then there would not arise any question of their being weak and our getting concerned about them.
If it is more advance in the western world we are still quite far from saying that our women really go hand in hand.
We need to change... and so the other countries, specially the Islamic nations and the Africans too.

@meapas (2436)
• India
27 Sep 10
After all we are human beings first. Forget the gender bias. Sharing and sparing should be the in thing. Let the women do what they like.They should have enough freedom and their privilege should always lie with them.
@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
27 Sep 10
Hi meapas,
Governments and many organizations are working for the enlightenment of the women folks not with the preoccupied mind that they are showing sympathy, but are helping them to open their eyes and take up what is their due.
But this thing is widely misinterpreted.
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
27 Sep 10
I'm quite sure that I'll be mercilessly attacked for saying this, but if women would raise their children instead of working and let the men bring home the paycheck, there would be very little unemployment--at least here in the States. We'd have healthier, happier children and solid families, too, for the most part. Granted, this is a simplistic view and there are many instances where it would not work, like with single mothers, widowed and divorced women, etc. But generally, women staying home with their children would produce a happier generation and maybe even lead us back to the solid moral fiber that we used to have.
On the other hand, if a woman doesn't want a family I think she should have every opportunity that a man does. It's when she leaves her children to be raised by strangers or relatives that I think is unhealthy for everyone.
@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
27 Sep 10
No doubt we want our educated and competent women folks have works to do outside home and that too full time but in case both husband and wife are job holders and there are couple of children at home and if they are left at the ,mercy of the maid what would be his/her emotional health?
You have raised quite valid point here. But who would listen to whom. One survey said that most children in the cities and bigger towns are unruly and spoiled only because they have never been taken proper care of by their parents.
we are blaming the new generation but how many would have the retrospection?
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
27 Sep 10
I figure docility is just something that's taught to women so that men can take advantage of them. And I see no reason why a woman shouldn't be able to do any job that she wants as long as she's capable of doing it!
@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
28 Sep 10
Hi dawn,
That is why I had put the word docility. This is defining cloth that is given to them and as long as they are in it it is man's advantage. Now the problem is many girls and women do not dare come out of the shekel they are in but there is a urge in them. Who would listen to?
Even women in power would not be so sympathetic towards their own fraternity.
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
27 Sep 10
It is not about anybody overtaking anyone! We are all humans and in this together. We all have different gifts and talents to bring forth into society and should be respected for this regardless of our gender. Men and women are different and I don’t understand why we cannot bring our different qualities together instead of living against one another. This world needs both males and females, why can’t we work together?
@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
27 Sep 10
Well paula,
What you have voiced is ideal and we all would cheer for that. Unfortunately that does not happen and not happening as much as we want.
Leaving the European Nations and America ( even in America we get to know women being abused ) the Asian subcontinent is not yet free from the men shouted rules and regulation where women are subjected to anything you would not love to bear or hear.
Those who are talking of feminism and feminist movement all over the globe is mere a textual stuff. I mean less than half is true.
@piya84 (2580)
• India
27 Sep 10
Hiii there
I think so there i need to see people of both gender as a person and not as a women and man.We all have our own weakness and strength.A women who is boxing champion is going to be stronger that half of the men on this earth.So this argument is baseless.
@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
27 Sep 10
Hi piya,
while writing off the discussion as baseless you have checked only few page of the history.
You would agree I guess that exceptions are not rules. If you assemble half of the world population where women boxers would stand I would humbly accept your word.
I am sure you would fail to do this feat.
@hardworkinggurl (37063)
• United States
27 Sep 10
I am going to take a slightly different stance on this one from the other responses and say I do not believe women will be able to completely over take men as we live in a society that until men fully recognize that in many ways we are actually equal this will never happen. I believe women for centuries to come will try but society will not fully allow this as old phrase, this is a man's world.
Don't get me wrong women as myself are very over powering and committed to being treated and equal just as much as the other man, however as much as the world says they will not be discriminative, they are.
@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
27 Sep 10
Hi hardworkinggul,
You seem to hit the right chord as a few cities and towns do not make the nation. If not in Europe and the developed American Nations most population of Asia and Africa live in the rural areas where their job is restricted to cooking and breeding children.
On such event women over taking men in near future is a fable only. But we would love to see them working with their male counterpart so that the feeling of difference does not linger in the mind if the women folks.
@pinoycity (575)
• Philippines
27 Sep 10
I think in certain careers, women will overtake the men, eventually. But physical work such as construction and sports, women will have tons of hard time to overtake the men.
@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
27 Sep 10
hi pinocity,
You are right. But these are the fields where women are trying hard to make a name for a long time but have not been that successful.
However a few women are seen in the construction work with their male counterparts.
@smile_ayu (47)
• China
27 Sep 10
nowadays,we live in a diversity world. we can't classify the work with tranditional ways.while women do some job which used to be proided to men,men also take some assumed belong to women,such as nanny,nurse,attendant etc.women do not want to replace man's role in the society,we just struggle to have a fair opportunity to compete with men and prove ourselves.
@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
27 Sep 10
No friend there are women who would not accept the supremacy of men and love to place themselves on the equal lines and in some cases more than men.
@visavis (5934)
• Philippines
27 Sep 10
Now a days yes, you can see that women are trying to overtake men in all aspect of life, but in general women unable to overtake men. From the beginning even in the bible men has supremacy over women. However, if men are not taking action later on women supremacy can prevail. It that case the problems are the men itself, their attitude and being relax.. So calling all men be in your own supremcy with honor..
@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
27 Sep 10
Hi visavis,
you have observed rightly. Women today are much ahead than what they used to be some twenty years back.
This is a man made world and what runs through is their ideas and concepts. With the beginning of feminism and and its impact specially on the urban women a visible change started taking place.
Many have the opinions that women can never over take men, but the even if not they can go equally along their counterparts.
@lovinangelsinstead21 (36850)
• Pamplona, Spain
1 Oct 10
Hiya kraj,
I honestly don´t think that Women will take offense to this as what you mean is that Men are afraid of Women seeming to take over everything which had been their´s up to now is that it?
I am not offended. Not all of us Women can work all of our lives anyway as we have children and are not able to go back to Work hence they will either need Women or Men to take over the Job.
Me personally I would not like to take on a Job that has been a Mans up to now. They are Jobs that do not appeal to me.
Woman and Men work together all over the World in all kinds of Countries like Hatley says they have worked side by side.
In the Second World War in England all the able bodied Women went out to Work even if they had Children to be able to have money to feed their Family simply that.
They said that the Jobs that they did then they would not want to go back to doing them.
So I don´t think many Men should worry about that.
Men may feel that they are being pushed out of their Jobs but really if you look at the percentage of Women that work with Men is not that huge.
PS:It would be very nice for us all to work together as one that would be something that would benefit all.