are you afraid of elevators?^^

elevator is scary - elevator is it scary?
September 29, 2010 6:01pm CST
hi guys^^ are you afraid of elevators?^^ about me i go on elevators but im a bit scared only bcs one day i almost died in an elevator. the elevator door closed and my coat was stuck and i didnt notice so the elevator started to go down and i started to go up :( i had to call my sister and my friend that were in the elevator with me bcs they were not noticing and then they started to push me down and i had to take my coat of my body so fast my god :( even a bit of my hair was stuck there in the elevator :( it was so scary :( thank god they were there to help me and i could take the coat off of my body too :( im very thankful to them. also other time i was stuck again but my friend's mother saw me a bit bcs i was like between two floors and she said try to push the button in 0 to go down and i push and it was ok and i got out of the elevator and went by stairs this time. anyway i still go on elevators sometimes but that first disaster scared me much sure. anyway what about you guys? are you scared too? please share^^
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23 responses
@laniekins (4579)
• Philippines
30 Sep 10
I don't have any scary experience on elevators, lucky that elevators were good to me . The first time I ride on elevators, I was scared and feel dizzy but since that I use it everyday, I get used to it. The elevators here in the building I work is under maintenance and a bit weird. It really needs maintenance.
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• Portugal
30 Sep 10
aw thats great that you use it everyday and nothing bad ever happened to you^^ anyway if you say it is needing maintenance they should call someone to go there and fix things or else someone can be stuck. and is a bit scary mostly if you are alone. anyway lets wish that nothing happens and all goes ok :) thanks for your answer^^ have a happy day^^
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@laniekins (4579)
• Philippines
1 Oct 10
Thank God that finally we're now able to use the elevator again after a month of inactivity. It was struck by lightning few months ago.
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• Portugal
11 Oct 11
wow struck by lightning? thats really scary.. im happy that they had it fixed. thanks for share what happened.. i think that a lot of people are scared of elevators bcs in movies it always shows a lot of scary things happening in elevators ahah^^ anyway thank god than in reality it doesnt happen that often. have a very happy day
• United States
30 Sep 10
I'm not afraid , only because really, THERE'S NOTHING TO BE AFRAID OF!!!!! All you do is push a button to go up and down to different floors. Sure there's been incidents of elevator accidents but that's just a few of the elevators out of all the millions and thousands of elevators in America.
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• Portugal
30 Sep 10
we are not talking only about america :) im not american and i had accidents with two elevators already and my sister with one so. anyway i really wish that noone in my family has other accident with elevators hopefully^^ anyway also im happy that i survived :) also it was years ago so im ok now and i still use elevators^^ even is rarely but i dont mind to use it^^
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@sender621 (14890)
• United States
30 Sep 10
I have nver been afraid of elevators. i have been stuck in a elevator before. that didn't deter my feelings for being on an elevator. They are the quickest way to get from florr to floor. My grandmother was very much afraid of elevators. She would walk five flights of stairs to the doctor's office just to avoid the elevator. Some people are just scared of something happening to them on an elevator. i am not one of those people.
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• Portugal
30 Sep 10
thats good that you are not afraid of it even you were stuck before :( but is good that you still use it bcs that way you avoid to go by stairs if you have to go to a floor like 9th or something :) and your granny poor her having to go in so many stairs just to go to doctor. anyway sure people are afraid of elevators bcs are afraid something bad happens to them. but is great you feel ok with it^^
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• China
30 Sep 10
What a terrible experience! I am not afraid of elevator just because I have not faced with such scary danger(Thank God and I hope never),but I do know there are a lot of accidents happened in the elevators.For many times I have read news about some people were hurt by the elevator in some places and even cause vital cases there. Though I did not experience accident in an elevator,I do feel kinds of uncomfortable because of the inertia of the elevator. As the elevator has become a key point in modern society,we should take care to protect ourselves from being hurt by it.
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• United States
30 Sep 10
Hi, Your scenario happened in a tv show.. I am not sure which one I can't remember on the top of my head right now. Sorry to hear but lucky you are safe.. I am afraid of elevators that I would be stuck .. by myself and I hate being in small areas without windows!!
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• Philippines
30 Sep 10
I am not afraid of elevators; in fact I enjoy riding them, especially if the acceleration of going up and going down is fast. It's like I'm riding on an up-and-down roller coaster. Besides, I don't feel like I would vomit after riding an elevator. And I once had an experience riding an elevator whose doors shut quickly a few seconds after opening them. I experienced being almost squished because the doors do shut quickly, so I need to run inside amid reactions that made me sigh of relief after fits of laughter when I get in the elevator.
