what country would you like to visit more?^^
@sweetloveforeve (13118)
September 27, 2010 2:40pm CST
hi guys^^ what country would you like to visit more?^^ about me i would love to visit phillipines^^ thats my dream since few years ago^^ i just love the islands that i saw images thats why i know ahah i love tagalog and my bf is there waiting for me too ahah :)
so many reasons i have to go there^^ but sure need to save many money to make that come true^^ bcs the trip is so expensive
anyway what about you guys? what countries would you like to visit?^^ please share^^ 

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22 responses
@trump80 (14)
• American Samoa
27 Sep 10
Hi SweetLoveForeve,
Ahhh, memories, such sweet memories of the Phillippines. I remember my tour of this beautiful and hidden treasure of Asia during my Navy years. My ship was part of a U.S. task force back in the early 80's that made the Phillippines a port-a-call.
Of all the countries in Asia, I harbored deep emotional attachment to this beautiful country with its lush countryside, scenic beaches with its friendly people.
But even with its third country rating (at the time), you could experience the richness of its people through its modesty and how they approached life in general.
Yes, I did experience the ugliness of poverty over there, but, what country on this earth hasn't been visited by this horseman of the Apocalypse?
The Filipino's are living symbols of a proud people with a strong hold on their culture and tradition. They have some of the worlds beautifully, educated and shy girls in the world.
But to answer your question on expenses, yes it is true that the round-trip airfare is quite expensive (if you aren't frugal), but, once you arrive everything is pretty much the same in price as it were back in the 80's. Perhaps $5 more, but nevertheless, it is quite inexpensive, if you know where to shop or have a guide with you. For those who like to party and drink, the night-life in the Phillippines is second to none. And speaking of parting, you will have no problema in meeting, dating or (whatever) of fine, beautiful girls in the city. Personally, I preferred Subic Bay, but, Manila is fine too if you're into the sophisticated types.
Yes, I would definitely pick the Phillippines as the country I would like to visit more.
Just a suggestion, consider having a friend or relative accompany you over there in the Phillippines. And when you do arrive there, make sure you visit your country's embassy and register your visit (never can tell). Don't take anything for granted, even if you do have friends over there. Of course this will all change if you have relatives or family roots to the Phillippines.
Well enjoy your trip and be safe.
@sweetloveforeve (13118)
• Portugal
29 Sep 10
aw trump80 thanks so much for your comments^^ yes i love pinay people^^ they are very nice^^ but about going there i want go there to have fun sure^^ and also to meet my bf too^^ he is filipino. about girls yes they are pretty^^ i have few online friends that are filipina, sadly dont have asian friends near me in my country :( only i have indian and brazilian and portuguese friends :) but asian i dont. anyway online i met some filipino people boys and girls and they are all so sweet and proud of being pinoy even they are poor^^ is good to see that they see life with good eyes and hope their country becomes better^^ yes dont worry if i can save enough money i will try my best to enjoy there ^^ and about the story you told of those bullies your filipino friends were very brave defending you and two other guys from that big group of guys^^ it just shows that they are true friends of you^^ thanks so much for your answer^^ and i wish you can visit phillipines again^^
jovie^^ yes be very proud to be a filipina :) you seem a sweet person by thanking trump for what he said^^ pinoy people are good and for sure you must be proud of who you are^^ thanks for your answer^^

@snowy22315 (185905)
• United States
27 Sep 10
I really want to go to China one day. It is on my bucket list. I really think it would be such an interesting and amazing country to visit. It has so mcany good things as their good sites and cuisine and countryside.
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@sweetloveforeve (13118)
• Portugal
29 Sep 10
aw^^ thats cool^^ me too i would like to visit china also^^ i really love chinese stores^^ i used to go there many times^^ i always liked to buy something bcs things are very cheap and cute^^ and yes the cuisine must be good^^ and also the people :) even they have some strange habits like that about only wants boys as kids but still i would like to visit it^^ they have cute clothes, cute objects to wear^^ and people seem sweet^^ i would absolutely love to go to china too^^ thanks for your answer^^
@huangjesse (11)
2 Oct 10
welcome to China,once you have been china.It will change your though of strange habits of chinese.
