I'm Sorry...The Lame Excuses People Give For Giving Up Their Pets
By pyewacket
@pyewacket (43903)
United States
September 28, 2010 11:05pm CST
I have to apologize for not being as active as usual here...haven't been for awhile and have a LOT of catching up to do, which I'm beginning to think the only way I can is if I have 60 hours in a day.
I'm deeply involved with cross-posting urgents at Facebook of pets in need to be helped in shelters ,especially those that are in high-kill shelters and I swear it's becoming a full time job in itself.
Each and every day/night are listings of pets both cats and dogs, but more cats, that are literally doomed to die the very next day. By crossposting these urgent pets it's hoped that registered rescuers see the listings and can pull them out in time before they are "euthanized". ONLY rescuers can pull out these urgent pets, and either keep them, find fosters and hopefully and eventually find new forever homes for these pets.
Now see the problem as I see it, most people don't really realize just how dire the whole situation is. That shelters are overflowing with pets, and more "unwanted" pets are dumped into the shelter system everyday. What's really sad is that many people don't realize that the shelter they may be dumping their pets in are kill shelters--thus meaning that pet is more than likely to be killed than adopted out since there are just so many people willing to adopt.
I'm in the stages of writing an article about all this as well, sort of an exposé to have people realize what is going on, and how many pets are killed on a daily basis---the statistics are something like for every 1.9 seconds...yes seconds a pet is euthanized...killed...either by lethal injection, or in many cases where it's still used, in gas chambers (where it takes up to 20 minutes for the a pet to die an agonizing death)
Anyway, I see these listings day in and day out of pets on to be killed list...the listings often list WHY the pet was surrendered, and some are the most asinine reasons going, also given may be the other reasons a pet is on the "euth" list:
1). Allergies---I've seen listings of cats surrendered due to allergies of the owner or family members--in some cases the pet is a senior pet, say over ten years old. You mean to tell me that after some ten years, all of a sudden the owner(s) has allergies? This lame excuse doesn't cut it for me. Know why? well gee folks, I have allergies too, yet have had cats since I was five years old...so this excuse is dim-wtited as far as I'm concerned
2). New Baby: Another idiotic excuse as far as I can see. What does having a baby mean giving up the family pet, especially a cat? Of course some may be under the stupidsition as I call it that cats suck out the life of a baby...hogwash
A recent posting of a cat doomed to die was given up due to "new baby"--and the cat herself was pregnant...so not only was the female cat killed but her unborn kittens
3). No Time: No time? What deal is this that one doesn't have time for a pet? One adopts a pet they should MAKE time. A pet for the most part doesn't take that much time to care and love
4). Owner dies/hospitalized: Soooo....there weren't family members that couldn't have taken in the pet??? Think how the pet feels, if especially a senior, older pet, not understanding what happened to their beloved owner, yanked from it's safe place and home, and shoved in a shelter
5). Temper/Aggressive: This is usually the reason the shelter will give for killing down an animal. Well like wouldn't you be aggressive if you were someone's pet, taken from one's home, shoved in a cage, not knowing why?
I can testify that many of the cats I've seen posted as being listed as aggressive and hostile that once adopted are the sweetest babies going. One friend of mine rescued two cats that were doomed to die the next day due to their being aggressive and hostile...she saved them and took them home...she says they are the sweetest love bugs going
6). I'm moving--another lame excuse. Just because one is moving, why should the pet suffer and be dumped into a shelter--if one is moving find a place that also takes pets--don't take it out on the innocent animal just because one is moving--one wouldn't leave their children behind, and most of us conscientious pet owners DO view pets as children.
7). No longer wants pet: Well I have to have civil language here so won't post what I really want to say. But in this disposable mind set that our cultures have become, it has extended to pets as well. Pets are living, breathing souls with feelings, they are like so much trash to be disposed of
8). Too young: Many owners who DON'T get their pets fixed in time bring in the Momma cat (or dog) and the litter...ANY kitten or pet under a certain age are killed off almost automatically as most people wouldn't want to be bothered in adopting very young kittens or puppies that still need to be bottle fed and their "mom"
Here's a video that has a powerful message. It's called I'm Sorry....Je suis désolé
and gives all the excuses people give for giving up their dogs, but goes for cats too
I'm sorry.............but for a different reason.
If one takes in a pet, it's for it's life, it's a commitment. Pets are not disposable. Yes..anyone familiar with my story and what happened to me in the past, since yes I had to rehome pets as my mother and I were involved with an eviction issue and our lawyer pressed us to give up the extra cats, but we gave them up to rescuers we didn't shove them in a shelter. Maybe some might find me a hypocrite since yes I had to give up my cats, and it haunts me that I did, but I also recognize that my die-hard position that I take now due to what happened to me in the past and in being a voice for the voiceless and advocate for helping as many pets as possible now is precisely due to what DID happen in my past and NONE of my pet rescuer friends at Facebook condemn me since they know my "story" as well
So what's your stance? If you adopt a pet, you keep it for life right? Do you condone people who give up their pets due to ...allergies, new baby, no time, etc?
Take a look at the photo I have here. This was Taco who was at a kill shetler...recently "euthanized"--he was given up by owner for one of the lame reasons that are given...RIP TACO
Don't want to be a downer here...but it's time people woke up to the realities of what is going on in the real world and in the shelter systems not only here in the USA but worldwide--I face this reality EVERYDAY
OFF MY SOAPBOX--care to join me?

