How often do you leave your children?
By Brooke
@o2bnocn (2992)
United States
September 30, 2010 6:44pm CST
I have a friend that is always leaving her daughter in daycare or with someone. She even left her daughter with someone for an entire summer. Now she is putting her daughter in preschool.
I don't know about anyone else but I don't believe in this. I understand for people that have to leave their children. She doesn't have to though. Maybe I am judging her too harshly but I just don't believe in this.
When I have babies and children I don't want to leave my children in daycare, unless I have to. I feel that she leaves her daughter way too often. I don't say anything to her because I don't feel that it is my place to say anything to her. Just start a mylot discussion about it!
With all joking aside. It saddens me to see so many parents leaving their children and never spending time with them. I think that parents need to spend quality time with their children and babies.
I do believe everyone needs a break. Although a break stops somewhere. A break doesn't involve leaving your child everyday and all of the time. I guess this goes along with the opinions of stay at home moms. I think society puts stay at home moms down but what about the babies that benefit from it?
If the mother really wanted to work and spend time with the baby, they could wait until the baby goes to school. I know everyone's situation is different. I also know that people have different views on this.
I am afraid that her daughter will grow up and she will barely have gotten to spend time with her. She might spend time with her more than I think, but I doubt it. I am also afraid that they will not be close.

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10 responses
@phyrre (2317)
• United States
1 Oct 10
It might be sad from the perspective that you're looking at it, but how can you say it's not necessary? Do you know her financial situation and that she doesn't need to work in order to afford things for her daughter? I'm not saying that's what the case is here, but I know a lot of people that need daycare for their children because they don't have the luxury of being able to stay home all day with them. If you do have that privilege, then great, but don't speak down to those who don't. They work equally hard for their children.
I know a single mother who just went through a divorce and her little girl is probably 5 or 6 at this point and, yeah, she goes to daycare or is babysat by someone quite frequently as her mother needs to work 40 hours a week in order to provide her food, shelter, etc. Is the child somehow emotionally deprived or something? Not that I can tell. She's a very well-rounded, lovely little girl and she understands that Mommy works hard for her and she's fine with that.
That being said, I'm 5 months pregnant currently with my first child. Will I need to work after my baby is born? Certainly. I would love to say I didn't and that I could stay home and raise my baby, but that's just not possible. We need two incomes at this point in time. One day, yes, I might be able to stay home, but until then I don't think my child will be deprived because I work, either. Is it going to kill me to leave them with a daycare or family? Yes. It's going to break my heart every day I have to leave the baby to go to work and I know that. But I also know that they will have the food and nourishment they need, a beautiful house over their head and yard to play with, and they will have opportunities that their father and I never had. Of course, I won't be at work all the time and I certainly do intend to spend off-hours with the baby instead of putting them in a daycare or something, but still.
I'm not saying that this is necessarily the case of the woman you're talking about. Obviously I don't know. I'm just saying don't rush into judging people if you don't really know their situation.
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@o2bnocn (2992)
• United States
2 Oct 10
I know her situation. I have known the girl for ten years now. I understand with people that have to. I was not trying to put people down. I completely understand in your situation. My mother is a single mother and she has to work. Although she was lucky enough to have a at home job when my sister was young. When I was young she didn't work. Although with that being said, my mother could have had to work and put my sister or I in daycare or babysitter.
She got seperated from my father and had to start working to support herself and me and my two sisters. I am not saying there is anything wrong with this. Everyone's situation is different.
Although I know this girl's situation very well and in detail. Her husband makes good money. She keeps working doubles and never sees her daughter. She is pregnant now and about to have another baby. Maybe there is something she is not telling me. Although with everything that I know I don't see a reason for her to leave her daughter that much. WIth her husband making a very well good income. Her daughter also barely ever gets to see their daughter as well.
As I said before everyone has different situations. I am not trying to purposly put you or anyone else down. I was simply stating my opinion. I'm sorry if I offended anyone.
@doormouse (4599)
1 Oct 10
when my kids were young i always worked and left mine either in school or with a childminder,i used to spend about 4 hours a day with them,which i didn't see a problem with that,on the odd ocassion when i was in between jobs i was a stay at home mum,but i found it really mind numbing and was glad to go back to work,my mind is too active to be at home with the kids all day,i need adult company aswell,,my kids never missed out on anything and they still love me,so i don't see a problem with working parents leaving their kids in childcare
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@carolbee (16230)
• United States
1 Oct 10
Everyone needs a break away from their kids every now and then. I was a stay at home mom when our kids were little and enjoyed being here although there were times I wanted to pull out my hair. Wasn't easy taking care of 3 little girls but it was my responsibility to raise them, praise them and love them.
