What would you do if a person,who was your very close friend, become your enemy?

September 28, 2010 5:44pm CST
Sometimes people change with time and the one whom you trust a lot become a big problem to you. If someone who knows all about you, who knows your strength and weakness, who knows your sensitivity to different issues, who knows all you're past, present and even future plans, become your enemy, wants to destroy your life then what would you do? How can you handle such condition?
3 responses
@se7enthbird (8307)
• Philippines
29 Sep 10
this is truly a very depressing. when a very close friend becomes an enemy. how can this be happen when you share all and everything to a person. i am not the type of person that has a lot of friends. my wife has a lot of friends. friends that even after we got married kept in touch, friends that truly cherish my wife as their older or younger sister. this incident did not happen yet to her, but knowing my wife i know she will be truly hurt if something like this happens, but she is the type that wont make a fuzz on something not worth. if a friend start to act like an enemy then all you have to do is ignore. i guess you also need to report it to the police in case something happen.
@Ramaditya (1227)
• Indonesia
29 Sep 10
It has just happened to me. I've lost one of my dearest friends just because of a simple matter. She's got all things strength and weakness, and now she regards me as her enemy (although I never do that to even a single person in my life). The only thing I can do is ask for forgiveness and forgive her, then leave her. I will avoid meeting her as best as I can, not because I am afraid, but because I don't want to involve into confrontation. I hate fighting, you know. Let her do what she pleases.
@akshay7 (415)
• India
28 Sep 10
Such a situation should never arise and as a precaution, I am never able to trust anyone or I am never able to find a reason to tell anyone about my secret or sensitive information. Further, if I ever told my friend about everything and he became my enemy, well, I would not do anything and try to show him his betrayal and his moral downside. But before all this, I would try to clear the matter, if not possible and my friend has become materialistic, i would try the first method. If nothing resolves, I would just move on and let him do whatever he can. That's all I can or I will do.