Obama on the schools

United States
September 27, 2010 11:00am CST
This morning the President went on public TV to discus the schooling situation. Though some things like the fact that our schools need a major over haul are indeed true and relevant some other items he stated are not, at least to me. A couple even ticked me off. No I do not care that his kids go to private school. I home school and if I had the cash for a good school like the one his girls go to I would send them there too. As for his proposal I read into it a little and I think the pay the best way isn't going to work very well. Let's face it there are areas that do not have a good school to college turnover rate and even if they have good teachers the president is right if the parents don't push the kids most likely won't. These are the schools that need more help to get motivation not the rich or well pushed area. He does acknowledge this dilemma but blows it off. Why? He also states that education id part of the low job rate and I had to not only laugh but it actually made me a little mad. I know many people out of work at the moment, most have a college education. Those who have a trade are the ones getting jobs because our world revolves around the workers. I am not saying education is not important I am saying it is not what our financial problem as a nation is. The mass amounts of student loans to pay for over priced school that those who cannot find jobs in the fields they went to school in are dragging way too many down though. http://www.politicsdaily.com/2010/09/27/obama-makes-case-for-education-reform-defends-private-schooling/?icid=main%7Cmain%7Cdl1%7Csec1_lnk3%7C173459
4 responses
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
28 Sep 10
"President Obama made the case...advocating for better teacher pay and benefits. He also announced a new goal of recruiting 10,000 science and math teachers over the next two years -- fields where American schoolchildren now rank 21st and 25th in the world, respectively." It's very angering to have the government say our teachers need better pay and benefits and then turn around and announce a goal to recruit 10,000 science and math teachers because our students are doing so poorly in those subjects. I, for one, am sick and tired of hearing about the poor teachers. That is exactly what they are, "POOR TEACHERS," who don't deserve the pay they're getting now much less better pay and benefits. If they deserved better, we wouldn't have to be recruiting more science and math teachers. The worse thing that ever happened to our schools was government intervention. The worse thing that has happened to students are the teachers unions whose goal is not to educate but to get teachers more and more for less and less at the cost of our children's education and the nations economy.
1 person likes this
• United States
26 Oct 10
I pulled mine out of public school and turned to a public cyber charter school. I am amazed at how much better these teachers are. My SIL also has her kids in this school and I can't stress the amazement we had in how much better my nephews speech issues where in two months of online schooling then the 3 years he had in public school (two they moved in between so it wasn't just one school system). His teacher for speech met with him twice a week in an online classroom, never face to face and in a year his speech issues are gone completely. Now what does that say about the teachers in the school system that this woman did this over the computer?
@nzinky (822)
• United States
3 Oct 10
Well here goes the government again throwing good money after bad.......They think everytime their is a problem in anything just throw a few trillion dollars at it and the problem will go away.......The only way that there will be anything fixed it to get the governing bodies out of it like the teachers union and not going to the old way of teaching........Where if someone had a problem with learning the teachers had control over the class room..... My frist day of school I got a whiping with the teacher hand for not listening to what she said.....When I went home and to my mom and dad I got another one from them.......After that I could set still and listen to what my teachers had to say and........do what I was told to do and no more acting up in school for me.....Today the inmates are running the school.....Give back the school to the teacher and if the people don't like what is going on it go to the the parnet/teacher meeting and discuss it......And the parnets and grandparnets take an intrest in what the grand children are doing.....But with no one caring what's going on why do you think things are so bad.......Duh
• United States
5 Oct 10
yes, a good whooping is what many kids need.
@celticeagle (172744)
• Boise, Idaho
27 Sep 10
Sometimes I honestly feel a world away from the eastern and southern problems in our country. For instance the situation in Arizona. I try to stay away from the news because it is hard for a chronically depressed person to hear about all the negative things going on. It takes an entire village to raise a child and if everyone is not on board it isn't going to work. Too bad they can't all do like New Jersey is doing. I know people out of work too. Finding work is just like a job. SOme people just don't seem to understand that. It isn't a vacation. I never had trouble finding work. You have be in the zone.
• United States
27 Sep 10
I'm married to a teacher and hear about this situation quite often. In speaking to my wife and other teachers it seems the largest problem our schools have today, not in every case but many, is the lack of parental/administrator support. Parents don't seem to care like they used to in many districts. Nowadays open house and parent teacher conferences have sometimes less than a thrid of the parents showing up and many times even less. Many times these children don't seem to care about their education and maybe that is because the parents don't place a high value on it. Also the administrators often don't back the teachers like they should. One other problem that is HUGE is the fact that teachers are now asked to teach to a test thanks to the "No Child Left Behind" program. This program was put in place by our former administration but not given any financial backing to help make it work. Not to mention the teachers are being forced to teach the students the things that are on the test and not necessarily the things the students need to learn. Teachers must get these students to pass these tests in order for their schools to get the funding they need to keep the programs going and in the end, MANY students end up being left behind. An overhaul doesn't sound like such a bad idea.
• United States
26 Oct 10
Yes the No Child left behind bill backfired in a horrible way. Now kids learn to test not to learn about the world and all it has to offer. It is very sad. I think too many parents do not want to deal with their kids education and feel that it is the teachers job therefore they need not do anything. Add that to the fact that so many refuse to disciple their kids which in fact I think is a bigger problem. There are parents that care about their kids schooling but will not punish them for misbehavior in school, or not doing their work. So the poor teacher has to deal with spoiled, non-behaved students.