Is it ok to go above the speed limit?

@manleyjoe (1597)
United States
September 30, 2010 2:05pm CST
I make several trips per month to nearby towns on the interstate system. During these trips I have most of the other traffic pass me driving faster than the posted limit. I know they are going faster because my cruise control is set on the limit. Do you think this is ok or is it wrong? and why?
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16 responses
@sender621 (14890)
• United States
1 Oct 10
Speed limits are posted for our safety and welfare. There should be no reason for us to go beyond the speed limit. It would be so easy to lose control of a vehicle. The faster we go, the more danger we could put ourselves and others in.
@manleyjoe (1597)
• United States
1 Oct 10
Yes they are there for our own safety.
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@owlwings (43907)
• Cambridge, England
4 Oct 10
First, I should admit that I fairly often drive somewhat over the limit of 70mph on motorways. This is not because I get a buzz out of driving fast but simply because I like to drive at a speed which feels comfortable and safe with relation to the car I'm driving, the general speed of the other traffic around me and the driving conditions. Given a reasonably open road and other factors being equal, I find that most cars these days 'like' a speed of around 80 which is rather higher than the powers that be find officially acceptable. Even at this speed on a dual carriageway with two or more lanes, I find that I am passed by people whose foot appears to be heavier than mine. Fortunately, the police are more concerned about people who are obviously driving dangerously than about the actual specified speed limit. There is also the 'snooker' theory that you are less likely to be pulled over if you drive a certain colour car. I'm not entirely sure of the rules but it is supposed to be true that a cop has to 'pot' a red car before he can go for another colour. Black cars (by this theory) might be desirable targets and brown, yellow or green might be less so. I'm not sure where gray or silver might fit into this scheme and white would seem to be a no-no! The situation is quite different in built up areas however. I am very careful to know what the speed limit is (here, usually 30 or 40) and to observe it - so much so that in over 50 years of driving, I have not had a single point taken off my licence. No, it is not OK to go much above the speed limit (certainly not when there are speed cameras about) and it is certainly NOT OK to drive recklessly, to 'cut it fine', to tailgate or to do anything whilst driving that means that your attention is not 110% on the road and traffic around you. There are quite enough idiots on the road already to make an accident ready to happen!
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@owlwings (43907)
• Cambridge, England
6 Oct 10
I give respect where it is due. Individual officers of the law have a job to do and I respect them for that; where speed limits are in force, there is generally a good reason but planners have a habit of not always being logical about the areas they apply them to and the road conditions at the time are ALWAYS more important than any set restrictions (they often indicate that one should drive slower than the set limit, for example).
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@manleyjoe (1597)
• United States
3 Jun 11
I like your idea that autos seem to run better at around 80 mph, I find the ones that I drive, midsize family cars, get much better fuel mileage at around 65 mph.
@manleyjoe (1597)
• United States
5 Oct 10
Thanks for the come back. I am getting the opinion here that you don't have a lot of respect for the "powers that be". It is sad that they have gotten so self indulged that we are developing that attitude.
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
11 Jul 11
Personally I think there are a lot of people who like to go above the speed limit and many times that is acceptable depending on the time of day and where you are at. Like around here on I-5 the sign might say Speed Limit 60, but the cops will not pull you over unless you are driving irradically or going over 65. So most people around here know going 65 is OK. So it might be worth checking out when you are somewhere besides in town.
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@manleyjoe (1597)
• United States
12 Jul 11
That sounds like the police are making their own rules. This could be bad. In the old west the law made their own rules and look at the towns of places like Deadwood SD. Myself I cannot believe it is ok to ever violate the law unless it conflicts with Gods law.
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@carolbee (16230)
• United States
6 Oct 10
Don't think it's a good idea. I would prefer not to have to pay a speeding ticket and obey the law. There are always people that speed by me and I always make it a point to go the speed limit. I've been driving since I was 13. That's many decades and have never had a speeding ticket or an accident. Am a good defensive driver and this is what I need to do in the midwest in order to survive. In fact, I had a Camaro Z-27, SS, 6 speed until 3 years ago and never abused the speed limit during the five years I drove it. Our kids made fun of me for initially buying it but that's a whole different
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@manleyjoe (1597)
• United States
4 Jan 11
I have over 500,000 miles behind the wheel of an auto and have had two accidents. The first was a 84 year old lady that told the officer that she had been driving for over 50 years and had never stopped at that stop sign. I guess the averages finally caught up to her. The other was by a teenager with brand new license speeding up to stop sign and slid into me pushing my car across the intersection. In both cases they would not have happened had they been obeying the law.
