Do you know your bible? Do you see the signs of the times?
By free_man
@free_man (7330)
United States
September 30, 2010 9:06am CST
I have always watched the news I was brought up to watch things that happen in the bible. In Matthew Mark and Luke it tells you of the signs of the LORDS returning to the earth. Well one of the signs of the times is the seasons will change and you won't know what season it is by the weather. The weather around here has been way off. Another one is there will be earth quakes in places that don't normally happen. One is the government will try to start a one world system. I have seen and heard all these things happening. Do you watch the signs of the times of the bible? Do you watch the news for signs of the times? Have you heard of this one world system starting? I heard it the other day and a couple of times in the past. Are you worried about the coming of the LORD Jesus Christ returning? You don't want to be the first one taken do you? Do you know the first one taken is taken by the anti christ? Do you know your bible? If you want to know and understand your bible do yourself a favor and listen to this man.
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5 responses
@afarrell1 (258)
• United States
8 Oct 10
I know my bible, many biblical prophecies are coming to pass everyday, and while I as a christian get a little happy and look forward to his return because I know it is soon, I am still saddened at the thought of my lost loved ones for whom I pray God will help as being here after the rapture.. but I addressed that with you in another post.
The one world order, or new world order as so many politicians refer to it is slowly being formed in the European Union and the North/south American trade agreement. Even banking is being transitioned, several companies and countries world wide have begun to demand that the US change it's currency to a world currency like the euro and that the banking be regulated from the international banking industry. Some countries like China have actually closed it's boarders to US banks, which for my company caused a lot of problems. I am in a job where I get to know a lot of regulatory stuff before it is actually enacted here because my company has a very strong global presence. All this does it enforce that when the rapture happens that will be the catalyst for the one world system to take control.
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@free_man (7330)
• United States
8 Oct 10
Hi Afarrell and welcome to my lot. What rapture? Do you not know that we will all stand before the anti christ? Do you think you are going to fly away before the trails and tribulations are upon us? Sweetie you are being taught the wrong thing if you believe that we are going to be raptured out before the anti christ. Do you know that rapture is not even written in the bible? Do you know that the anti christ comes first? You want to hear the truth then please for your own self go and listen to this man teach you the truth about Gods word.
God is against those that teach HIS children to fly away. Ezekiel 13:20-25
The 7th trump is when we will all be changed into our spiritual bodies. This is when God returns. 1st Corinthians 15:52
Matthew 24:36-42 the first one taken is taken by satan.
I know that this one world currency has been in the works for years. But this is only a sign of HIS return to take back HIS kingdom the earth. God is returning to this earth to set it back to it's original form.I am sorry that your company is in such a disarray but before things gets better they are going to get a lot worse.
@afarrell1 (258)
• United States
8 Oct 10
Where is the first one taken by Satan? You are correct the word rapture isn't in the bible but the bible does state that there will be a catching away - which the definition of rapture in Greek is the same, please do not get confused because we use a word which is the same meaning.
The bible does say that the believer will be given a new body, that is true, when God returns to set up his kingdom. I do know the Anti-Christ comes he will deceive the nation of Israel and make a pact with them for seven years and in the middle of the years he will break the pact. Again do not misunderstand, while the bible says seven days, these are prophetic days which are the equivalent of a year, your teacher should be able to explain this.
And you do not want to live in the tribulation where you will stand before the Anti-Christ and be forced to either denounce Christ or die. If you think this cannot happen - it is happening today in countries where missionaries are being killed.
I hope and pray you are studying God's word for yourself and not just listening to what others are teaching. If you do this and ask God for wisdom you will see the truth in this. God does not want his people to suffer through the tribulation. II Peter 3:9 says God is trying to give everyone a chance to come to him before his return. If you do not have a bible I will send you one where ever you are in the world.
Revelations 3:10, I Thessalonians 2:7, and 1 Thessalonians 4:16 are three main verses long with your verses in Matthew and the parable of the 10 virgins in which point to the rapture. The Anti-Christ cannot come to power until that which has restrained him is removed. The believers are the restraining force right now. Luke 21:36 says, after he tells of the signs of the times, watch and pray that you may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass. How then are we going to escape and still be here?
I will listen to your teacher, and If you are willing, please go to The preacher there is a very gifted and smart man, I have listened to him many times and gone to see him when he comes to my city. If you only listen to one message, please listen to the message from 07/13/2010, "Biblical Evidence for a Pre-Tribulation Catching Away" or the message from 07/06/10, titled "The Rapture - To be or not to be". I think this will help you understand and I will keep you in my prayers.
In Truth all this matters little if you are a child of the Lord. If you are striving every day to follow Christ's teachings and confess him to be your savior and the son of God, that is the true message, not the catching away of the saints or who has to stay and suffer through the tribulation. My favorite verse in the bible is Matthew 6:34, which is worry not about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about it's own things. sufficient for the day is it's own trouble. This means that we should not get to concerned about things in the future because only God has control over those things anyway.
@peavey (16936)
• United States
30 Sep 10
Yes, I've been aware of these things since I was a child. I used to have nightmares about the world ending and I was left behind! But I think at the time it was more of a "hell fire and brimstone" gospel that we listened to.