@markusgrejaldo (112)
• Philippines
28 Sep 10
Hey, I'm sure you'd love the beaches here. Just be sure to come during dry season and not during the wet season where typhoons are common. =)
Hmmm... I want to visit France, Italy and Japan... The United States too.
Oh, I forgot China is on my list too.
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@markusgrejaldo (112)
• Philippines
30 Sep 10
There are many cool beaches here. You won't regret it.
Don't forget to bring a lot of sunscreens. Lol
@sweetloveforeve (13118)
• Portugal
29 Sep 10
yes the beach there must be great^^ yes the typhoons must be pretty scary. but i need to visit it in the cheaper season ahah bcs since my country to pinas is very expensive so i really need to go when the flights are cheaper^^ bcs im poor too^^ well japan is cool and china too^^ and in france people usually love to visit paris :) they say is the city of love^^ i even heard that some people make love in the street ahah ^^ and usa yes california beach and hollywood must be cool too^^ thanks for your answer^^ have a happy day^^

@sweetloveforeve (13118)
• Portugal
29 Sep 10
aw sure^^ dont need to thank me^^ pinoy people are sweet and i saw images of your country and it looks amazing really^^ and yes you chose a good country to visit^^ i would like also to go to japan someday^^ the kimonos and objects they use in their hair (girls i mean) and earrings^^ and anime also^^ and yes is normal you want visit your family^^ you dont see them in awhile so^^ dont worry too soon you will see them^^ just save a bit of money and you can do it^^ thanks so much for your answer^^
@pokumon (644)
• United States
27 Sep 10
I really want to go to a country where food is cheap and good like Mexico. I really enjoyed my time there. Really relaxing and great vacation all around. I haven't been to an Asian country yet unless you count South Korea when I was only a year and a half so I couldn't remember anything so I think visiting China would be cool or Thailand since I love pad thai.
@sweetloveforeve (13118)
• Portugal
29 Sep 10
aww food is cheap?^^ well thats good^^ yes mexico must be a cool country^^ people say good about the beach there and people are nice and fun too^^ im happy that you liked to go there^^ and yes south korea must be a sweet country too^^ one year and a half is too much^^ you dont remember why? were you little when there? and yes china must be great to visit^^ i love to go to chinese stores here in my country^^ and yes thailand people say is a wonderful country ^^ i would love to go there too. thanks so much for your answer^^ all countries you said i like it^^
@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
28 Sep 10
I have lots of different countries on my travel wish list. I have traveled to more than fifty different countries in my lifetime. I feel so lucky but there are more places I am hoping to visit in the future.
Most of all I would love to visit South America. I would like to go to Cartagena De Indias in Colombia, Rio De Janeiro in Brazil, the Galapagos Islands and Machu Picchu in Peru.
The Philippines is a country high up on my travel wish list. There I would l like to go island hopping and snorkeling to coral reefs. Also in Asia I would like to see the Taj Mahal in India and the Great Wall in China. I would love to visit Japan but I know it is very expensive.
In Africa Madagascar is high up my travel wish list. I wish to see the wild animals there. I hope to go to Egypt to see the pyramids from ground level. I have seen them from the air when I flew from Kenya to England via Egypt.
It is challenging to visit every country that I want to this year. Over the rest of my life I hope to be able to visit all these places. In my early travel experiences I went to nearby countries first and then on cheap flights. Then I did a couple of working holidays to keep costs low.
@sweetloveforeve (13118)
• Portugal
29 Sep 10
aw so lucky you are^^ more than 50 countries? very nice really^^ many places you still want to see^^ well im sure you can do it^^ as long as you save some money and go on cheap flights^^ and yes the corals in the beach must be too cool to see^^ pinas is my first choice^^ ahah and yes japan is cool too^^ but very expensive you are right^^ and china i would like to visit also^^ and taj mahal and pyramids are those places that almost everyone want to go to^^ well i wish that your dreams come true^^ thanks so much for your answer^^ have a happy day^^
@greenline (14838)
• Canada
27 Sep 10
I have been to many countries in different parts of the world. Oh yeah, each and every country is unique in its own ways. The two countries I feel like visiting again are Austria and Switzerland. Very beautiful and fascinating. There is no comparison to the Swiss Alps. Very scenic and stunningly beautiful !
