Something Weird

@SinRealm (558)
September 27, 2010 6:27pm CST
Last Sunday, around 7AM I was awakened by something poking at my leg. When I woke up, nobody was there. Then the room had this sweet scent of mint. I know it can't be my parents cause they don't move fast and surely not my sister cause she's asleep at that time. I really felt like someone poked me awake, because I slept at around 4AM and I'm the type of person who usually oversleeps, me waking up lacking sleep wouldn't be normal.
3 responses
@misalax (307)
• Ireland
28 Sep 10
Haha, weird but not creepy, or maybe I'm already used to those stuff lol. Anyways, you shouldn't really mind it unless it happens again.
@SinRealm (558)
• Philippines
28 Sep 10
Actually, this is the second time something weird happened in our place in Sta Rosa, the first one was, I turned on my laptop and I was moving the mouse and the laptop is responding to it, but after awhile, I noticed that it stopped responding turns out the mouse was unplugged. And pulling the mouse from the USB port would take a lot of effort. Oddly I'm not scared, just freaked out.
@samson1967 (7414)
• India
28 Sep 10
One of your pets would have poked you(your leg) in order to wake you up. Whats so weired about it, it is really weired if you had poked by some guy who have crush on you.
@SinRealm (558)
• Philippines
28 Sep 10
I didn't bring any pets with me, and no way they could enter my room. D:
@haruki00 (50)
• Philippines
30 Sep 10
weird stuff indeed. O_O