38 percent believe that Obama should be re-elected
By laglen
@laglen (19759)
United States
September 27, 2010 11:22am CST
38%??? who are these people and someone PLEASE tell me WHY Obama should be re-elected?? Is it because of all these jobs he created? The MANDATORY health insurance? The apology tour? airing dirty laundry to the world? Please tell me what he has done that has actually benefited this country?
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15 responses
@jupitercrashing (635)
• Canada
30 Sep 10
You know what I find far worse? Even more - 40% - of Americans don't believe in evolution, and instead subscribe to creationism. This is what is actually terrifying in my opinion. So many idiots.
In any case, yes Obama sucks, but he sucks less than any Republican who would currently oppose him. Because of this, I think 38% is actually far too low of a number.
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@epicure35 (2814)
• United States
30 Sep 10
Laglen, you are right! However, jupiter, you should check out "The Cambrian Explosion", which evidence is in contradiction of Darwin's THEORY of evolution. Also check out Darwin's life and how he himself was against the way people used his THEORY and its limited application.
And, re the usurper, it's not about Republican or Democrat, but about a known criminal usurper, who is not legally, constitutionally eligible for the office he has stolen with intent to destroy American and its freedoms. You know, he is doing an excellent job of that.
The fact that the Democratic Party would commit actual treason in order to "win" and election is astoundingly awful, and the fact that you continue to endorse such is amazing.
Congress and the courts are long aware of this, but, through fear and intimidation such evidence as fraudulent DNC certifications with no "eligibility clause" in them; a HI former senior elections official attesting to the fact that there never was a HI birth certificate, every member of Congress having in their possession copies of an actual Kenyan BC AND knowing Kenya's Minister of Lands and other officials state unequivocally he was born there, and so much other proof of lies and deception go unprosecuted.
But, the basic threshhold test of ineligibility comes right from the traitor's mouth and his own corrupt State Department; Obama Sr. was NEVER a US citizen, therefore Jr. can NEVER be "natural born" and legally eligible. Todd Levanthal has declared him a dual-national (ineligible, again) and more and more evidence is being released every day. Of course, had not Quarles Harris, Jr. been murdered 4/08, we would know for sure that he is a "dual national" of Kenya/Britain and Indonesia, and an illegal alien in America.
Your tax dollars continue to keep other vital records sealed, illegally, as he was sued as a private citizen, before the sham "election".
And you still think "he sucks less than any Republican"....? Listen, someone, somewhere has a bridge they'd like to sell you.........
@jupitercrashing (635)
• Canada
30 Sep 10
Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you epicure35, direct proof of my earlier statement: So many idiots.
Your misinformation is evident just from the way you're throwing around the word 'theory.' Let me clear this up for you by giving you the definition of what a scientific theory is:
A scheme or system of ideas or statements held as an explanation of a group of facts or phenomena; a hypothesis that has been confirmed or established by observation or experiment, and is propounded or accepted as accounting for the known facts; a statement of what are held to be the general laws, principles, or causes of something known or observed.
Evolution is a fact in the same way that heliocentricity is a fact, and that the moon is smaller than the sun is a fact. Unless you resort to pedantic philosophy, there is simply no way to deny that evolution is historically accurate. You do realize that Darwin was alive during the 19th century, yes? And that, for Darwin, evolution really was just a hypothesis? He didn't have the necessary data to fully back it up. The thing is, we have that data now. You may not know it because you've never bothered to educate yourself in the matter, but it's there, and all you need to do is pick up a copy of Dawkins' 'The Greatest Show on Earth' to have the evidence unfold in front of you.
As for the cambrian explosion, this does not at all disprove evolution. All it proves is that the fossil record is imperfect and limited - not exactly front page news. Paleontologists do continue to address the issue however, because a lack of knowledge does not mean it is time to shun science and turn to mythical beings as an explanation. If that were the case, we'd still be sacrificing animals to cure our sicknesses. I am curious though, since you deny true history - evolution - do you believe we all got here through creationism? If so, what exactly is your evidence for that?
As for the rest - sigh. How are there still people honestly going on about this birth certificate nonsense? Do you believe all conspiracy theories that the internet comes up with? Obama is no more a criminal than any other politician, and much less so than many that get bought off by corporations. There is absolutely zero evidence that Obama is not a US citizen. Do you not think that, with the number of Republicans who absolutely hate the guy, the evidence would have already been found and used to boot him out of office if it truly existed? Of course you don't, because you lack common sense.