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13 responses
@ElicBxn (63797)
• United States
29 Sep 10
Pye, you know where I stand, but I'm full, I can't really afford any more. All mine are fixed, and we tell people that if we place a cat, that if, for whatever reason they can't keep it, we'll take it back.
So far, we've had no returns and I've been able to keep in touch with a number of the people and they all love their cats.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
29 Sep 10
Yes of course I know where you stand. I would LOVE to foster cats myself that are being pulled out but just can't since I'm limited to how many cats I can have in my apt
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@Vladilyich1 (1454)
• Canada
30 Sep 10
I read this morning that finally, the Department of Homeland Security is going to secure 10,000 German Shepherds, rottweilers, pit bulls, and dobermans from shelters. Originally they were going to contract with breeders for the dogs, but Care2, PETA, Humane Society and ASPCA convinced them to consider getting these breeds from the shelters.
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
1 Oct 10
That's great news...I'll have to find an article about this so I can share it over at Facebook
@Vladilyich1 (1454)
• Canada
1 Oct 10
I'll try to find it again. I am pretty sure it was on the Care2 site, but it may have been Alternet. I already deleted those newsletters, but I remember posting the link on another site. I'll get back to you.
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
29 Sep 10
GEtting allergic to cats can come later we had several whn my daughter was young but she moved intoan aprtment here not know that the person before had cats only thing I can think of is they must of been deciesed for my daughter broke out in a rash from neck to the top of her knees ended up taking her to emergency room to have them tell her she was allergic to cats . HUh?
we didnt own a cat! well she went thru weeks of putting this cream on to stop the itching and the rash.
SO you you cant get allergies to them later in life.
WE keep our pets till the die you know that.
well we had dogs
now we have another dog that is a pain.
I dont even like to go outside for it jumps al over and scatches me and I bleed like heck got lots of scars now lololol
and DIG she digs up every thing een my tomatoes didnt get any this year.
and after my rose buches.
we have a fene around them but dont stop her she jumps like a deer.
Grand dauhter loves her and she loves graND DAUGHTER oops sorry about caps.
and your right they need to keep what hey have is very sad that they dump them where ever.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
29 Sep 10
I think it can be worse when people dump their pets outside. It used to be a very common occurrence in my area that people from another neighborhood would take their pet in a car, drive to my neighborhood, open the door of the car and dump the pet...making the pet fend for it's own
That's how feral dogs or cats colonies start..the pet is usually unfixed...it makes creating litters, more litters...soon there are whole colonies of these animals

@scarlet_woman (23463)
• United States
29 Sep 10
can i add a #9?
"my new boyfriend/girlfriend doesn't like it"
holy crap does that one make me angry.
let's see..you had the cat 8 years..and you just met mr.self important ding dong two weeks ago,and he's already laying down the it or me?
and you know what happens..gives up pet,guy leaves anyway 3 weeks later..
i mean..
i was given that ultimatum before-as if 'it' were plated with gold..laughed in the guy's face and told him to hit the road.
..and the cat and i enjoyed a nice chicken dinner.
that sounds totally cat lady lol,but you know?
who you dude?..