@sweetloveforeve (13118)
• Portugal
29 Sep 10
aw you visited many countries around the world already?^^ thats very nice^^ aw you liked european countries more i see^^ i didnt go to those countries yet but i trust what you say^^ and is true all countries have their own beauty^^ with different things and different cultures^^ i didnt see the swiss alps yet but yes im sure is a beautiful place^^ you can go there again soon^^ if you save some money^^ what about go there one time per year if you like it so much?^^ thanks for your answer^^
@ersmommy1 (12588)
• United States
28 Sep 10
There are so many places I have never been. There are more than a few places on my list. I wouldn't even know where to start. Maybe I'd begin with Ireland. My husband has always wanted to go there. It would be nice to make that dream come true for him.
@sweetloveforeve (13118)
• Portugal
29 Sep 10
aww many places? ^^ thats very nice^^ you could say some of them would be ok^^ even if you didnt pick a favourite one^^ and yes is cute that you chose ireland bcs of your husband^^ thats too sweet that you care for his wishes too^^ maybe you and him can save enough and go together soon^^ i wish it can come true soon^^ thanks for your answer^^ have a very happy day^^
@pandapig8 (362)
• Philippines
28 Sep 10
I think I'd like to visit Japan because of the peaceful ambiance of the provinces. The culture in some provinces is very prominent. I love how they serve tea, how they cook things traditionally. I just like Japan in general. I also like the street fashion and I like the Harajuku fashion. I can get so many inspirations from there because the people are not afraid to experiment with how they look everyday. I also like the people there, they are very smart and friendly. I think though that the majority of the reason why I want to go is the food they serve there. I'd really like to try authentic Gyoza from apan as this is my favorite dish in Japanese restaurants. I think also that the people there re just gorgeous. Japan I think is one of the greatest places on earth. I'd do anything to go there :D I'd even dress like a lunatic to go there :p
@sweetloveforeve (13118)
• Portugal
29 Sep 10
aw yes japan must be soo cool^^ i love the sakura trees, i love the kimonos they dress, i love the things girls put in their hair in japanese movies and earrings^^ also i love anime i always wanted to know how to draw but couldnt. or at least have a bf that can draw anime ahah and draw me and him in anime so cute^^ also dress like anime in those parties that exist would be very funny ahah also the food must be good^^ some plates not raw ones ahah^^ and yes there are cute guys and girls there in japan^^ why dont you try to save some money and go there?^^ even if is not for long at least one week or two and have your dream coming true^^ would be great^^ ahah maybe you can dress like anime and go to street ask few money ahah maybe people think is funny and contribute ahah only a joke^^ about that people you say that try different things everyday in that japanese city i never saw it^^ wish you have a happy day and thanks for your answer^^
@charylady (419)
• Philippines
28 Sep 10
i would love to visit europe. however, because it is very expensive maybe my only hope to fulfill this dream is to win the lottery.
@sweetloveforeve (13118)
• Portugal
29 Sep 10
charylady aw thats cool you would like to visit europe^^ my country is in europe and we accept foreigners very easy^^ we have a lot of chinese stores here^^ also many indian and black people too^^ and brazilian ones also^^ and from sweden and moldavia and other countries too^^ we have a lot of foreigners really also our food is delicious too^^ and we are nice and very talkative people^^ you would feel good here^^ lisboa that is the capital of portugal that is my country is a very nice city with many places to shop ^^ and also to just walk around^^ and is not expensive to come here i think^^ wish you can visit europe soon^^ im sure you can without win the lottery :) at least one or two^^
maximax yes paris for sure is a very expensive city. i didnt go there yet but from what i heard it is really. but yes maybe prague and budapeste are not that much expensive^^ anyway maybe charylady can search online the cheaper european countries and the ones she likes the most she can visit^^
thanks for your both answers^^
@Skade24 (749)
• Romania
27 Sep 10
All the countries have something special, and i would love to visit many countries, but i like to visit the most, England. Its hystory and arhitecture fascinates me, and it always has, and the landscapes, its a wonderful country, is my dream to visit such a country like this.