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• Portugal
30 Sep 10
ahah i see that for you elevators are for joke :) like a little kid. anyway is true that some doors close fast and it almost gets us it happened to me before while i was waiting someone to go in in the elevator and i was near the doors and it was closing and i had to push the doors away. not good at all ahah :) anyway is good that you take it in a joke way and i wish nothing bad happens :)
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@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
30 Sep 10
I do not feel scared while going on elevators, because all have emergency phone services in the cabin with phones hanging there. Though, I prefer stairs to keep myself fit and fine.
• Portugal
30 Sep 10
aw thats good that the elevators have a phone^^ here we dont have a phone but is same like phone^^ is like a button you can push if you are stuck and someone talks and ask if you need help^^ at least in my building is like that^^ and yes you do right thing using the stairs that way you wont be stuck ever^^ and you can feel more safe :) even the elevator is ok too but in stairs you be sure that an accident wont happen ^^
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
1 Oct 10
Very wisely said 'sweetloveforeve'. I appreciate your ideas. dpk am sending you a request for add, please accept.
@youless (112838)
• Guangzhou, China
30 Sep 10
I am not afraid of the elevators. My life relates to the elevators because I need to use it to go home and go to the office. As my home and the office are high and I have to take the elevators everyday. Although there can be some little problems for the elevators occasionally, but it is not a big deal. It is still very safe. I love China
• Portugal
30 Sep 10
aw im happy that you are not afraid of it^^ and yes if you have to use it to go home and for work too would be too bad if you were afraid of it^^ and is good that the elevators are safe :) and wish you never get stuck in one^^ and never have any bad experience^^ just sometimes accidents happen but is rarely :) thanks for your answer^^ have a happy day^^
@tomitomi (5429)
• Singapore
30 Sep 10
Hi sweetloveforeve! Those were awful experience. I've had no problem with elevators. I used to know of a friend who was very much afraid of elevators. I remember how he would walk up the stairs. So that explained why he lived on the lower floor. And strange too how he got to work in low rise building as well. It wasn't the height as I found out years later. It was actually the confinement in an enclosed space that made him freaked out. He had claustrophobia. Up till now I'm still not able to understand why. It's sad though. And it's very real too too.
@tomitomi (5429)
• Singapore
1 Oct 10
Agree! Took me many years to find out about him actually. It was something I least expect from someone so active and athletic. Wherever he is now, I wish him the best.
• Portugal
30 Sep 10
aw yes :) sorry for your friend. many people have claustrophobia just like him. im happy that he lives in a low floor and is job is also in a low floor too^^ that way he doesnt need to be scared all the time. also that way nothing bad in elevator can happen to him. to claustrophobic people is dangerous to go on an elevator alone bcs if they get stuck they can have a cardiac attack or something so your friend does right thing not using it^^
@SilverKing (1003)
• Canada
30 Sep 10
Yes being in an elevator can be a very frighting thing if you had a bad experience in the past such as being stuck in one when then power goes out. I myself was kind of afraid of them as a kid but have gotten over my fear an can get in one without any problems. I think that help is near by and with all the modern technolgy today such as cell phones and i phones getting help would be a snap due to how good cell phone coverage is today.
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• Portugal
30 Sep 10
yes is good that you are not afraid of elevators^^ and yes must be so scary if you are alone in one and the power goes off my god i would be too too scared :( anyway that cant happen to me again i wish so ahah i already was stuck in elevators enough for a lifetime :) so i wish nothing similar happens again^^ and also in horror movies they always use elevators to scare people too^^
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@phillip3 (26)
• Philippines
30 Sep 10
no, I am not afraid of riding an elevator. The building where my office is located has an elevator, I used to ride that 4 times a day, 5 days a week, 4 weeks a month and 12 months a year. That's why I was used to ride an elevator.
• Portugal
30 Sep 10
aw i see ^^ yes you have to use it to go to your office so thats normal you are not afraid :) you had to get used to it^^ also elevators are not that scary^^ the worse is if you be stuck or if it suddenly breaks but the technicians of elevators know what they do and wouldnt put people lives in danger :) that with my jacket was me that didnt notice that it was stuck. anyway i think they should create doors that could sense if something gets stuck there and the elevator shouldnt work when that happens.
