My family doesn't invite me to things because I am too poor to afford trips

United States
September 27, 2010 5:34am CST
My family seems to just ignore me when it's time to invite. I would think that if they wanted me to participate and they know that at present I am struggling financially; that they would put money in together to bring me for the occasion. I sometimes feel that many of may family don't understand that I have no money for travel and I am quite a distances away from them. I don't want to move closer as many times there is backbiting.
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12 responses
@syankee525 (6249)
• United States
27 Sep 10
yeah with my family they all like going out to eat all the time, i keep telling them i dont have the money to keep going out to eat. often my parents will tell me they will pay for me and my wife.. but yeah i feel you
2 people like this
• United States
27 Sep 10
Going out to eat is nice but that doesn't bother me so much It's when things happen..I don't mind that I am not invited I mind that they complain that I do not come.. They know I am struggling at the moment..When I had the money and one of them asked help with their utilities and for me to forward them some money I did .. but do they return the favor? Not at all.
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• United States
27 Sep 10
I do say "no" I can't but I don't feel they understand. I was never one to beg and have never begged for assistance from a family member but I have helped a particular familiy member many times with money.. yet how quickly we forget.
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• United States
27 Sep 10
yeah got to love family. my will ask me to help them out. but when i ask them they are all busy.. but yeah if i was you i would say no. we must help ourself before we can help others family or not
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@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
27 Sep 10
It is sad that you cannot get the money to go. I would just make sure that my family knew that. I would not expect someone to pay my way but definitely would go, if they found a way to get me there once in a while. Things are tight everywhere.
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• United States
27 Sep 10
I would not expect any help going but the fact my family never hesitated to ask me money..even now in my lower budget for things.. I have had a brother ask me to send a college book.. while he vacations with his tax return.. I paid his utilities and sent cash many times when I had the money.. I don't feel bad for not being there but for their expectation I go when my funds do not allow.
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@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
27 Sep 10
I would just tell them that I cannot come, my finances will not allow it unless someone would like to help me. I would love to come but at this time it is just impossible.
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22 Oct 10
I'm sorry to hear that friend. My parents generally offer to pay for me to visit them if we need to travel via taxi or visit family who live further away if I cannot afford it. Usually we share the cost, which makes it easier on the both of us. You must miss your family, it's really a shame that you all couldn't get together without having a huge cost to pay.
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• United States
23 Oct 10
I Guess my family doesn't have enough..or maybe they don't think of it..I was initially in the poor me mode but realy it's that they cannot afford more then their bills.. I Don't know.
1 person likes this
23 Oct 10
Hopefully one day you'll end up being surprised llittlefranciscan. With the holiday season coming up, family is the number one thing. Kudos
@Ramaditya (1226)
• Indonesia
27 Sep 10
It seems like you are in a terrible situation. I do understand about what you feel. Well, don't take it too hard. Is it possible for you to contact your family with telephone or e-mail? Suppose you cannot effort to go there, then calling or sending e-mail is enough, I think. Whatever it is, I believe you can survive and be better someday. Good luck!
• United States
27 Sep 10
The most terrible thing is that I feel that some members see my lack of presence as being cold to them. I don't go where I am not invited and then I go only if I can afford it. .I missed my brother's wedding but I was never invited..I may have tried to get there or would have asked them to help me get there. .but the invitation was never extended to me.
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• Singapore
28 Sep 10
Sad to hear this. Well, did you ever tell your family about this? Perhaps they will help? I've got a feeling that they are shunning away from you.
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• United States
7 Oct 10
They know I am unemployed..or partially so now..but then was completely I had no way out to a wedding.they could have helped When I was able I sent money their way;)
• Philippines
28 Sep 10
Yes it so sad... I believe that there's a family can easily understand your situation. but sometimes relatives cannot..... sometimes people think havin not enough money can't afford to travel... you can do things that you can enjoy w/ your family without spending so much.. so think of it...
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@IoanaBI (494)
• Romania
27 Sep 10
Hello Litllefranciscan! I'm sorry to hear that in arround the world there are fammillies that behave like that. Indeed, being a special ocossion you would think that they will raise money to bring you close to them, but maybe, they can't aford also..
2 people like this
• United States
27 Sep 10
They all go to vacation and other places many times yet some feel that I should travel so far. I once made a trip that far to pick up a niece who no one wanted to care for.. Turned out week later she returned home. I lost all my money for having gone there .. I never realized how terribly hurt and wounded my niece was ..that is how much help she needed.and which I was not equipped to give. . I would go the extra mile ..when I had the money.. now that I do one knows my it seems.