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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
29 Sep 10
Great point!! I'll have to add that in my article! Good for you...I would have ditched the dude myself

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@ayumitakashi (4462)
• United States
30 Sep 10
Scarlet I agree with you. My dog is the love of my life right now. She makes me extremely happy and there is now way in hell I would give her up because of a boyfriend. That boyfriend could kiss my behind and hit the road. I would have done the same thing. Animals are better friends than humans anyways. They love you whether rich or poor, healthy or sick. I applaud you for that.
Loverbear- "Get rid of the dogs!" Are you f*$%ing kidding me!!!!
It's like he's telling you to get rid of some old clothes that don't fit you anymore. Preposterous! If a guy wants to be my boyfriend he needs to love my dog just as much as I do or there will be no relationship.

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@ayumitakashi (4462)
• United States
30 Sep 10
pyewacket, how I wish I could adopt some doggies but I really can't. If I had my own place and I had the resources (i.e. steady job to provide for them) then I would take more dogs. Right now I only have one and I live with my mother but I can't take any more. Some people come up with the stupidest reasons ever. I don't think I would ever give my dog up for nothing.
A friend from my high school actually gave up her dog because she was moving. I was able to take it from her because I was afraid that it would go to a shelter and get euthanized. It's a miniature poodle and I gave it to my mother. She is the happiest dog here and even though she doesn't get along with my dog, she's better off being here than in a shelter. I really do feel sorry for those dogs who have been given away by their owners. Loyal dogs who love their owners so much and now are just given up like yesterday's trash. 

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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
30 Sep 10
Yes it's beyond tragic when people dump pets in a shelter, especially an older pet. Here for x-amount of years they were sheltered, given food then one day they are yanked from their home and dumped in a shelter. with my activity over at FB with animal issues I see these stories all the time. One sad story was a 15 year old cat whose owner didn't even bother give the shelter her name...instead the cat was only a "number"...many of us were "routing" for her to be adopted, and we named her "Francine"--but she never was and was put down
We have become a disposable culture even with living breathing animals
As a btw..I went to your profile...thanks for asking me as a friend and I see you're a Gaga fan
So you're a monster too? 

@ayumitakashi (4462)
• United States
2 Oct 10
Situations like those that you just described are just very sad. It breaks my heart to see so many animals just given up like that.
I am a Gaga fan and I think she's talented. But honestly there are times when she gets on my nerves like that stupid meat dress she wore to the the MTV VMA's. 

