Make up or natural beauty?

September 29, 2010 9:18am CST
We always want to look pretty right?The first thing we do after waking up in the morning is to go straight to the mirror and see our face and hair.We cant even go outside without looking ourself in the mirror.We always want to feel pretty look pretty and smell pretty.Many girls want to stay simple going out without make up but for me eversince i started working i am already wearing make up everytime i go to work because that is required in my work as a salesgirl.Eversince then if i go out i cant help but to put make up even a little everytime i go out.Also when i started singing that is very much required for us singers to look pretty and beautiful in front of the audiences and guests.How about you?Wear make up or not?
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10 responses
@kerrina (104)
• Canada
22 Oct 10
i go through my stages on whether i should be putting on make up or not. just a couple days ago though, i've learned to embrace the minimum amount of make up on and ive learned to love it. i only put on mascara i feel great. I feel that if someone does't know how to embrace their natural beauty, they are realy insecure. but i think the first step to facing insecurities is removing your makeup and showing who you real are!! :D
@ratyz5 (7808)
• Philippines
21 Oct 10
The only time that I remembered putting makeup on would be the time when I participated in some pageant at our university. I really looked clean when I had a glance at the mirror. Before that however, I really didn't fancy makeup. Aside from being a guy, I had a classmate in high school who often had makeup. When we attended the prom, that classmate of mine didn't look any different compared to the other girls who wore makeup just for the said event. Anyway, makeup should improve what you already have and conceal what you don't want others to take too much notice of. Its essential to most women out there (^_^")
• Philippines
30 Sep 10
When i am in high school, my friends used put make up in school.But me,?i don't like putting any cosmetics on my face because i am not used to it and i am not comfortable of myself when I'm wearing a make-up.I want to show my true beauty!. . charr!
@ria1215 (33)
• Australia
1 Oct 10
I didnt put on make up that much. I wear make up for a few times only, mainly because my make up skill is really bad and I don't have much cosmetics. And I'm too lazy to spend so much time for make up before going out as well. :P
• Hong Kong
3 Oct 10
I wear make up almost every day.Just very simple make up.I think it can make me more beautiful.I also very enjoy the moment I do make up.It is really amazing to see yourself nicer under your own effort.
@jlov101 (79)
• Philippines
21 Oct 10
I used to wear make up before but I prefer the natural beauty we have. I only wear make up if there is an occasion.
@chillpill90 (1936)
29 Sep 10
i prefer natural to make up. I think that make up makes someone look fake you do not get to see the little imperfections that make a guy like the girl fancy them more.
• South Korea
29 Sep 10
dont worry honey your not well I must admitt make up plays a big role in my life..specially confidence,,lol there were times that I couldnt go to my class without make up... but of course make ups only enchance our beauty even though we put a lot it will never change our face,,lol and why choose if we can have both:P sometimes I wake up feeling so beautiful that I dont really need a make up..honestly just rarely..haha We just have to know or find the secrets how to take care of our skin properly:)
@cajimenez (452)
• Philippines
29 Sep 10
I would prefer natural beauty. But, not all of us are born with it. Make up can do the tricks providing you know how to do it correctly. Make up should enhance the natural beauty not cover it.
• Philippines
29 Sep 10
We're the same back when I was still studying I don't bother wearing makeup when I go out. But when I started working where it is required to wear make up, I became so accustomed with it that I have to wear make up (just light) whenever I go out.