@hofferp (4734)
• United States
29 Sep 10
I'm still waiting for the remaining Obama supporters to tell me why the rest of us are so wrong in not falling all over ourselves...swooning...when we hear Obama speak. I'd like to hear why the stimulus was so good for me, why the new health care law is so good for me, why cap and trade would be so good for me, why the next two years are going to be better for me... Maybe we're not going to get an answer???
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@scorpiobabes (7225)
• United States
28 Sep 10
Last I heard, 38% is NOT a majority, so you really don't need to worry. But any change is only accomplished with baby steps; Obama's mistake was attempting to make all the changes at ONCE. I'm not really thrilled about the health care because as someone with none and a pre-existing condition, the bill will be repealed and it won't matter any way. But his basic ideas of bailing out entire industries that were flawed to begin with (automotive--think Chrysler) was immature and not well thought out, or for that matter, executed. Instead of complaining, try banding together with other like-minded people, and work on changing things.
@epicure35 (2814)
• United States
28 Sep 10
Surely you jest! The usurper, not even duly "elected", should be "elected" to prison. Of course he did nothing good for the America he hates. He has advanced his mission of jihad.
The only "good" thing, and I use the term loosely he may have accidentally done for this country would have been to wake up some of the foolish to the fact that he deliberately and with malice is destroying this country in every possible way.
For the other 38%, I can't imagine what further "wonderful gestures" they think he has up his sleeve to enrich their lives.
@madteaparty (2748)
• Japan
28 Sep 10
I'm not American neither interested the least bit in American politics, but as far as it's known in other parts of the world, he hasn't really done anything remarkable to define him as a president out of common.
Well, good luck when the time for voting in the next elections come.
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@owlwings (43907)
• Cambridge, England
27 Sep 10
Not being American (but having some American friends) I can only speak as I find. For one thing, what is so wrong with a health scheme that benefits everyone, not just those that can afford to pay for it or who are in employment that provides it? I agree that it has been difficult to implement, given the stranglehold that health insurance companies currently have on the American people and the American health system. I wonder if you even know the half of how much money is spent by large corporations in lobbying, soft-soaping and providing actual 'benefits' to members of Congress and the Senate. American government is hugely corrupt and Obama probably does need another term of office in order to properly do what he set out to do.
@matersfish (6306)
• United States
27 Sep 10
I don't think much of anyone in America wanted healthcare to actually stay the same. There needed to be a change. However, not many in America wanted goverment, this government or any government, to be in control of it.
Big business might be after money, but at least we all know where they stand. Our corrupt government's been robbing us blind and attempting to brainwash us with propaganda for as long as I remember. And that's not even getting into the fact that the social health programs we already have are so incredibly mismanaged that it literally takes billions thrown on the problem just to tamp it down enough to keep our eldery and disabled from rioting. More of the same to create a well functioning "new"? We weren't and aren't buying it.
Most Americans wanted small steps. While media told one story about Obama the Healer V Right-Wing Want-You-to-Die Extremists, most of us wanted them to start in on real changes: getting rid of the corruption, opening competition to lower prices, regulating instead of removing, cleaning up the illegal immigrant mess that does tie in with how much we spend on healthcare, etc.
Maybe Obama thinks it easier to completely remodel the house instead of fixing the broken windows. I don't know.
But most Americans wanted everyone to benefit. We just didn't want healthcare to fall into the hands of government. And we feel the same about a lot of aspects of America. We feel the same about America.
@owlwings (43907)
• Cambridge, England
27 Sep 10
Your last paragraph, especially, Matersfish, suggests that many Americans simply do not trust their government yet do not know what they would or could trust because they cannot conceive of anything different or better. ('Better', or at least more successful models seem to belong to much more 'socialist' societies these days and that is simply anathema to many Americans.)
@matersfish (6306)
• United States
27 Sep 10
"Better" in any context is subjective dealing with healthcare. For every horror story in America about a person not being able to afford treatment for cancer, there's another abroad about a person not being able to receive a required surgery in time because that kind of doctor is just too rare.
Even still, I don't necessarily balk at the idea of a more social-style health system; I simply don't trust a government that can't run anything right to run this right. It's not about hating the idea. A few wing-nuts and their signs and ramblings here don't speak for a majority of a nation 300 million strong.
It's more or less that whole "fool me twice" thing. Except, here, we're looking at around the 500th time being fooled.
In the shoes of the people, we've all had to struggle and sacrifice through no fault of our own. R says this, D says that, both do the same. Suddenly, because Obama speaks with better diction than Bush, and gets an automatic benefit of the doubt because it's just not PC to flame a minority, this is supposed to work out better?