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@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
3 Oct 10
This is a hard one. Pets are in some ways, more "work" and responsibility than a child! People get them and don't realize the work and responsibility and so much of everything else that pats require. YOu can't leave them alone much more than you can a child. But most that get pets, get a baby and they are so cute and by the time they grow up... they are more trouble than the owner had wanted, they aren't cute anymore or they are just bored with the extra work they have to do with them. I don't see a way to stop it. I hate the killing shelters, but at the same time... what do we do with them? Who pays the bill for their care?
Same thing happens every easter with bunnies/rabbits. Now those little guys are the easiest to care for of most equal pets... I had 3 and they were treated like my children almost, and they took nearly no time at all. But they still did take time and money and if you want a pet you have to spend time with them, if not, whats the point of having one? But after easter...they always find a place that is over run with rabbits.
So only thing I have to suggest is what everyone else does....don't get a pet unless you are really really really sure you want all the work. Forget the love and affection, do you want to spend that much time and work with it and spend that much money on its care? Or would you rather spend it on your kids or yourself? That might help some, but it is called using ones common sense and that is not very commonly used these days.
I really believe that if you live in an apartment, you should not have a dog at all. Even a small one. An apartment is just not applicable to a dog or other walking pet. Cats can make it since they are more indoor anyway, but dogs... dogs have no place in an apartment.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
4 Oct 10
It's funny you should mention that people shouldn't have a dog in an apt--most people in my area do have dogs, and not necessarily small ones either and we all live in apts.
I have never found it a lot of work of taking care of my cats, and have always thought of them as my "babies"--some many years ago I even had to take care of newborn kittens which meant bottle feeding every two hours..yes it was work but rewarding for me.. Also I think really responsible people are willing to take the time and money to take care of pets AND their children
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
4 Oct 10
No doubt some do have the responsibility and capacity to take care of their pets. Good for them. Pets can be wonderful.
Cats in an apt aren't that bad, but bigger dogs...just a casual walk around the complex twice a day is not enough exercise/movement for a larger dog to stay fit and accomodated.
However, it is those that don't have the responsibility and capacity that put the shelters into over population.
Nice that you love your babies!
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@Loverbear (4918)
• United States
29 Sep 10
We need to get our heads out of our A$$ES about our animal's welfare. We also need to start realizing that we need to have FREE spay and neutering clinics for those people who have companion animals and can't afford to have them spayed or neutered. I did research for a friend of mine, and here in California the cheapest rate at a local vet clinic was over $100. If you could get a certificate from our animal regulation it's good for only $25!!!
I would have five hundred animals in my home with me if I could afford to keep them. I have four dogs and four cats, all rescues from horrible situations. These critters will be with me until they cross the bridge. The oldest member of my family is 17 years old (that's Murphy the lynx point siamese that I rescued from animal regulation) and the youngest is CD the dachshund that was being given away in front of the local supermarket.
Too many people think that dogs, cats and other animals are "throw away" commodities. They don't realize the commitment to them that is expected of us by the creator. It isn't just dogs and cats that suffer, but people get snakes, exocitcs such as tigers, lions, monkeys and even raccoons, skunks, and other animals that aren't considered to be "pets" by responsible people. When the snakes get too big or the wild animals show their wild side, the owners will turn them lose to fend for them selves many of these animals die in the wild from starvation or are killed on the road because they don't know what cars are. They also can get shot by terrified homeowners who see a wild animal in their yard, not knowing that the animal is tame to a point.
We really need to start getting the world to the point of not killing dogs and cats, and that we need to accept responsibility for taking in a pet. We need to educate people about those responsibilities...starting with the children in grade school.
Before anyone gets riled at me about what I said and chew me out stating that they are different...I realize that there are millions of responsible owners who share their lives with their pets. I applaude and respect the responsible owners and wish there was a way to honor them for their love and devotion to their pets. It is the irresponsible ones that I would like to strip naked, paint purple with orange dots and hang them from the tallest flag pole!
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
29 Sep 10
I happen to think that when people adopt pets from a shelter, since most times the adoption fee can be fairly high, that a certificate should be included for free spay/neuter if the pet is too young at the time to be fixed, or only offer older pets that have been spayed/neutered---I had one pet rescuer friend take in a pet from a rather far away shelter, and yes it was a kill shelter...that meant transporting the female cat to him...and guess what? The shelter neglected to mention that the female cat was pregnant! Fortunately, he kept both "moma" cat and kittens, but he was a bit well pissed to say the least that he had an extra unexpected "surprise"
You mention "exotic" animals---don't forget rabbits. I remember reading how one university...think it was in Calif that became the dumping ground of people not wanting the rabbits anymore..As for monkeys...remember that story of that nutcase who had Travis, the chimp who went on a rampage and literally tore the woman's friend's face off?
@Loverbear (4918)
• United States
29 Sep 10
I had the pregnant cat happen to me, when I adopted two cats from our local shelter. It was before they got their act together and checked the females to see if they were pregnant. We adopted the first one, a Siamese, got it home and one of the neighbors stated "that cat is pregnant!" A week later we had three more cats. We adopted another female cat that was about 6 months old, from the same shelter. We got her home and that same neighbor said "that cat's pregnant!" About four days later we had four more kittens. Fortunately we found responsible homes for the seven off spring and spayed the mamas, but it is an awful surprise. Plus, we didn't let that neighbor see any new animals that we adopted from the shelter...we got a bit nervous about his "sooth saying" about pregnant animals!
As for the exotics, don't forget to add mice, rats, gerbils, ferrets, hamsters, birds, and the list can continue. In my area the college students adopt an animal and when it is graduation time and they can't take the animal home because of their parents objecting to pets, they turn the animal loose and leave it to fend for itself.

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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
29 Sep 10
oh that kitten with the big blue eyes how could anyone throw away a precious little kitty like that, have they no hearts my son is 51 and he had a grey and white striped tom cat adopt him, and he was really taken by the cat, so when the landlord said either get rid of Mr.Cat or take a hike he had to hurry to find someplace to take Mr.Cat to and he felt just awful for days as he had no way of knowing if the place he took the cat was going to adopt it out or just do away with it. I would have taken him here but unfortunately I did not have the extra one hundred in rent they tack on for a pet. we just hoped the poor cat got a new home.
I do wish apartment owners would not be so damned mean. cats are the least destructive of pets, and they would not bother the other tenants at all.If people are going to get a pet they should realize its just like your baby you take it in as part of the family and you do not throw away a cat for dumb e xcu ses. just as you would not throw away your baby. if they cannot realize this they should not adopt a cat or a dog
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
29 Sep 10
Some landlords are real smucks to put it mildly...did you know that some landlords can demand that when a new tenant moves in, and they have a cat to get it declawed or if a dog to get it debarked? And it's NOT against the law either for a landlord to ask this. I believe in Calif though a bill was being introduced to make this illegal--now if only the rest of the country would do the same...this could be therefore another reason people dump pets in shelters????
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
1 Oct 10
(Places a bigger soapbox next to hers so Dawnald can stand up on one)

