shopping junkie

September 27, 2010 12:39am CST
Rcently,I find myself become a shopping junkie .I don't want to do so ,but I can't help buying clothes.I am so upset now. I am a student ,getting the money needed in school from my parents. I really want to economize .However, when I see something good ,though I don't need them,I can't help paying for them.I think there is something wrong in my mind.who can give some usefull advice.
2 responses
@karmah (16)
• Germany
28 Sep 10
I know how you feel because I was in the same situation, I spent so much money on stuff I liked bu didn't really need. What helped me was writing down every cent I spent. I really opens your eyes how much money you waste on pretty but useless stuff. Furthermore I left my bank/credit card at home when I went out. I recognized I would spend lots of more money when I was paying with this little piece of plastic than with "real" money. Only take out as much money out of your bank account as you calculated before. For example, for bus ticket and lunch. So you don't even have money to spend in your pockets, and your cards are at home. If you are an excessive online-shopper, ask your parents or a good friend to change your passwords. This sounds harsh but it really helps. Choose somebody you really trust to prevent your accounts are abused. You should also talk with your parents about this issue. I know it's embarassing bt you should use every help you can get to prevent you from further damage. Good luck :)
28 Sep 10
Oh, looks like someone is in trouble. Just kidding! It's good that you realize that as early as now. You should know how hard your parents are working for your allowances. It's not bad to reward ourselves once in a while. I suggest you buy clothes or things that you want when you do something good (example on your exams) that way, you would not be guilty of buying things that you dont need.