Disconnection on the internet everytime.

@sjaswon (635)
September 27, 2010 10:57am CST
Do you know why is the problem connection for an internet?
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5 responses
@androgr (31)
• Italy
27 Sep 10
The problems of connection can be so many. Can i ask you which type of connection of connection you have?
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@sjaswon (635)
• Jamaica
27 Sep 10
I don't understand.
@sjaswon (635)
• Jamaica
28 Sep 10
Nobody is who. Connection is only from a company.
• Italy
27 Sep 10
Simply, who is your provider? :)
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@myl999 (2093)
• India
27 Sep 10
certainly there is some problem with the pc configuration, may be a hijacking too..are you using a good antivirus and systemcare things...actually me not a techie and do take help from people generally.
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@sjaswon (635)
• Jamaica
27 Sep 10
Which good is antivirus?
@myl999 (2093)
• India
27 Sep 10
there are many out there and trust me the paid versions are good , the free ones will not work for all kind of malware.Use a good paid one which removes and stops malware, spyware, adware, and antivirus one.just do a goole and you will be able to select some good one from which you can select the best suits you.
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@sjaswon (635)
• Jamaica
27 Sep 10
Oh I learn about that.
• Canada
27 Sep 10
There are lots of reasons you can be repeatedly disconnected from the internet. You may not have a good connection to your service provider... you may be disconnected along the route to sites you are trying to visit... you could even have an email setting that is telling your machine to disconnect after each time it checks to see if you have new mail. I hope you can isolate your problem :) You were also asking about antivirus programs. I have been using Avast Antivirus very successfully for years now... and it's completely free. There is also AVG that many people highly recommend. Good luck! :)
@RamRes (1723)
• Argentina
28 Sep 10
You're giving us nothing to help you on that. The causes may be so many and is virtually impossible to guess what's going on. The more common things: your ISP is giving you bad service, you should ask them for some explanation, you may have a firewall improperly setting which is blocking your traffic, you may have a virus consuming your bandwidth, you may have a hardware problem and your computer is failing to connect, you may have a driver or other software conflict. So as you see, there are many thing that can go wrong. What's exactly happening? What errors do you get? Has started recently or always?
@kailoklok (139)
• Philippines
28 Sep 10
pls check the connection of ur computer, or contact ur nearest connection assistant so they can fix the problem.