Not buying it. Two years of it now and there hasn't been anything in the positive category to buy.
Americans know exactly who we can trust - ourselves.
It is certainly easier to trust government to do things better or at least efficient enough not to drive the nation into ruin. But that's never really been America's milieu.
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@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
27 Sep 10
I know several people who voted for him and they are waiting for some of his more radical agenda Cap and Trade, Union Card Check, and a single payer Health Insurance. They see these as being very important and when asked how to pay for it they say tax the rich. Who are these people - most of them work for the government at some level, federal, state or local. Many of these people are making a combined income of close to $200,000 and see themselves as middle class and they feel that they need more help from the government and would like to see the wealthy taxed more to pay for services they would like to see the government pay for so they don't have to.
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@dark_joev (3034)
• United States
28 Sep 10
maybe they feel that Obama needs a little longer to try and fix the economy and to fix this healthcare stuff? I am not sure as I would of voted for him but I don't think I am going to vote for him again. Even if sarah Palin is running against him I will not vote for him. I am going to vote for someone without a D or R as their party representation.
I think they may like that he is trying to get us out of the Middle East and that he is seeming to make an effort to get this country back on its feet again. I believe he is doing what he thinks will help this country I felt the same way about Bush I just didn't expect much from him and that's another thing Obama people seemed to think he was the second coming of christ and felt he could fix everything well he couldn't because he lacks some experience in the key area of how to run this government effectively Business Skills thats is why Bush Failed with the economy he was a failed businessman. Bush Sr. for being a fundamentalist christian didn't do to bad and gave Clinton a good platform to bring the country out of a trade deficit that we had been in for a very long time. Bush Sr. was a very good businessman. That is what we need to have in office is someone who is good at running a business. That is what it takes to lead this nation. A CEO type of person who can understand how to take the Bottomline out of the red.
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@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
27 Sep 10
Unfortunately, I know a lot of people who would vote for the Big"0" again. I am very careful when I am around them to not mention politics. I do not like to insult folks or to argue with them.
Several of them are distantly related to me....scary Huh...One will barely speaks to me except to try to bait me on politics and religion. I do not "bite". Holidays are difficult so I stay away from family stuff even though I don't have much family left.
If the Republicans win this Nov., I would say that The "0" is out. If they lose, I would say that he has a 50% chance.
@gitfiddleplayer (10362)
• United States
27 Sep 10
He hasn't done anything to benefit the country, only his agenda. Those people are obviously watching the idiots on the evening news talk about how great Nobama is and all he's done for the poor people. I'm so glad that the internet and blogs and every other type of media format has emerged in the last few years because the only information anybody was getting was biased to further a cause. People are informed more than ever now and it shows. Otherwise it would be 83% instead of 38%.
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@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
27 Sep 10
I would think the people who think Obama should be re-elected are those who voted for him because he's black, they think he's going to redistribute the wealth from the rich to them without them having to do anything for it, and they are not willing to admit they made a mistake when they voted for him in 2008.
@matersfish (6306)
• United States
27 Sep 10
I'm really surprised it's not higher.
I don't want Obama to serve 8, but I'll tell ya this much - there still needs to be a worthy candidate running against him.
One of the reasons I didn't want Obama in is because of the inexperience and the virtual mystery about who he was. I don't want a repeat, just the R version.
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@tundeemma (894)
• South Africa
28 Sep 10
i do believe she deserve a reelection, at least obama is bringing back the economy in his own possible best ways and the polls have shown that the United States economy is rapidly coming out of the global recession, aside this, the war in Iraqi is almost coming over
@lovinangelsinstead21 (36850)
• Pamplona, Spain
1 Oct 10
Hiya laglen,
I don´t know about that at all as I can´t hear your News. What I have wondered though is he really creating Jobs new Jobs or any Jobs at all? Well I mean is his Government doing anything in that respect.
Is his system working then seeing as all those would vote for Obama again?
Interesting to know that as I have not seen our Prime Minister in Weeks whoopee and when I did see him he was there with the same promises that he made in January at least he could say "we will try to and not we will do all this" I would find it less annoying to hear that than those Fairy Stories over and over.
He seems to think that we have all lost our memory he said the Electricity has only gone up once this Year when it has risen fourfold.
I also think he thinks that we are completely mindless never mind we all know different thank goodness.
I have been following about the Insurance thing though that seems to have gone through the Washer quite a few times and they can´t seem to iron it out like here too.
I followed it from yahoo.co.uk quite helpful sometimes as well.