@eson21 (19)
• Philippines
30 Sep 10
for me, no..why should get afraid of it when all it does is to make our jod easier, maybe for some but not for me. the first time i rode in an evator, yes i am a bit nervous but then later i'd overcomed it and i find it fund everytime i ride on it, it's like that you are riding in one of the rides in a carnival so fund and exciting..
• Portugal
30 Sep 10
aw thats good that you are not afraid of it ^^ and yes for some it is bcs they are afraid of being stuck or something happens suddenly. anyway you are second person in this discussion that says it is like a carnival ahah :) is great that you have fun while on it^^ and is normal that the first time you entered in one you were scared bcs you didnt know how it worked :) anyway continue having fun with elevators^^ better to have fun with it than being scared^^
• Philippines
30 Sep 10
Hi! I wasn't really afraid of elevators, until recently. I experienced being stuck in an elevator with four of my girl friends one night after work on our way down from the twelfth floor. Luckily it didn't take too long for us to be taken out of the elevator with the help of the security guards on duty that night. I still remember how glad I was that I am with my friends, it is really one of my greatest fear to be stuck in an elevator especially if I'm alone, I just couldn't imagine it. Before my only problem with elevators was I always felt dizzy whenever I take it, but after that experience I really don't mind feeling dizzy, the fact that the unfortunate incident didn't happen again is enough for me to be thankful and forget about the dizziness :)
• Portugal
30 Sep 10
aw im happy that you got out of there very fast^^ is great that you didnt panic too :) and is great that at least now you dont feel dizzy anymore and lets wish it doesnt happen again to be stuck. and yes being stuck alone must be too too scary so is great that at least your friends were with you^^ it wont happen again i wish so :) thanks for share your experience^^
@gera4310 (11)
• Philippines
30 Sep 10
I have heard all sorts of spooky things about elevator stories. It scares me once in awhile most especially if I happen to be in a hospital elevator. Just imagine there are 7 of you inside and 2 of them may be lost souls? Spooky isn't it?
• Portugal
30 Sep 10
aw god :( 7 of you and 2 are lost souls? aww my god i never thought of it while on an elevator and thats good i never thought or would be very scared. and yes sure is very scary ahah :) that seems more like horror movies. anyway that didnt happen to me yet. but that that happened to me was a bit like horror movies too :) but thats good that my sister and my friend were there to help me^^ anyway please dont think about lost souls while on an elevator ok?^^ there is no need to feel scared :)
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@laydee (12798)
• Philippines
7 Oct 11
Hmmm.. I am not really afraid of elevators because the usual elevators I had experiences with had good sensors, if there's even only a piece of paper blocking the sensor, the elevator door wouldn't close. Perhaps that is why it's advisable to really go inside the elevator and not stay near the door in case something like that happens. Have a great MyLot experience ahead!
@dodo19 (47363)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
30 Sep 10
No, I'm not afraid of elevators. I do enjoying the elevator rides for the most part. I haven't really had any bad experiences in elevators.
@buddhis (58)
• China
30 Sep 10
i am a little afraid of elevators.especially i am alone in the become quite quiet. the terrible scenario in the movies comes into my mind when it make some noise itself.i will get scared.but usually i'm ok with the elevators.
• Philippines
30 Sep 10
hai.. .. frankly speaking first i'm afraid of elavators,, but now im not,, afraid because of my experiences,or because of my exposure to an elavator,,
• Portugal
30 Sep 10
aw i understand^^ is ok that first you had but when you got used to it you stopped to be^^ anyway your experiences? so you been stuck or something before? i wish not. im happy that you are not afraid anymore :) that way you can use it to go on floors faster instead of use the stairs :) it can be tiring sometimes ahah ^^ thanks for your answer^^
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• Indonesia
30 Sep 10
i feel like a can't breath when i get in one and i am DYING to get OUT.
• Portugal
30 Sep 10
aww so sorry for it :( you really are much afraid of it so maybe you shouldnt use it. or if you ever got stuck you could have a cardiac attack being so scared. sometimes it happens if people are too scared and for the way you talk if you got stuck alone would be very dangerous. maybe you should try to get over your fear :) or dont use elevators much.
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@angie20 (191)
• Philippines
4 Jul 11
I'm not afraid of elevators not unless I'm stuck there because of power shortage. That's so scary. I am fond of watching horror movies and they used elevators as a medium to scare its audiences. Aside from that, I'm also scared to stay in the elevator forever whenever there's no one to help me get my way out of it. I wish that will never happen to me. (crossing fingers)