should gay people addopt children?^^
@sweetloveforeve (13118)
September 27, 2010 3:32pm CST
hi guys^^ do you think that gay people should addopt children?^^ about me i think it should be legal^^ many people dont agree bcs people say kids can be teased in school by other kids saying they have two dads or two moms and suffer while growing. yes i agree thats true but even if they couldnt addopt little ones at least when they were like 10 years or something would be ok^^ they are already going to school with older people and maybe people understand easily^^ anyway i think that gay should have same rights like other people^^ even if they want to addopt babies is ok as long as i really wish the kids are not going to be teased. anyway what you guys think? please share^^ 

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13 responses
@kjones505 (271)
• United States
27 Sep 10
Of course gays should be allowed to adopt children. There are too many children without families to consider someone's sexuality a valid reason as to whether they should be allowed to adopt or not. If a person can provide a loving home life for the child then they should be allowed to adopt.
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@sweetloveforeve (13118)
• Portugal
28 Sep 10
yes^^ you are absolutely right^^ and im happy you agree with that^^ it just shows you are a good person that cares for others^^ i also think they should bcs is just like you say so many children and young teens without parents and they need love and care and no matter if is a gay couple or not what matters is the love they will give^^ for what i saw here many people agree with that^^ thanks for your answer^^ maybe people should sign a paper and be legal in all countries^^ world would be better for sure^^
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@sweetloveforeve (13118)
• Portugal
28 Sep 10
yes^^ they should adopt bcs they want give care to poor children that really need it so why not?^^ we should all let kids be adopted as long as the parents want to give love^^ i dont know why adoption processes take so long. they just need to see the parents conditions and if they have they should allow them :) no matter if are gay or not they have rights like us bcs gay are normal people^^ just i wish that people start to see guy as people and not seen as not people like some bad people see. thanks for your answer^^
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
28 Sep 10
I take it this way in a practical sense and will get to the other thing later on. It is the availability of children for those wanting to adopt. When we adopted, there was an age limit on adopting infants. If you were over the limit and it is not that high (I think it was 60 years old for the couple -and it was a man and woman who were married) you could only adopt older babies and those who were mentally and physically challenged.) So what would happen if there is a couple reaching that age where they no longer qualify for an infant would one say "all right this 'gay' couple can adopt, but that man and woman have to wait.
It also has to do with your attitude towards people raising other people's children. Why would you think that a husband and wife would not welcome a child of another family into their life and yet a man and a man living together would?
It is also that God created man and woman and not a third gender. And if homosexuals living together and if lesbians living together adopt, would that not give the child a wrong sense of biology and lead to confusion? When a lesbian or a homosexual had a child naturally = and got divorced, and has custody, at least their former spouse would have visiting rights. But I am thinking now of fairness and the availability of children to adopt.
There is no orphanages now where a couple can go and select a newborn, at least not in Canada or the States. Why deprive a husband and wife of a baby of their own for a political agenda?
@sweetloveforeve (13118)
• Portugal
28 Sep 10
i think that adoption processes should be faster^^ there are people that wait for years and then get nothing. and is hard for them to hope and hope and then see their hopes falling. i think that no matter if is a gay couple or not if the couple has good conditions to raise the child it should be signed and kids would have a happy home^^ unfortunetely only rich people like angelina jolie can adopt fast bcs normal people that arent rich cant do that that fast. sadly this is the world we live in :(
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@sweetloveforeve (13118)
• Portugal
29 Sep 10
aw sorry for that couple :( and yes would be great if you could travel and adopt kids from other countries^^ but yes have babies that dont look like you maybe you dont feel too ok with it but what matters what others say?^^ what matters is that you love the babies^^ and is funny that your babies are a bit fat and bold like all babies usually are ahah^^ aw but your kids are grown up already?^^ ahah is ok they are big grown up babies ahah^^
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
29 Sep 10
I think that they should be able to adopt children. Sure they might get picked on by some kids but that is because their family composition is so different. If they were allowed to adopt then there would be more families with this same structure. It is the perfect opportunity for the school to teach young children about different families. I still remember when divorce first began to be more common but there was still the stigma of the kids being raised in "broken families". Mr. Rogers seized the opportunity to do a show on the different types of families. Kids don't by nature discriminate. It is the adults that teach them discrimination. The adults should should teach them acceptance rather than discrimination. This would be the perfect start towards ending the discrimination.
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@thanks1961 (7033)
• India
28 Sep 10
Hi dear,
If someone find he is in need of a child, he can do the things legally and there is no harm in adopting a child for him. It is after all his own issue and no one need to be bothered on it. If child is getting teased by others, who cares of such things. As a father or parent, he should educate the child on such issues and as when the child is growing, make him understand about is position and the details slowly so that the child will not get affected by its implications. If properly make him understand, I am sure that the child will realised the facts and he will behave more as a matured child.