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@kiran8 (15348)
• Mangalore, India
27 Sep 10
Hi francis,Is this your close family you are talking about? I mean your parents and siblings? If so, it is really not a very nice thing to do. They can help you out financially and see that you get to spend some happy moments with them.Why dont you talk it over with your parents? at least they should be able to understand...all the best and happy mylotting
• United States
7 Oct 10
It is my close family ..siblings parents.. When I was working full time and bringing in money ..I never was close handed I paid one of their bills (utilities ) several times..sent money .. etc etc. I am not a beggar but feel hurt no one notices that right now I am financially handicapped.
@kiran8 (15348)
• Mangalore, India
8 Oct 10
You know Francis, in life we all have our weak moments and this is true of everyone.It is only when you support each other during such moments that a strong relationship develops.I wonder why your family is behaving in this manner? Without meaning to hurt you, has there been any other reason for this sort of behavior, I mean has there been something from your side that has made them unhappy? sometimes even minor incidents can trigger major reactions....It may be a good idea to do some self analysis from your side, so that you get to the bottom of this...all the best
@sender621 (14890)
• United States
28 Sep 10
Families should not deny each other the fun of participation in activities. You should decide for yourself if you are able to do something. they should not be making the decision and the choice for you.
@bagputza (504)
• Belgium
27 Sep 10
Good morning dear friend Littlefranciscan , i am soo teribile sorry to read that your own familly ttreats you in this way , i mean i know how harsh sometimes familly cann be with one another , like one time while i was still living in Roumania , my mother was already left the country and left me alone with my siter and she tooke the grandmother with her , so me and my sister found both a job and we tooked care of the house bills , but soon after six months only my sister had gone also after ly mother and she lived with her in Belgium , so i was left alone for two years , and in the first year my aunt mooved in with me , so she cann take care of bills , but the money to pay the bills camed from me and my mother only , and she had mooved in with her son , ( because i used to have a house with two floors in Roumania , just like i have here now in Belgium ) , so they both had their own room , and they were making expenses and i had a low salary , aniway , what i have one day find out , it was the my dear Aunt had stolen every time from my mother send for me and for paying the bills , and the way i found out was by mistake , because once i wanted to buy myself a new set of clothes and shoes and so i decided to call my mother and ask her if she is willing to sent me some monney or to buy her some clothes and shoes from a store in Belgium and have it sent out by mail in Roumania beccause i had almost all the old clothes were iether a little bi ritten apart or had holes in it ,either i grow them out , and my mother replied what have i been doing with all the money she sent out for me ? And i said that i had not saw a single penny from the money she sent , and my aunt havent neither buyed or give me some money to go and buy myself some clothes and i neither asked . And she said that she has sent every moth six hundred euros ( she has a 1400 € ssalary ) and that one hundred and fifty euros are for me and the rest are for payin one credit rate she has at the bank and for paying the house bills. Then she fought that my aunt had putt the monney for me aside , and i told her that i dont think so , because i had asked her just before i called her , is she has some money left from the money my mother sent and she said that she has no more money , that she barely had some little sum of money left enough to buy food for a single week , and the pas week was the birthday of my cousin , and he's mother gaved me as a gift a 25 grams gold bracelet , a verry nice and expensive one !!! Well thats how familly is for me , they are a bounch of profitors , telling a bunch of lies , for their own sake and to be able to lean on you and suck you dry. Florin , Over and Out
• United States
7 Oct 10
thank you for sharing with me such a very long account .. you are a good person. joy
@waazula (116)
• China
28 Sep 10
I can understand your embarrassment in this situation. Financial incapable limite us in many things. Please try to explain to your relatives about your situation, and at the same time, don't feel bad about yourself just by others's coldness towards you. I hope you could earn enough to pay the bills later on, if not, then just try to make full use of what u have currently. from
1 person likes this
• United States
7 Oct 10
Bills am paying but have no extras for any vacation or time to drive a few states over.
@onlywan (182)
• Philippines
28 Sep 10
I know its very painful because it is your family that is treating you this way. All you can do is just be with people who'll understand, support, and accept what your situation is. And for money matters, I read that money is just a product of the imagination, meaning that if you have ideas, that would make you money, sorry but I'm no financial expert so i really don't have any suggestions but if you just keep on looking, you might find it one day.
• United States
7 Oct 10
I greatest supporters are those next door and down the country I love the older folks and love the people of different faiths who really live their convictions.
@sayariza (146)
• Indonesia
28 Sep 10
maybe you must find another way to communicate with your family, emailing, phone maybe ? you are not able to participate you do not need to force your self. Try to make your family understand with your financial p[problem, if they can't, you can do nothing..
1 person likes this
• United States
7 Oct 10
I do that..I have never cut communications. I don't hold grudges just feel hurt.. Some people can never forgive you if you make a mistake I believe in forgiveness before someone asks to be forgiven it's how GOd does us.