@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
30 Sep 10
Hi Pye, I’m just drying my tears here...I wish so much I could take more animals but we cannot afford them! Only today I spent another $174 at the vet for my new cat! I’ve been raving on about my dream which is to open a cattery. I have my two booked in this beautiful place half an hour from my house for our upcoming holiday and since visiting it I decided I want to open one too. I have an appointment with the owners who will give me the tips I will need. These people do temporarily shelter cats and it all helps I think. It is my dream and I put it out there in the Universe with the hope that the right opportunity will present itself. I want to work with animals and if I can take even one or two extra cats it will be two lives that have been saved. Thank God for you Pye and what you do! Pray for me; for my dream to become reality, please...
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
1 Oct 10
I sure wish I could take in more cats myself but I'm limited to two. I only have Kissy now and hope to adopt another one soon, hopefully another black cat like my Pyewacket--won't of course take the place of him, but I have a particular fondness for black cats and have had them all my life
I think ALL of us who love animals (especially cats) would love to have some kind of shelter or sanctuary for unwanted pets...My prayers go to you that you realize your goal...It IS expensive to do that though--I know one rescuer friend that spends about $3,000 on pet food a month....that doesn't cover vet costs that one will need, so it is an expensive proposition...but still routing for you

@wonttakelong (3555)
• United States
5 Jan 11
I hear your message and its a good one ( I agree with it)
people should think long and hard about taking in an animal BEFORE they do so
It is a HUGE responsibility and its not always easy or fun
its certainly not for everyone
lets be honest some people would be better off having house plants LOL
However, no matter how much thought was put into it or how good the original intentions were....
Sometimes...SHYT happens!
Circumstances beyond the pet owner's control put them in a position to make an excruciating decision of giving the pet up.
I am a responsible pet owner but even I have been in the situation where I had to choose a better life for my beloved pet
That is why I dont judge people
I dont know their situation, I dont live their life
who am I to judge another human being?
@chrixopher75 (53)
• United States
30 Sep 10
My best friend and his wife recently had to give their dog back to the shelter they got him from, but I totally understood their reasons. The fact that the dog was a total terror and as a full grown wild dog mix would defecate in the house at least 3 times daily was a problem but the main reason they gave him up was the lack of time they ould give him. Both of them work full time and are only home late in the day, which again would result in feces everywhere when they came home. When he would be put outside for any reason he would simply jump the six foot fence and mark houses all over the neighborhood. They couldn't keep him in the garage either because for one that's just mean, and also he would just continuously bark and again, poop.
Now my friends tried for two months to train this dog to use the bathroom outside, to stop barking when unprovoked, and to also stay within te confines of the backyard, and nothing seemed to work. While more effective steps could have been taken such as a dog trainer/class or fence guardings, those options were both out of their price range and available time.
I love dogs, but didn't blame them whatsoever once I found out they had given the dog back to the shelter for one.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
30 Sep 10
I hope you don't mind my being blunt but given the circumstances you've described and since your friend and his wife both worked full time therefore couldn't provide enough time for the dog to take care and train it themselves, like why in heck did they adopt in the first place?
What kind of dog was it anyway? Too many times people randomly will adopt a dog without really knowing the breed's temperament...some are super high strung and need a lot of attention while others aren't. Now for instance if ever I were to get a dog I would LOVE to get a husky, but I just know that wouldn't ever work out since first of all due to living in a small apt and they are BIG dogs

@bmlynn09 (61)
• United States
29 Sep 10
You are a very great person for trying to help out all of these animals. I just recently started working in an animal rescue shelter that finds homes for animals that have been neglected or abused. If i could give a home to every animal myself i would. I'll never understand why people are so cruel to such innocent animals. It's very unfortunate.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
29 Sep 10
Great to hear that you are now working at an animal shelter that helps find homes for animals, especially animals that have been abused. No, I can't ever understand why people are cruel to animals either, and one gets a LOT of news just how bad it is via the internet