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@sweetloveforeve (13118)
• Portugal
29 Sep 10
aw england^^ is near my country^^ i never went there but maybe would be cool to just visit^^ anyway what interests me the most is asian countries^^ and those are my dream to visit^^ anyway is good that you like history and architecture^^ there is also that in my country too^^ and im sure you can visit it soon^^ just save some money and go for it^^ and enjoy your trip much^^ thanks for your answer^^ have a good day^^
@shiellamaenies (169)
• United States
28 Sep 10
hi gurl,
i am a filipina,i born a grow up in philippines and residing her now in USA..i really really love my country(philppines)me and my husband is planning to go back there for vacation but like what you said need to save money first because its too expensive.its cost too much,$2000 of plane ticket back and fort and hotel room,a couple and couple of thousand to explores beaches,islands,ect.food and to go shop branded things in philippines is much cheaper than here in STATES.
Other than PHILIPPINES and USA,i love to go visit Bahamas island,Carribean,hongkong,and aurope!!! started to save money for the trips..i collected even a penny lol!!anyway goodluck for you and your bf,have a nice trip!!!

@sweetloveforeve (13118)
• Portugal
29 Sep 10
aw^^ im happy that you are a filipina and love your country^^ yes sure you can go back there as long as you save much money with your hubby^^ but in my country only for one person is like 1000 euros just to go. is good that from there to phillipines for two people is 2000 back and forth :) anyway yes bahamas and caribbean must be awesome^^ and hongkong too^^ you made great choices ahah and yes europe my country is amazing ahah i live in portugal^^ im sure you would like to visit it :) we are nice and very talkative ahah ^^ and our food is delicious^^ you should try visit portugal if ever visit europe^^ thanks so much for your answer^^ and is ok if you typed wrong i could understand what you meant^^ wish you can win some good pennys here^^
@shiellamaenies (169)
• United States
28 Sep 10
i mean i am born and grow up in Philippines and residing here now in USA.sorry missed typing..feel so sleepy but still want to work here in myot to earn some pennys lol!

@sweetloveforeve (13118)
• Portugal
29 Sep 10
yao sure you can visit hawai^^ and yes must be so cool^^ the beach there must be amazing^^ only bad things is the sharks there^^ we must be careful when we swim ahah^^ anyway yes must be awesome to surf there^^ and yes food must be good too^^ you went to a hawaian restaurant before?^^ anyway even if you didnt you can imagine anyway^^ and yes sure you can visit it^^ just save some money and you can^^ thanks for your answer^^ wish your dream come true^^
preppy yes i think you are right but is ok^^ he specified the place he wanted to visit what is great^^ and yes im sure it has nice tourist spots there^^ bcs a lot of people dream to visit hawai^^ i would like also^^ thanks for your answer^^
@preppydezza (309)
• Philippines
28 Sep 10
;) Hawaii is not a country. It is a state in USA I think. It really have nice tourist spots there too. ;)

@banban (601)
• China
28 Sep 10

@sweetloveforeve (13118)
• Portugal
29 Sep 10
aww sorry for it :( well im a bit like you also bcs i went to spain when was a baby so i cant even remember. my mum went there with my father and me and my sisters when we were little so i cant remember really. and im also like you no money for trips :( i wish i was rich so could travel much, make many friends around the world and help poor people too^^ anyway england must be cool yes^^ their accent is funny really ahah^^ i cant speak like them even if i try ahah :) thanks for your answer^^ and i wish your dream comes into reality^^ have a cute day^^
@edwardjoy2000 (2386)
• United Arab Emirates
28 Sep 10
I would like to visit Switzerland. I have been to UK and the UAE. The hottest and the coldest places. I have been dreamimg of visiting Switzerland since childhood and i would like to fulfill my dream sometime.
