If we get a chance to live in any other time like present, past, future, what wd

life, past, present, future.....which would you li - The life to live you choose past, present or future?
September 29, 2010 12:10am CST
If we get a chance to live in any other time like present, past, future...What would you like to live mean what would it be and why?.....I would like to live the future...to see what could happen next in my life....past known and present seeing and future is the only thing which is surprise for us either good or bad.....but sometimes even feel that past childhood days were the happiest days in life....without any responsibilities..happily eating, studying and sleeping without any worries.....
2 responses
• China
29 Sep 10
I want to live in the past as they were what i had experienced .so i don't have to edventure .and in the past i had many valueble things i don't cherish .so i always very regret it. but sometimes i want to see what will happened in the future .future is of much yearns for happily to everyone,so am i .but in the future i will be very old and don't have passion and youth .mabey i don't have child and i can imagine how lonely my figure was when i am watching the sunset.so i have little hopeness. like you said ''childhood days were happy'' but i think no responsibility , no challenge . so i had better live in prensent though that would be stereotyped.
• India
29 Sep 10
hi, yes almost all of them like their childhood days and feel like to go back to those days which we can't.....thank you for your valuable response....Good luck.
@puccagirl (7294)
• Israel
29 Sep 10
I would also choose the future. I think life today is the best so far, the quality of life is simply better than it has ever been. So I am guessing it will be even better in the future, and I would love to experience that!