• United States
4 Jan 11
I think speeding is wrong but everybody does it. Not to say that is ok but in the end people speed for different reasons. If someone was hurt and needed to get to the ER I could someone speeding, certain reasons could make it ok but in genenral you need to follow the law...
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@manleyjoe (1597)
• United States
4 Jan 11
Hi mom, hope your holidays were good. Your thoughts are good but I can't agree with speeding to the ER, if one is in need of ER treatment then they are in need of EM vehicle to take them there. My bible tells me to that one of God's laws is to obey man's laws except when the law of man is in conflict.
• Canada
30 Sep 10
I think if there is a posted limit then we should try to follow it. They post the limits for safety reasons, so if they've posted a limit it likely isn't safe to go beyond that limit. But many do! I hate it when you are going the limit and you have some impatient lead foot passing you because they are in a big hurry to get nowhere. But I suppose if they pass you then they are gone out of your way, the really dangerous ones will choose to tailgate you. That really gets me annoyed! You are going the limit and you have someone a foot away from your back bumper pushing you to go faster. Highway harassment. Punishment for highway lawbreakers should be make them drive 100 miles behind some granny who drives 5 miles/hr!
@manleyjoe (1597)
• United States
1 Oct 10
Yes tailgating is just about as bad and there never seems to be an officer around when they are doing it. Let them cause an accident and they nwill lie their head off saying they was not breaking the law.
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• Canada
2 Oct 10
Yes, thats right after they push someone for an hour they'd be the first to complain if they cause an accident and of course it would be the other guy's fault. Isn't that the truth too, that you never see a cop when you want to. But have a broken tail light and see how fast they show up out of nowhere and notice that!
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@manleyjoe (1597)
• United States
4 Jun 11
Yes I agree tailgating is a bad thing. When someone tailgates me I will tap my brake enough to make the light come on and get them nervous.
@AmbiePam (96739)
• United States
2 Oct 10
Those who speed are an accident waiting to happen. Everyone always thinks it won't happen to them. I mean, we have enough car accidents with people who do not speed. Those who speed are more likely to triple that amount when it comes to having a car accident.
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@manleyjoe (1597)
• United States
3 Oct 10
I don't know about triple the amount but they sure do increase with the speed. Why push my luck, just leave a little earlier and have plenty of time to reach my destination.
@gantwick (849)
• United States
1 Oct 10
Depending on road conditions, the highway patrol usually gives drivers a bit of leeway on driving speed. One officer I know said that his rule of thumb is, "Eight you're great, nine your mine," referring to the MPH over the limit a driver is going. Car speedometers can vary, so you're probably safe going a little over the limit. Except in school zones, I usually go about five MPH over the limit and I've never been stopped.
@Rtlsnk316 (1197)
• Mexico
30 Sep 10
Well Joe, I think this is just using common sense. First of all, there's a reason a speed limit is determined, so, it would be a violation of the law, second, it's about security for yourself and people around you, higher speed means that accident risk increases or the opportunity for yourself to be able to handle the vehicle in case it gets out of control would be reduced. So, in no way it's right to do so. Although we might bring up reasonable excuses like, taking an injured or ill person to an emergency room, hospital, etc., but regardless the risk is still there. Let's just try to minimize it.
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@manleyjoe (1597)
• United States
1 Oct 10
Rtlsnk316, thank you for your input, you have added some real good advice for others to follow. I can testify that if you follow the laws you can get where you are going just as fast as you can by breaking the law. I have seen this time after time during my career as a safety personal.
@cream97 (29085)
• United States
1 Oct 10
Hi. manleyjoe. No. I don't think that it is okay for other people on the road to go that faster. They could cause an accident. Or they could become a part of an accident themselves too. It is never safe for someone to drive so fast while they are on the interstate. It is not only careless to do so, but it is very dangerous and risky!