There are so many things around us now that seem to be fulfilling prophecy that it's scary and exciting at the same time. There really isn't much time left for this old world - too many things happening. Earthquakes and floods, fires and strange weather patterns; the world slowly turning against Israel, our own government leading the way to economic destruction and on and on.
Even so, come, Lord Jesus!
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@free_man (7330)
• United States
30 Sep 10
Hi Peavey. When I was taught I was taught that if you went to hell you would burn forever. I thought what the heck I wouldn't want to be able to see people burning in hell. I laugh at this now cause I have been taught by a real man of God.
It used to scare me too but now that I know the truth I can hardly wait to see the LORD Jesus Christ return. I now listen to the news waiting to hear about the signs of the LORDS returning.
I was always taught that you wanted to be the first one taken. I know now since listening to the man we now listen to that you don't want to be the first one taken. Because the first one taken is fooled by satan cause satan comes first pretending to be christ.
I wish I had found this preacher man of God sooner then I did. But I thank God that I now have the truth being taught to me and my husband. Thanks for sharing.
@afarrell1 (258)
• United States
8 Oct 10
Free_man. I really hope and pray that you are studying the bible on your own too and not just listening to others. If you do not have a bible, please let me know, I will mail one to you where ever you are.
If you were you would understand - you do want to go in the rapture. Christ Jesus will only step foot on earth twice, the first time was in the biblical time, the second will be for the millennial rain, however during the in between, the church will be called away.
The bible says that this false Christ, the anti-Christ cannot be loosed on earth until that which has held him back is removed - that is the church and we will be removed in the rapture. God does not want his people to go through the tribulation.
Please Please Please talk this out with more people and study the scriptures for yourself. II Peter 2 : 1-3 warns against false teachers. Revelations 3:10, I Thessalonians 2:7, and 1 Thessalonians 4:16 are three main scriptures which talk about the rapture, but there are more.
A truly gifted evangelist is Perry Stone, you can watch him and listen to him on his website too, Or you can listen to my pastor at I can send you messages via email if you would like, but please do not be fooled. Pray and ask God for his guidance and for him to give you wisdom in his teachings. I will keep you in my prayers.
@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
1 Oct 10
I know my Bible. I've read the whole Bible and I still keep reading over and over again. This is the Word of God so I never tire reading it. Yes I know the signs of end times and as I could observe we are on the last days. It is kinda fearful to those who do not know Jesus but to me I await the coming of the Lord with joy. I know that when He comes I will be Him so there is no reason to fear.
Now thanks for the link, I will go and see this.

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@free_man (7330)
• United States
1 Oct 10
Hi Solonga. I like you will rejoyce in the returning of the LORD. The link will lead you to a real man of God. He don't change anything when he is reading and teaching the bible to us. I was brought up by a man that taught us to fear God he didn't explain that we should revere the LORD. And then by Gods will I found the teacher we listen to and I thank God for sending me to this mans teachings. Your welcome. Thanks for sharing.
@etmahawanD (65)
• Philippines
1 Oct 10
yes i know my bible., and i believe what is written in the bible, though man wrote it, because it is borne by the holy Spirit.the bible is Gods breath., what is written in matthew Mark and Luke is still a prophecy,sometimes we may just recognize that what our calamity today are the signs of the coming of our Lord. but i do believe that it is not yet the right time because we are not yet fully matured.,
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@free_man (7330)
• United States
1 Oct 10
Hi EtmahawnD and welcome to my lot. I love learning new things and the teacher we listen to has taught us so many new things that we were never taught. I like you don't think the coming of the LORD is yet but I like our teacher think that it can't be that far off. Look at what us humans have done to this earth and all of Gods creatures. I see so many bad things on the news it just makes me weep for the souls of those that have been done unjust things too. I cry and wonder what God must be thinking about HIS creartions now. I know God don't wake up everyday looking for someone to zap but I bet we as humans must disgust God at times. But one day we will be mature . Thanks for sharing.
@ejedronsrequiebam (19)
• Philippines
1 Oct 10
I am a fervent reader of the Bible, and yes, I see the Signs of the Times, but only a little at a time. The cataclysms that already occur very frequently and at a horrendous level, the situations that happen in the global stage, etc. They are all aligned with the parables and stories that the prophet Daniel and St. John the Evangelist have seen. It is all known in the Bible but most people misinterpret the meaning, and that they even dare to use science to calculate when the real "Omega" will come. The Bible teaches that it is not good to say things in advance other than what God has planned. So even though I see the Signs of the Times I would not conclude this answer with the response of the end to coincide with December 21, 2012.
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@free_man (7330)
• United States
1 Oct 10
Hi Ejedronsrequiebam and welcome to my lot. The people that misinterpret the bibile are the reason I thank God for finding the teacher of Gods word. I have been to several different churches and heard many people say they have come in the name of the LORD but still teach the word untuthful. I quit going to church since I have been listening to this man teach. He don't believe that the world is going to end on that date. He teaches that only God knows the time that HE will end this earth age. When this man teaches he tells us to check him out. He is a great teacher and I thank God for showing me this man.