@sweetloveforeve (13118)
• Portugal
29 Sep 10
aw thats cool that you been in uk and in uae :) and yes i agree when you say the uk is cold bcs many people say it and uae very hot bcs is the desert my god^^ but for sure switzerland is colder than the uk^^ but is cool that you want to visit it^^ for what i saw here some people chose this country as the one they would like to visit too^^ and if since you are a child you want to visit it you can do it for sure^^ save some money and go for it^^ thanks for your answer^^
@preppydezza (309)
• Philippines
28 Sep 10
hello sweetloveforeve. I am a Filipino and Philippines have quite good places to go to! You should go to Palawan, Camiguin, Cebu, Bohol, etc. I have a notebook with me of the places I want to travel. Number one of my list is Spain. I really dont know. I just want to travel there. right now, I am in United Kingdom. I would definitely love to travel to Ireland soon. ;)
@sweetloveforeve (13118)
• Portugal
29 Sep 10
aw great that you are filipina^^ yes cebu ^^ i heard about cebu and davao and surigao and baguio and boracay and cavity^^ anyway i would like to go to baguio bcs my bf is there ahah :) and also to boracay bcs the beach seems amazing and manila must be cute too^^ aw you like to be there in united kingdom?^^ thats near my country^^ and to ireland well i wish you can do it soon^^ and spain is your first choice well is really the country besides mine^^ before spain and portugal were only one country just then it got separated^^ yes spain must be cool^^ i went there when was a baby so i cant remember really ahah^^ anyway wish your dreams come true^^ thanks for share with me nice places to visit in pinas ^^ and thanks for your answer^^ have a happy day^^
@kiergwapo (205)
• Philippines
28 Sep 10
for me, Philippines is the best country you should visit more because it has so many good places and nice places. I'm from Philippines. a certain part in the Philippines but i haven't gone to many places here in our country it's because we are separated in a group of islands and amazingly almost each island has a different filipino languages. Philippines is a very nice country when it comes to Tourism thing and it has wonders of the world. If you go at the center part of the Philippines which is the Visayas part, it has so many places such as the Chocolate hills, which is belong to one of the seven wonders of the world. On visayas part, you will also find the smallest monkey in the world which is the tarsier. Philippines has many beaches to be visited to those who loved beaches, here you can find some. The upper part or the Luzon part is where you can find the capital of the Philippines and it has more developed part than the other part of the Philippines. I can't explain how nice is the Philippines, all i can say is if you have money to go there, if you love to go to nice places, and if you want to have vacation, just go to Phiippines and you will see the truth! I agree with you because you love Philippines. The people is also respectful and responsible. Thank you very much! and goodluck!
@sweetloveforeve (13118)
• Portugal
29 Sep 10
aw thanks so muchy^^ yes i heard about the chocolate hills already^^ is so cute name^^ maybe i can go there^^ and yes different languages i know that there is bisaya, tagalog, chavacano and other ones ahah^^ the smallest monkey in the world thats nice^^ and yes pinas seems to be amazing and is my dream to go there^^ also my bf is there waiting for me^^ and yes the beach seems awesome^^ and i dont have money right now but im saving for it ahah ^^ is my big dream right now to go there^^ and yes i do love pinas^^ and yes people are so sweety :) the most part^^ thanks so muchy for your answer^^ is very sweet that you explained so much about pinas^^ and wish that soon you can visit more places in your country^^
@sweetloveforeve (13118)
• Portugal
29 Sep 10
aw travel around the world^^ thats an amazing dream^^ i would like also but with my bf ahah :) when we are together and if we can save much money ahah if we get to be millionaire we can ahah :) anyway you can do it if you work hard and save money^^ for sure you can visit many countries^^ at least the ones that you feel are the most important ones^^ yes i saw images of phillipines before^^ a friend showed me ^^ and i saw in net just yesterday when made a discussion here ^^ phillipines is a dream island^^ ahah i want go there really as soon as possible^^ thanks for your answer^^ wish you can visit many countries soon^^ have a happy dayy^^
@candy500816 (33)
• China
28 Sep 10
hi,everybody!I'm a Chinese,and I love my homeland very much.China is very big and has so many beautiful places.I hope I could visit every place of my homeland. Besides my homeland,I want to visit some places of Europe which can make me think of many old stories. ha ha.What about others?
@sweetloveforeve (13118)
• Portugal
29 Sep 10
aww china^^ thats great^^ i would love to visit china too^^ i just love chinese stores and chinese people^^ actually i love asian people in general ahah^^ and yes you can visit all places in your homeland^^ just try to save some money^^ and yes european countries are cool just like mine^^ i think you would like portugal^^ first so many chinese people here you would feel like at home^^ many chinese stores and chinese restaurants here^^ mostly in lisboa our capital^^ also our food is delicious too and we are nice people in general^^ even we talk so much ahah^^ thanks for your answer^^ and wish your dreams come true^^