Almost sounds like your friend doesn't enjoy being a mom. Many moms must work so it's understandable they need to use daycare centers or babysitters. I see nothing wrong with this if the parent(s) spend quality time with their kids in the evening. I feel sorry for your friend for losing out on some of the most precious moments of her little girl's life.
On the other hand there are plenty of parents who have kids in daycare, with sitters or preschool while they work two jobs and the kids can be very successful.
@o2bnocn (2992)
• United States
2 Oct 10
Yes everyone situation is different. My mother is a mother of three girls and we must have been a handfull for her at times. Although she loves being a mom and loves babies.
I am a little afraid of that with my friend as well. I would understand if she needed to leave her daughter so much. Although I don't see a reason for it. I also don't see a reason for her working doubles.
This is just my opinion though.
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
2 Oct 10
I haven’t worked outside the home since my daughter was born and now that she’s eight I work from home with my writing etc. so that I am available for her at all times. That is my choice and fortunately we have been able to survive on my husband’s salary and my small income all this time. It is a sacrifice to live on a tight budget but being here for my child means the world to me. My sister has a little girl the same age as mine and has been working since her daughter was six months old. My sister is a single mum and has no choice but to hold down a job so consequently my niece is in day-care, after school care or vacation care all the time. It does sadden me sometimes because my sister and her child are not as close as I am with my child and I don’t know if it is due to the fact that my sister works full time or just personality clashes. Placing children in day-care is not my ideal but when people need to work there is not much of a choice.
@indahfth (11161)
• Indonesia
1 Oct 10
I do not work, so have a lot of time with my kids. But since my kids school, my time with my children only in the afternoon, evening, and morning. Parents often leave their children, would also be utilizing a little time with his child. So all would still be fine as long as the parents, still used the time with his child.
@hardworkinggurl (37063)
• United States
1 Oct 10
It is unfortunate but I too have a friend like this. She is 37 years old and has a sharp 10 year old and the girl is either with one grand mother or the other. She spends all week at one of them, because my friend says she works all week and to hard to drive between the school and work. Then when Friday rolls aroung she rushes out of work and runs home to pick out an outfit, gets all dolled up and then picks up the daughter and rops her off at the other grand mothers house, where the 10 year old spends the entire weekend because my friend is out parting at the club. No body to dare and tell her how she is living her life, but I can see from the little girls eyes and body movements that she is really a sad little girl.
It is unfortunate, but my friend will not listen, even to me who raised two children all on my own and never once dared to party and or leave them outside of work, imagine I could have never been able to sleep at night not knowing my children were not in their beds under my same roof.
However, I feel sorry for the little girl as soon as eh becomes a teenager she will find comfort in all the wrong places. Ugh some people just do not deserve to be parents.
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@wiccania (3360)
• United States
1 Oct 10
Daycare isn't just a place for moms to dump their kids so they don't have to deal with them. Daycare teaches children that it's ok if mommy isn't around, she's coming back. The kids learn not to be scared of the situation. They also learn social skills and get a jump start on their education. Statistically, kids who go to daycare and preschool do better in school than those who don't. Now, imagine how a child would react on the first day of school if they'd never been away from mommy in their lives? It generally ivolves hysterics, temper tantrums and a negative impression of the school environment. Daycare and preschool help prevent that.
Trust me, when you have children, you're going to want to give them the best opportunity to succeed in school possible, and that involves daycare and preschool.
@bwaybaby (903)
• United States
1 Oct 10
I believe that each person can raise their kids as they like, as long as the child isn't hurt or in danger. My mother didn't put my sister and I in daycare, but she couldn't have too much of a career as a social worker since we moved all the time (my dad was in the Army).
I'm not going to put my children in daycare. I mean, I'm not planning on having kids for several years, so I don't know what my life will be like then. But I'm hoping that I'll be able to stay at home with them. I'll put them in pre-school, but not daycare. I find that there's a difference there. I might try to go back to work part time when they're in school. But not while they're young. I don't have a problem with summer camp (either day or overnight) or sending them off to my sister for a week- when she has kids I'll be more than willing to watch them.
@lynne3171 (80)
• China
1 Oct 10
Even though i working full time i don't want to leave my children???
@RebeccaScarlett (2532)
• Canada
1 Oct 10
That is such a sad story. I babysit three brothers whose parents do the same thing. I have babysat on a Sunday night and had the oldest tell me that they had one sitter the previous night, and a different one that morning! 3 sitters in less than 24 hours? Why have children if you don't like kids?