@thanks1961 (7033)
• India
29 Sep 10
Hi good morning,
Yes, you are right. Also, if somebody is going for it, they must have thought of the same for several times and it may be a decision of a long time though. It has been discussed with the other people, relatives, and they themselves must have prepared to adopt a child. Again, if someone takes such decisions will give a better life to a child and it is just like a God’s gift.
Best regards,
@sweetloveforeve (13118)
• Portugal
28 Sep 10
yes^^ just explain things to the child and is all ok^^ i agree with you^^ gay shouldnt be forbidden to adopt^^ it should be legal so they can give and receive love too^^ also maybe this would help those that hate or disrespect gay to be better people and start to see gay as normal^^ they are just like us^^ we cant control who we love so they also cant so we should respect them and dont forbid them to be good parents and to give care for a child that needs it^^ thanks for your answer^^
@sweetloveforeve (13118)
• Portugal
29 Sep 10
yes is true^^ is like a god's gift to the child^^ what matters is that the child will be happy and the couple too bcs they can have a kid together^^ so many kids needing love and care and they are not getting it sometimes bcs gay and other couples even straight ones are not allowed to do it bcs the processes take so long. what is a nonsense bcs the more time passes the more the child will suffer and those that want to adopt also.thanks for your sweet answer^^
@pinoycity (575)
• Philippines
28 Sep 10
No they should not, they shouldn't have been gay in the first place. They will just influence the children they will be adopting.

@sweetloveforeve (13118)
• Portugal
29 Sep 10
but is just not fair that they cant adopt bcs of that :( they just want to give love to a kid and not influence him. i mean is not fair that they cant adopt bcs the kid can be gay in the future. it depends also of the person instinct^^ i mean i always liked guys and even if i went out with my friend that likes girls and with other girls too i would still be straight bcs is the person instinct ^^ is not our fault is the feelings we have. anyway thanks for your answer.
@pinoycity (575)
• Philippines
29 Sep 10
Having gay friends is different from having them as your "parents". It will be hard for a gay to influence a straight guy and make him gay like him, although there are cases when this happen (this not to say, I must immediately add, that gay people are consciously and purposely influencing straight men, no I don't think they want to do that).
But having them as "parents", living with them, daily, will be a big influence to the child. Most gay were influenced by the people surrounding them, while they were growing up. In some cases, even an all-girl surrounding (being the only boy/man in your family or something like that) can make a straight guy gay (this is quite a seldom occurrence).

@youless (112923)
• Guangzhou, China
28 Sep 10
I think it is not very suitable for gay people to adopt children. After all, most people are not gay. And therefore if the gay couples adopt the children, and it may have an effect on the children. They may not be gay at the beginning, but at the end they may change because of this effect. And it will change their whole life. It may not be their choice.
I love China

@sweetloveforeve (13118)
• Portugal
28 Sep 10
youless i think that they should adopt^^ i understand what you mean but the kids dont have to be gay too just bcs the parents are. as long as parents explain them that is normal that boys like girls, some boys like boys and some girls like girls and some like both :) as long as is well explained is all ok. we feel attraction without being influenced by others. is just the way we feel things.
keshia i understand that you agree with him but we should think also if we were gay and couldnt adopt bcs of it we would feel bad. so we must also think in their feelings. thats why im in for it. what matters is that they will be happy and will make a child happy too by receiving their love.
thanks for your both answers ^^

