College drop out.

September 29, 2010 7:47pm CST
Do you think that a person who right now is on college, but is failing despite all his efforts, should drop out?
7 responses
@Lore2009 (7378)
• United States
30 Sep 10
I think that is wise.... but it depends on the consequences. The school I went to didn't give refund after a certain time and it was very expensive... if that person is in mid semester, and can try a little harder then that would be better to get your money's worth but to force yourself to do something that you cannot do is not healthy and a waste of money and time in the long run.
@Lore2009 (7378)
• United States
30 Sep 10
PS. it depends on which country you live in ,but, you can always go back to college (here in the US)
• United States
2 Oct 10
I think he should consider whether or not a technical school might be better suited for him.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
1 Oct 10
Who says it's time to quit???? Few things worthwhile come easy. It's easy to quit. Let me tell you a story. A girl drops out of high school. After a few years she discovers with no high school there aren't many jobs. She goes for her GED. She studies hard and passes it. Next she set her eyes on nursing.She started the first course anatomy. All her friends told her she wasn't smart enough to pass the course. I'll tell you the same thing I told her. Anybody can learn anything. If you aren't learning, you aren't putting enough time in or aren't asking enough questions. Teachers teach. It is their job that you learn.Ask questions!!! You must work and study whatever it takes.You can learn anything!!! Well, she took the anatomy course. The girl who wasn't smart enough to pass made an A. Guess who felt dumb now???Her friends. She went on to become a nurse. I did give her one more piece of advice. While training in the hospital, I told her to be the first to volunteer for everything. Make your mistakes while learning so you can become great at her job. DON'T RUN AWAY FROM IT!!!!OVERCOME IT!!! So now my friend the choice is yours. You do have the ability to do what it takes to pass. The real question remains. Will you do just that????
• Canada
30 Sep 10
Your major may not be the right one for your talents, or you may not be destined for the kind of job college prepares you for. People are wrong to say you are doomed to make minimum wage for the rest of your life without college; they are just repeating what they've been told all their lives and not looking at the reality of the situation. Try a trade school: people in trades are in high demand right now and make more money than a lot of college grads, who are competing with all the hundreds of thousands of other college grads for very few jobs. Try getting some skills or qualifications. I made double minimum wage when I was 16 because I had first aid and lifeguarding qualifications, as well as qualifications to teach swimming lessons. It wasn't hard and didn't take a lot of money to get those qualifications, and the money I made paid for my university education, with no help from my parents, no loan, and no debt (and I was living on my own for two years of that time, not living with my parents.) You need to examine the situation and find out what's best for you.
@jwidman3 (27)
• United States
30 Sep 10
If you are trying everything that might be available to you such as tutoring, study groups and conversations with your teachers and you are still failing then perhaps taking a break is appropriate. It could be that you have too many irons in the fire and aren't able to take the time you need for your class work, maybe that means this isn't the time for college and you should try again later, or maybe that means there are other activities in your life that you need to consider post-poning while you finish college.
30 Sep 10
You should never drop out. You should always try your hardest, and always try to get help. Re-prioritize your life to make school even more important. College education is extremely vital for a successful life. There must be something that your doing wrong if you are still failing. Your not putting enough effort if your still failing. With failures comes success. Sooner or later, everything will get better. You have to pull through. Sure, it is a long and hard road, but the rewards pay off later in life.
@SilverKing (1003)
• Canada
30 Sep 10
Well if something that you are doing is not getting anywhere any you have tried every option to correct it and still failed i think it would be the only choise left.Choosing to drop out of college is not an easy choice and you should really think about what kind of impace that would have.Without an education you can expect to be making min wage or slightly above for the rest of your life.I think you should try a different cource and come back to college in a few years after saving up some more money and thinking about what you really want to be for the rest of your life.