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@manleyjoe (1597)
• United States
1 Oct 10
That is right it has been proven that speed does cause accidents.
@LaurenInLA (2270)
• United States
30 Sep 10
Of course it is wrong, but I have rearely if ever been on the freeway without people passing me even when I am going slightly over the speed limit. What I find even more irritating is that oftentimes, there are police present and they are not only tolerating the speeders but they are also speeding themselves.
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@manleyjoe (1597)
• United States
1 Oct 10
I was recently visiting relatives in Palm Springs and there even the police drive faster than the posted limits. I know that sometimes the police hands are tied when the traffic is heavy and stopping someone would cause more of a hazard than the speeders are.
@kjones505 (271)
• United States
1 Oct 10
Its never ok to go past the speed limit. The speed limit is there for a reason. Its there to be followed and in turn keep everyone safe. I take the speed limit to be a target that should not be reached but be aimed at. For example, if the speed limit is 45 MPH then I hover around that speed as I am driving. I may go between 42-44 MPH but I rarely reach 45 MPH and never do I go over 45 MPH.
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@manleyjoe (1597)
• United States
1 Oct 10
That sounds to be a good practice. myself I set my cruise control at 70 when on the freeway and just let the speeders pass on by. Even then I get some cussings because I am not driving faster.
• Brazil
30 Sep 10
i´m in favor of speed, but only when it is possible, not on a curve or on the rain... i dont do any crazy stuff
• Brazil
30 Sep 10
great, i would like try windsurf once!
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@manleyjoe (1597)
• United States
1 Oct 10
Renanfreitas, what kind of example is that setting for our young people?
• Brazil
1 Oct 10
i´m not taking any example, i always liked speed, motorcicle, F1, even to athletics with that 100mts, i just like speed but i´m not that kind of person that do crazy stuffs like speed at empty streets, or high speed at curves... if i´m at a long straight road i like to fells the car engine... that´s all
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@mldsmd (38)
• United States
1 Oct 10
who cares?!? Drive as fast as you'd like, screw the government! Now if you get caught, of course you pay the consequences but my motto..."it's only illegal if you get caught"
@manleyjoe (1597)
• United States
2 Oct 10
Why chance taking some child with you?
@mldsmd (38)
• United States
1 Oct 10
you know you can get taken out doing just about anything, so why worry? I mean seriously why live life like a little chicken scared to have fun? I know anytime could be my time, whether I'm driving or just walking down the street. When it's time to go it's time to go, going to enjoy it while I'm here.
@mldsmd (38)
• United States
3 Oct 10
The discussion as far as I know was only about speeding in general, not under different circumstances. When I'm in clear traffic I don't worry about it, when I'm in traffic or anything like that (including possible pedestrians) I drive extra carefully. Nothing would be worse than to cause an accident where someone else is fataly injured. Not dumb enough to ignore that.
@derek_a (10873)
1 Oct 10
I guess I have a philosophy on this and that is, if you don't want to get fined or lose your driving licence (here in the UK) don't break the speeed limit. I keep the to the limit, and I have noticed that later in my journey, perhaps I arrive at some traffic lights and come to a stop right behind the vehicle that had not long ago sped past me, using more fuel than necessary and risking a fine, perhaps from a hidden speed radar. For a few minutes, I have to ask if it is really worth, risking your life, and the life of other drivers and pedestrians if they happen to get in the way. _Derek
@manleyjoe (1597)
• United States
1 Oct 10
Very good thoughts there, I am seeing that I catch up to some of the ones that passed me. I also am guilty of sounding my horn when I pass one alongside the road that the law has stopped, and giving the officer the ok sign.
@kun2349 (23381)
• Singapore
1 Oct 10
I believe majority of drivers often go above the speed limit.. haha =D That's the mentality of many drivers because they are not the only ones speeding and they wont be the unlucky ones to be caught, as well as involved in accidents.. haha =D To ple whom dun keep to the speed limits, are the cause of accidents. IF they are late for any events etc, it's their own fault. Speeding might allow them to reach their destination on time, but it can also hold them back, never reaching at all.. haha =D
@manleyjoe (1597)
• United States
1 Oct 10
Good thought, I always try to leave home a little early so as to be on-time.
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