@JudgeIronFist (2470)
• Singapore
28 Sep 10
Personally, I think if they want to adopt kids, they should also consider about what you've stated up there too---about their kids being teased. If they do want a child, perhaps they should apply for a protection pass for their kids, if there is one.
@sweetloveforeve (13118)
• Portugal
28 Sep 10
aw yes i see what you mean^^ thanks for agree with me^^ i dont want if there exist a pass like that but sure is important that these kids are not going to be teased^^ anyway while there are people that dont teach their kids that if a man kisses a man in lips and a woman kiss woman they will always see it as an abnormal thing. i think that these things should be taught to everyone so would be avoided teasings and things like this. if i have kids i will teach them to respect gay people bcs they are normal like us^^ thanks so much for your answer^^ 

@LetranKnight25 (33117)
• Philippines
28 Sep 10

@madteaparty (2748)
• Japan
28 Sep 10
Kids can be bullied by thousands of different reasons, so people using that as an excuse is because they can't think of any good reason to oppose to gay couples having kids.
I think that it should be completely legal. Loving parents will always be so, no matter their gender, race or nationality. Two men, two women, or a man and a woman can be good parents and rise their kids to become good adults 

@sweetloveforeve (13118)
• Portugal
28 Sep 10
yes kids can be teased by many reasons yes :) anyway i think that gay should adopt bcs they are normal people and some people treat them as not normal. i dont agree with that. and i think that if they want to be parents they should^^ those children need love and if they want to give they should be allowed to^^ for what i saw in this discussion most part of people think they should adopt so maybe soon they will have same rights like us :)
@sweetloveforeve (13118)
• Portugal
28 Sep 10
yes probably they will be teased like my sister told but i really wish that the world can change soon and people start to see gay as normal people^^ and i will teach that to my kids and i think everyone should do the same^^ so the world would be better and those people would feel happier^^ also adopt kids is a right they have^^ bcs they cant choose who they love and is normal to want to be a parent^^ thanks for your answer^^
@edwardjoy2000 (2386)
• United Arab Emirates
28 Sep 10
I dot know about it. But a child needs bot a mom and a dads love. Will both dads be able to give then the love of a mother. Mothers love is very special.
@sweetloveforeve (13118)
• Portugal
28 Sep 10
i think that two guys can do that^^ there are kids that the mother's die when they are born and is the father that raise them alone. and he can give all the love these children need. love of a mother and a father is the same it just depends of the personality^^ there are many kids that like the father more than the mother. it just matters is the care they give and im sure that two dads can do the same as a mother and a father can^^
@keshia2007r (2880)
• United States
28 Sep 10
i literally seen two people on this disucssion who agrees with me out of about 21 people.
i've been raised different, different culture, church background/religious, overall different up bringing.
i don't think gay people should have the same rights as everybody else. why? because they are not like everybody else. no offense to anybody but thats just how i feel.
the child will have a difficult up bringing, and might result in being gay as well.
if you want to be gay and different, be gay and different. gay people in general can not birth kids. simple as that. so be different and not like the rest of us

@Lore2009 (7378)
• United States
30 Sep 10
Hi Keshia2007,
I'm curious what your definition of "everybody else" is? You mentioned that you were raised different too so does that mean you shouldn't have children too? There are a lot of people who are 'barren' who are straight, would you not approve of them of adopting either?
@sweetloveforeve (13118)
• Portugal
28 Sep 10
is ok that you been created in a different way than me with church and all. me too i went to church and went to catequises and all and still i respect gay and i see gay as normal. even if my church doesnt accept it i accept bcs i think for myself and i hate to see others sad. love is about feelings and we cant choose who we want to love. and they couldnt choose too. they are normal like everyone they are not different. and they should have the same rights we have. im very happy for my discussion results that almost everyone support gay. anyway thanks for your answer.